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Fairly difficult

I should have really known it was going to take more than the average amount of effort to beat this game. I do; however, like it because it has such a simple premise to it and still manages to be hard! The animation is really good especially with how the oxen are drawn. Another cool thing were the cutscenes and how you could skip them easily. An ox who does not like the cold is something out of the ordinary. The environment has so much detail put into it even though it's in a small space.

You have to time it just perfectly to jump across because you have to go on each platform on the lefthand side. The slightest miscalculation can totally throw you off. It can get pretty frustrating but what matters is that the premise is very enjoyable. I would know what it's like to suddenly be in a place that's really cold. It still does not snow in Florida of course.

J-qb responds:


I did

Wow, this was one of the most amazing games I have ever played here on Newgrounds! It takes a little bit to get interesting but when it really does, it completely takes off from there. I still think there should be a medal you get once you get every single upgrade. It is too bad this was not submitted around Christmas time. It's great to see all the creativity put into this, like the cranes and the ultimate prize which I will not spoil for anybody. There was also a really cool way of putting up the medals.

I loved how this was just so utterly graceful in everything I did. Too bad I did also not know you did not get a medal for beating the game. This had tons of great heart to it and I played it for over and hour and was proud of it! The graphics are fantastic and there is just so much going on with so much detail put into everything! Congradulations on making one of the most fun Newgrounds games, my friend!

Lots of fun

It's a pity that this did not get points for its medals as I could easily see this becoming popular on the website. For people who are always looking for medals (like me) this was a hidden thing to play. It was really cool with how funny the animation was. The guys are basically just heads with stick arms and legs. The best thing is that the premise is so simple and I do not think you can lose simply by going behind. It was also a great idea to have those things that helped you out.

It was cool to just look at them, because they contrasted with the character design. Actually, every design seemed to contrast with itself, even the ledges the player is on. I thought they might have different abilities for each block, but they are apparently just there for show. It is also cool to see the guy drop from Heaven back into the game. This definitley has really good spirit to it.

Very impressive

I wasn't too interested in this game at first, but it certainly got better as it came along. A person like me really has to look over each detail. I loved how there were so many enemies and they had a health bar as it was getting confusing if the bar signified by health or the enemies or even health at all. My only complaint is that the graphics could have been a bit more detailed. You were not using pixels but seemingly something else I can not describe. It took me awhile to realize that there was more of the screen to go around.

It can be annoying to hit those guys who are on the top of the screen. It is even difficult to determine if you are hitting them, but everything works out with the stealth jets. This is something you can really take your time with and the sounds match everything up well. The music is very nice as well and suits the war atmosphere of the game. More detail is really the only thing that was missing from this.

That's a unique game

I have no idea what "tangram" means nor do I think I have even played a game like this before. This was great to play because it was just so fascinating. It was unlike anything I had done before and it took real grace to take care of it! You have to put the shapes on just right so you make a true work of art when you are done with the level! Thank you for the minutes as it can be a bit strenuous to perfectly organize. The hardest part is probably controlling the shapes once you have gotten hold of them.

The shapes seem to fly around a bit when you hold them and often go to the wrong angle. I like how the background and graphics are really simple, but the game is so complex. This is probably not for all tastes but definitley for someone who is good with organization. Each shape really takes on a life of its own as it flutters about. It is too bad this did not get much publicity here as it's a great game.


This was fairly good for a really quick laugh. I know I have heard of the snapolope before, probably with how it was used in an advertisement of some kind. The best thing about this was that the graphics are really good. When it said it would not be as easy next time, I thought maybe there would be more levels, but I do not think there would be. The best way to improve this would be to put in more levels. The detail in the single level it does have is actually really well done.

I like how the snapolope takes on a more cartoonish appearance than the background. You are good at giving the game depth that way. I can not really give any tips on this as all you seem to need to know is click that string. Yes, it is a little difficult to click it, but you should get used to it. The sound effects were nice too, you just need to have a lot more things going on.

Different, but good

This was a very different game to play but luckily I always notice a game or cartoon's uniqueness. I thought this was going to be something really flashy, but it actually was not. I think you used the sound from "Sonic The Hedgehog" to create the effects for this. As it got more difficult, you really had to time what you wanted. After awhile, you can simply go whenever those red blocks are not in front of you. It was a nice touch to throw in bonuses you could get for various reasons.

I would suggest that you work on having a background as a game without one does feel like it's really lacking something. The best thing about this is that you really managed to make something simple a lot of fun. It is hard to understand it at first. I thought maybe I was supposed to click on the stars or something. As there are 100 seconds, it was good to set up a limit because it gets frustrating as it goes on.

A nuclear eagle?

I thought this game was pretty stylistic, but it did have the problem of being difficult. It got a little repetitive just hanging onto people and having them get eaten over and over. The best part, however, was that it was simply cool to be a mighty eagle and be able to pick people up and drop them! The artwork in this is good, but it's not some of DrNeroCF's best stuff. It was fun just to hear those people scream but it annoyed me when they brought out their guns. The most fun thing was probably when I lifted up police cars.

While I usually did not get many people into the nest through the police cars, it's still fun to watch them blow up! It's a pity the newspaper at the beginning goes by so fast you can not read it. All I saw was that it started off by saying, "A big giant mutant eagle...". There could have been some more detail put into the citizens. It does work for being fun to play as the idea is quite unique.

Great defense game!

This seriously has some of the best and most creative graphics I have ever seen in a defense game! At first I thought it got a bit repetitive but it was great to see the different variety of enemies that appeared in this! I am so glad this got a higher score when I first saw it. The best part was using the electricity to zap the enemies like that. Sometimes you can just wait for your power to refill and then zap all of the enemies at one time! I liked how the enemies were spread out so it was easier to spot them.

It was just so fun to see those planes (the big ones and the small ones) blow up like that. I loved hearing the screams as these guys were incinerated. The art is absolutely fantastic and every single line is drawn with exact detail. It was great to see what new kind of enemies would show up as they all had very unique designs. As a big fan of defense games, I can say this is one of the best ever!

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