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This wasn't that enjoyable. Dang, I really do need to read the instructions first. The graphics were decent, but it was just the same stuff over and over. I appreciate you having some fairly good designs. It is, however, just the same attacks over and over. It could have just been more complicated.

It doesn't help that the guys just block so quickly. I don't think I can even block by using the arrow keys. The music was pretty suiting. It didn't seem like there was much of a way of forming a strategy or anything. Still, it's been awhile since I've played a fighting game here.

There wasn't much in terms of graphics, but it was still nice to play. I just wish I could understand how to get ahead. I mean, I tried going to the side of the screen or to the spikey things, but I only lost health. I didn't see any instructions anywhere. I am glad there are numerous choices for music. I thought it was going to be like that classic Snake game.

It just came off as too ambigious to me. There must have been a way to make the snake longer. I could just never figure out how. It probably looks dated too. You should have made it more like the original Snake game, if that's what you were aiming for.

I saw some interesting originality in this. Like other games, it does make the mistake of being too simplistic. The gameplay is good, but the graphics need a lot of improvement. I couldn't even understand how I was losing in this. I was thinking that it might have been shown by car crashes, but I didn't see any. I guess it's too morbid of me to expect that.

The music seems to be pretty suiting. It does seem like there's a fair amount of things going on. If you're a fan of games like this (and I really don't know many others like this, maybe the classroom) you might want to check this out. There seems to be enough space. I wasn't sure whether to click on the words or the traffic signals on the menu.

I admit that I'm not used to RPGs like this. In fact, I'm not even a fan of most RPGs to begin with. That being said, I still thought this was pretty good. The best part is how simple the gameplay is. I just think it's strange to play a game like this where you don't take turns. It certainly makes it harder. I was expecting for a wider space to explore.

I still have to admit it is fairly well done. It is something unique and while it is hard, it works on several levels. It sounds like you're working on an interesting project. Some people would just make anything a day (cough cough Star Syndicate cough cough), but this shows vision. It's hard to make that much sense of it, but still good.

Wow, this is another game that just has a certain point where I can not beat it at all. I thought at first that I lost health by going in the water. I now realize that was just the sound I was making with my weapon. The hard part is on level 1-2 (I think?) where there's a waterfall next to a wall. I don't think you can latch onto it quick enough. The bats were freaking murder.

It was cool to have different weapons. However, at the same time, it was kind of obnoxious, as I had to aim everything correctly. The graphcs are good, though. If you have a lot of patience, check this thing out! It's a doozy!

I didn't think this had anything to do with the "Call Of Duty" game. Heh, it looks like doody. I appreciate you trying to make something original. I don't know why this appeared on my playlist or whatever it is you call it. I was in no way expecting this. I am reminded of a cartoon here about a clown named "Doody".

What annoyed me is that I wasn't able to get any hits at all. It was strange how I thought I was so close to doing it. Anyway, the graphics are surprisingly good. It's a pretty weird game once you think about it. I guess the bit about you being randomly electricuted made it look like that.

It looks like this time with the competition there isn't much of a theme. At least there isn't one that I understand. I think this is an okay game. What annoys me about it is how hard it gets when you get to the rising saw. I've tried everything and nothing works! It's weird how I was tricked into thinking it was easier at first.

I don't even know what happens when I touch that chicken. I think it's a pretty interesting world you've created. It starts out mundane, but then just has a giant saw. Then again, I guess you would have saws on a farm. Just not ones that float up and down.

PXLFLX responds:

Yea, no real theme but to make a complete game in the time provided. Try slowing down and jumping under the saw when it's up high, or wait until it's low and double jump (hit z twice) over it. I'll warn you thou, it gets a lot harder.

This was really weird, because of how I had no idea what was going on. I didn't know when something was a cutscene, but it was easy to tell after awhile. I think the weirdest thing here is how it's part of two competitions! I didn't even know that was allowed! I appreciate this game for being unique. I thought it was too easy with how the water didn't hurt you at first.

In fact, I thought you couldn't be killed by anything, even the spikes. It's interesting how you later lose your ability to swim or whatever. You can't even TOUCH water anymore! It has very creepy atmosphere, which makes it effective. While some of the strangness takes away its enjoyment, it's still not bad.

I am sad to say that I really have no idea what this character is from. I'm usually so good about soundboards. Anyway, it sure has been a long time since I've reviewed or even seen one. I think this is a well done soundboard. People who are fans of this guy should be able to associate. It's amazing how many things you can do with one word.

Of course, most curse words are like that, especially the f-word. I like this depiction of him. Did you draw that yourself? Yes, I do in fact still go to a certain website where I found out about this. It's fun to just listen to them all at once.

UsedCarMan responds:

He's Jim Lahey from The Trailer Park Boys, an amazing canadian TV show. Check it out, its great.

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