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Decent game

I was confused by the gameplay at first because I thought you were on something vertical. I thought you were supposed to dig through the ice or something, but then I realized it was shot from the top. This was a decent game and it is too bad you did not get points with your medals. It is entirely harmless and the best thing about it is probably the artwork. While it is not the most detailed thing, it's still nice to look at. Something weird happened to me on the first level as I did not have to go back to the hole to finish it.

Now, the detail could use some more work with there being more things around. I guess they would, in theory, be obstacles but it would look a little nicer. The music is pretty cheery as well. Ice is never good with me and it was a little frustrating with how you could so easily avoid the goals. This does, however, manage to improve if you take your time.

Twas different

This was cool to play because it was a very original game. The only problem is that it seems to go on a bit too long and there is not too much to offer in terms of gameplay. It's definitley the first game where I had to actually shoot the arrows. I thought they were there to show me where I was supposed to go at first! It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland, not just because of the title but because it was really weird. I am not a big enough fan of "Touhou" to understand this really well.

The animation is decent and the best would probably be when the ship explodes. Too bad you have to die to see that good bit of animation. Anyways, the designs of the enemies were really cool and it was strange to think that this was in space. IT looked more like it was on a picnic cloth or something. I almost want to continue because there was so much music in this I wanted to hear all of it!

Lots of fun

I am not usually interested in match and memory games (probably because there are so few of these games on the website). I was also a bit scared when the screen was so big. Thank you for making it easier with not every single thing being different. I loved this because it was so amazingly basic yet lots of fun. This is the kind of game where you are eager to keep going because it gets easier as more things are eliminated. I felt it was a great Sonic tribute as well.

Many people say the Sonic games have gone downfall since it went 3D, so it's great to see references to the classic games. These designs are simply classic and so are the characters. It seems like they were just never used very well. The music was also classic and it is nice that you wanted to make a tribute to the old style. Now, it could have been a bit more detailed but other than that, great.

Nice score

This was a decent game to play and I was initially disappointed that you could not fire anything. I was quite delighted to find out that there were enemies to shoot at. It seemed a bit annoying with how easy it was to die. I mean, if I moved my ship just a little bit to the left or right when I was on the platform, I would blow up. The good still outweighs the bad, because the music suits the theme and the graphics are good. The way the picture is so big is quite different but still works out well.

It seems like the big picture exists for the purpose of giving the player more room. You are allowed to see what you can not get into. The fact that the ship is small does makes it more difficult than usual to get killed by running into stuff. When I play spaceship games, I usually expect it to be where you go forward all the time. It was at least nice to be able to try something different.

It fits (lol)

This was a good game as it allowed you to get pretty creative. While there is not much in terms of design, what matters is that you have freedom to do what you want. It seems like there would only be one way to solve something, but you still get a great feeling of making your own game here. Do not mistake this for a little kid's game, as it is quite complicated. The music was pretty good as well. The controls could use some work.

It seemed like the frame was shifting a bit too much when you tried to change it or too quickly. You might work on that and also have some more detail put into the game. This was not intended to be detailed so it seemed to work well with what it was supposed to be. You would be surprised at how this can touch your inner child. It is certainly a decent game that does not rely on a bunch of flashy stuff to be playable.

Not bad for a simple game

There was not much to this game, but it was still a good amount of fun to play. I did not look at the instructions at first, so I really had no idea what was going on. The turtle himself is actually well-animated, it's just that he does not do much. I could tell this was supposed to be just something quick and simple so it suceeded at that goal. It was almost too easy; I made his feet red and he did not even seem to mind. The best example of animation is probably the beginning with the orange glass.

I guess that's not much, but I have seen far, far worse games. You obviously made this with the purpose of doing something cheerful and not intended to be anything spectacular. It's the kind of game you would expect to play on a "Sesame Street" website. You gave off a pretty kind message well. Next time, you probably should put in some more detail and have more things going on.


I think this is the first game I've played where I can just click the same things over and over to get ahead. This is the kind of game that seems to require no skill as you just have to get lucky. The creatures are designed alright, but the main strength is that you just made it so simple. It is hard to even call this a point-and-click adventure as it is not even that. You do not really point at anything, just click it. It is hard to give advice because everything in this game seems to be determined by luck.

I am in no way criticizing. In fact, this was a good game to play because you were able to get medals so easily (or rather, not easily depending on how lucky you were). It is certainly a unique game, so I give you points for originality. The backgrounds and everything are designed pretty well. I can understand why a lot of people would not be fans of these kinds of games, but these are definitley good for what they are.

Can't hate it

While this was really not a good game for me, it actually did have a bit of an appealing factor. I think it was because it did have some creativity with the colors and everything. The main fault of this game is that the artwork is just too sloppy. The colors just seem to go out of nowhere and it never leads to anything. The music is weird, maybe next time you should look for some music that is more appropriate. The game also seemed to be slowed down a bit, at least on my computer.

The good parts were that it actually was a pretty good idea, just not executed well. It seems like these enemies could have some really cool designs and distinct styles of attack. I even like how the main guy attacks with the arrows out of his fingers or something. The background could be more than just a solid color. I hope you try harder if you think of making another version.

Got a 90

This reminded me of the "Stick Avalanche" games which I personally thought were better. This does, however, manage to be fairly entertaining because it just has a really good premise to it. The premise is just so simple it is the kind of game that you can easily get addicted to. When it gets harder, you can even get more points without realizing it as the tangerines go away. It seems like oranges would describe that fruit better, though. The sound effects are alright.

The main fault with this is that it is not very detailed and I would have at least like to see some backgrounds being put in. It is a game that can be easily addictive, just needs to have more going on. It is pretty funny to imagine where the tangerines are coming from, as our hero talks about. The text is pretty silly too. This is not for all tastes, but does offer a pretty interesting experience.

That was weird

This is a game that was not really good or bad, it was just a very strange game. The live-action scenes were pretty good, and it was interesting to see them in a Newgrounds game. There might be some problem with the audio as it does not seem to sync up well. Maybe my computer is just getting a slow connection and I should not use the fast one. A complaint is that the cutscenes do seem to go on a bit too long. With live-action video, they just seem really weird.

It can be a pretty confusing game. It does not help that I know little about the game show "Deal Or No Deal". For all of its faults, it actually does have a pretty unique premise to it. Using food for money value is a fairly original idea, but it still seems to move a bit slowly with the cutscenes. It's probably worth checking out for being different.

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