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I guess I am just used to seeing more detailed stuff from you. I mean, this actually was good in its details, but it didn't seem to be worth it to understand it. I do appreciate you looking for something new. It's amazing how we're having this dare over Pico Day. The music was quite good and seemed to set the tune. I don't know much about the real geneva convention.

It just seemed like there wasn't much I could do here. I'm used to playing games from you that have a more clear understanding of how to play it. The directions should really not be that complicated for a game made only in two days. Hey, stuff exploded for no reason! I just don't have the time to be interested in this.

You know, I really should realize by now that when everything is a secret medal, it isn't that hard to get it. Yeah, I'm still not going to tell anyone how I did it. You should be able to figure it out on your own. I thought this was kind of a weak entry for Pico Day 2013. I thought the words used in this were maybe backwards, as they were so strange.

They are not. I can tell that this reckoned back to the days of simpler games. With that in mind, it wasn't very well detailed, although it was nice to have a game where it was pretty easy to understand. I don't even know if I could go to the shop or anything. Flup is a pretty funny word.

CyberDevil is the only person I see here. It makes sense, as he's one of the most accomplished people on this website. He even has more reviews than me, lol. Anyway, I really didn't care that much for this. I do think that it was interesting to experiment with this theme. I could have sworn that I pressed the right letters, but I lost.

I can't say that this was too easy, as it wasn't. The music wasn't bad. I don't really understand what the whole thing was with how I was warned about it. I guess it was intended to be some kind of gimmick. Congradulations on being featred in Ludum Dare 26.

I admit that I wasn't into this game at all. I found it nearly impossible to beat the level as I couldn't find a means of defense. I am so glad that there is one after all. You know how to create an interesting world with crazy things going on. It was interesting to see the harder enemies show up time after time. I kept thinking each new one was a boss.

The graphics were fairly good in this. I just appreciate how good the sounds are. It gives you the sense of being in this boxed area with these monsters. I really don't know what's going on, but I like ths. If this had been on Ludum Dare 26, I would have called it the best in the series!

I think this is a pretty basic game. In fact, that might be why I didn't like it that much. I do have to acknowledge that it can be a pretty hard game for its simple premise. You really have to know exactly where to hit these guys. It's mostly the notion of being able to know what distance. I thought at first you just had to be near them on the screen itself.

Perspective is everything in this. There's another submission that has the same name only with an extra "L". That's funny. I think the sounds were decent, but you kind of need to have more background. I was somewhat eager to go on because of how challenging it was.

Like most people would say, I think the biggest flaw with this is probably the low fuel. For the most part, it is still a good game. I think its biggest strength is how good the graphics are. You just get the sense that you're in a nicely animated world. The sounds are nice too. I noticed that the employer's name is Natas. I myself once wrote a story about a guy with that name.

You stole my idea! Why does that always happen to me? I thought that just going into an empty space wouldn't give you any points. I'm not sure how that would work in a real life business. I don't think I'll sign up for an account on the website.

For the most part, this game isn't that bad. I do have the problem with how the same control is used on both the rising and the shooting button. I guess that's kind of minor, know that I think about it. It also just seems kind of poorly done. You just move off the screen into an empty space when you lose. I think the 2.0 name has been discredited nowadays.

The sound effects aren't bad. For some reason, The Top 100 Worldwide simply can not load. I guess this may be good for a really quick play, but not much else. You just need to have more detail. I can tell this is an idea that can be done better.

I'm as much of a fan as Hangman as any other guy, so I really enjoyed this. I appreciate how you had all the themes of the original game. It isn't very descriptive, but it certainly doesn't need to be. Basic games can work out well. I think this may have been easier than some of the other kinds I've played. It's pretty hard, as you don't have any hints, at least in the Normal Mode.

The sounds are fairly decent. I like how I'm able to figure them out, sometimes at the last moment. Tension can make a game good. I don't know what the +s mean in the title. Did I say that right?

This was pretty weird as I thought it would be more complicated. I did in fact end up being part of a challenging game as I lost on the seventh try. Still, there's not much to be said about a game where you win six times in a row. Dang, that orc is a poor loser. Anyway, I appreciate the decent graphics. I guess I was just hoping for a game where you fought someone.

LOTR is a big enough franchise to have different kinds of games. It was interesting to have it go harder so quickly. Not much else to say, other than that it is fairly unique. I know there's some kind of magic trick where you always lose. Thankfully, that wasn't the case here.

Asvegren responds:

very old game, an experiment mostly i guess!

Well, this was a rather intersting submission. The thing I don't understand about this is how I have pretty bad control. Apart from how I can't stop moving in the same place, I just can't go anywhere at times. There were occasions where I couldn't even go into the next room. I'm not even sure if I was supposed to. I appreciate you paying tribute to this website.

It wasn't so much about Pico Day as it was about the site in general. Seeing as how he's the mascot, I guess it makes sense. I thought this would be a parody of "The Venture Bros". Dang, is that an awesome show. There could have been better designs, though.

deathink responds:

HAHA, well what makes it pico day related is it take place at the pico day party :)
sorry about the bugs, i was up till 3am trying to get it ready and then left for pico day at 5am so I didn't get to test it . it will be fixed soon.

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