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Hard to understand

I had a ton of problems with this submission, because I could simply not understand any of it. On the first level, I played this guy who was supposed to avoid being hit by lightning, I think. I had no way of telling when the lightning was going to come or even where I was. It really does not help that the graphics are bad. On the second level, I find myself just jumping over water until I eventually hit it and die. I thought the third one was one that I earned, but apparently that is not true.

The best thing about this is that it is really easy to stop because it is not addictive. I suggest that you have to put in some kind of sound. It should not be difficult, all you have to do is go to the NG audio portal or another place and put any song you like. You also need to have sound effects. The graphics need to have far more detail put into them and a much wider use of colors and shadows.

Greencheekyconure responds:

Thanks for the CC, I'm gonna try to make it even easier to see whats ahead, using your advice i've added some badass music, thanks!

Too addictive

I was not even aware that BubbleBox sponsored other people. Anyway, this was a great game to play if only because it was extremely addictive and I could simply not get my hands off of it! It was really cool to have a game like this where you actually set out for a certain goal. I am not quite sure what the point is of tequila time when it doesn't make your targets any easier. Of course, it is just cool and that's all that matters here. It was funny to see this Mexican randomly gets his clothes blown off until dying.

Those police are really hard to kill if you are trying to simply shoot at them. You also have to be very wary of the upcoming targets as they go by so fast. While the animation is a little simple, it makes up for it by having very complicated gameplay. Call me silly, but I find it funny whenever that guy says, "Arribaa!". I am glad that so many people worked together to make this game.

Works well

It is hard to give this a rating because there is simply so little that happens. I guess it would be crude for me to like or dislike this simply because it is easy or hard to get medals. That being said, I found this to be an enjoyable game because it seemed fair. There were some times where it was misleading, but you got used to it. I guess I did kind of stop trying that hard after I got the first medal. The graphics and music are done pretty well.

I like how funny the stick figure looks when he has to crouch down to avoid getting crunched. It assures the player that he has nothing to worry about granted his or her perception works fine. Another funny part was how it made that silly sound. I do have to really give you credit for creating a game so simple but it still has effort put into it. It is certainly that you can never completely finish.

Too addictive

Probably the only reason I am giving this such a high score is because this game is so blasted addictive! I have no idea how to advance as more of these guys keep on coming and coming! It is definitley a great game because it has some of the most impressive graphics I have seen in a defense game! The designs for each of the enemies is simply fantastic and so well detailed. There are so many things to do, should I add more things or upgrade the things I already have? It can be both good and bad with how there is such a long way to go.

The best thing about that is that it gives you lots of room to put towers. The worst part is that you have to wait awhile, but of course you can always just speed up the game. Seeing as how there are a lot of toys, it's understandable to see how there could be so many designs. This is DEFINITLEY a defense game on steroids. As one who is a huge fan, this is one of the best I have ever played.

Good to see you on the front page

The people at freeworldgroup make a lot of geniunely good games. It is sometimes hard to notice the progress you guys have made seeing as how you all have so many submissions. This is a great example of how you can become popular. As for the game itself, it was good if a little too cute. I guess I have become too cynical as a song as cheerful as "Candy Zoo" seems a bit annoying to me. The best thing about this game is that it was made with real heart.

I seem to be having a bit of a problem as I keep clicking the cage and it's only after like five clicks it works. I probably read the instructions wrong. The animation was good and I can now recognize the graphics you guys work on. It is too bad those stars are usually too hard for me to get. While certainly a long game, it's fun most of the way.

I understand

Now I truly realize what you meant when you created your "Dot Dot Dot" cartoon. I will be much kinder on you and realize that this was supposed to be a joke and not taken seriously. There are tons of other joke games out there that are just lame. I was glad you had the decency to put in that good voice acting not to mention a ton of good songs. I doubt you can really lose in this game as it is supposed to be really easy. Even for a joke game, the animation was actually not half bad.

I have never really been a fan of RPGs as they always seemed to be too complicated for me. I guess that this could have used more work (or maybe some medals). The thing I enjoyed was that it was just so easy for me to go on. You deserve all these reviews for making something significant to the website, if nothing else. Maybe you could try to put the pixels at higher resolution.

Looks great

It is hard to judge a preview, especially a preview for a game as you are not doing anything. Well, this was kind of an interactive trailer as you were able to advance onto the other side of the screen. This looks to be more of the same, only even better. Most sequels try to top what the previous one did by adding more stuff. That sometimes doesn't work for movies, but it definitley works for Newgrounds games! I am going to assume that this simply goes on forever as that is what it seems.

The coolest thing about this is probably how you are going to be able to send your own men out. It probably would have been a little better if you had shown the instructions, but still a great trailer. Actually, it is not really a trailer as I believe it is different every time you play it. The colors are done really well and all of the monsters are very well designed. Let us hope that this is the best game in the series yet!

Probably your best game yet

I was easily reminded of the "Bubble Trouble" game by MiniClip and while this was not as good, still decent. I am now starting to get used that drink logo appearing at the beginning. I suggest that you put a little more detail like maybe having more things going on in the background. The artwork for this was still decent and I really liked how you could get used to the gameplay. The best tip for playing this is to immediately launch the rope when a bubble comes near.

In the latter levels, there are so many it is actually difficult to launch a rope anywhere without not hitting a bubble. The premise may be a bit too simple, but it still works. Hey, I'm a good gamer and I managed to die a lot of times. It was interesting how you put it a more child-like feeling to it with the teddy bears. I'm glad to be a review above Coop.

gameonade responds:

Thank you for that review and the nice words :)

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