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I thought that was too old a meme by now. We're into "Baby Shark"! Well, I haven't seen any "Baby Shark" cartoons here. I guess some things should last forever. That was the easiest 100 points I ever got in my life. Thank you for that!

The game was too easy. I notice a lot of things can spell out STD. There was "Kim Possible: So The Drama". I thought you were talking about Psyguy. He's a user here.

For something simplistic, this was really good. I didn't understand how to advance. I thought the other squares were new levels. The levels just went on forever. I'm glad I figured it out. Some blocks were pretty annoying.

It was hard at times for it to be rewarding. Wait, does that mean? The music was good not that I really listen to it. I even love the title. There were a lot of things to click that left you outside the game.

Sulfur-Cretin responds:

Thanks! Originally each character would have had a different ending/challenge. But it was for a jam so I kept it small

I like the layout, with how it looks like an old fashioned game. It still wasn't great. It was kind of boring. I liked how you had a lot of mobility. I could know the acid was bad. At least you didn't need to say the spikes were.

I don't play games from you often. I miss your animutations. The music was fairly good. You rarely see sprite work this simplistic. I could still get through it.

Yeah, I can understand why people didn't like this. It's really hard! I could at least get into the animation. I just wish there was more gameplay. It would have been interesting to have more than just one level. Thank you for yet another easy medal.

I didn't quit the game! I just lost! Well, I did refresh the page. I love that "Lucky Star" animation. You have good designs for these characters, it's just very difficult.

Just-a-ng-dummy responds:

Thx for playing Ericho! The game wasn't supposed to be more than defeating motherfuckin' Pistachio Man and I kinda just wanna let it stay that way!

Plus I have more other more serious projects on the side! Other than that I guess I could tweak some more values again for an easier boss fight!


I ended up liking the game, but it was annoying with how easy it was to die. I mean, it didn't even say how I was supposed to die at first. I was so confused at being randomly frozen. That's one short title. Well, nowhere near as short as "B". I loved the sprite work.

The enemies had great variety too. I especially enjoyed how unpredictable they were. I'm glad they weren't too hard. It was annoying that my score got so low. I got medals for killing enemies, so no one cares.

I'm sorry, but it was hard to get into. I guess it was more challenging as it went on. I thought you'd have much more mobility. Instead, it was just you in the same spot punching the same enemies over and over. It looked like a Madness cartoon. I mean, there have been tons of those recently.

The sounds were okay. It just had no variety at all. We all know what it's like having trouble falling asleep. You needed a lot more detail. I'm at least good at this game.

TrickWithATwist responds:

I appreciate your feedback :)
I agree with you with the lack of variety. I made this game under 5 hours for a game jam so I couldn't add much.

I have to admit that I couldn't really get into this that much. I was at least motivated to get the medals. I didn't know how to get past certain medals. I would have to watch more precise gameplay. Thank you for at least giving us some gameplay. It was just too slow for me.

It at least had a very simplistic layout. I liked learning what the powerups meant. It took too long to get really interesting. People with more patience should enjoy it. It's certainly playable.

It was pretty fun to see you highlight the stuff. It's hard to remember Hank looked like that. It all comes together now! There was a marshmallow there! Well, that was because of the Improbability Drive. This music got annoying.

We have certainly had a great Madness Day. Oh, so that really is what Krinkels looks like? Yeah, that is what he looks like. It's a pity there weren't more Madness games released this year. We still got a great day!

I was disappointed you couldn't shoot the barrels. This did seem kind of wonky. I wish the graphics were better. It still delivers what you would want, a Madness game! This had real depth. I mean that in a literal sense.

It certainly got loud. It was at least louder than most Madness flashes. Well, you are in right on the action here. The different kinds of weapons were really cool. It could be hard to tell where to shoot.

Damn, I had no idea this game would be so difficult! You had to defeat the villain like five times! There were five different health bars to go through. Health bars, those are something that you eat. I could still appreciate that. There was just so much going on.

I thought you'd find them one after the other immediately. I realize that's why the music selection was so important! I haven't played a Bullet Hell game in a long time. This was certainly Hell. It still managed to be enjoyable.

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