View Profile Ericho

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Still good

I can see why this won Daily Feature as it really still holds up to this very day. I did not even realize at first that you could kill the KKK members on the wall in addition to the ones running. It was funny to just set them on fire and stab them all day. The hardest part was finding out how to stop that butt from farting on the guy. It uses your dark animation and humor, and because of that, it's perfect for Newgrounds. It's too bad you apparently forgot about adding more levels to this, as it really has potential.

Pretty fun

I really do not know what to say about this, other than that it at first seems to be a good way to get medals. The low number of seconds you have is simply unbeatable. I swear I simply can not tell the difference between any of those things in that one round. At least you were nice enough to give me a walkthrough. The graphics are very simplistic, which works fine for itself, not to mention the games are fun to figure out. Puzzle games are something that I will just have to get used to.

Shooting pig!

This gets a big recommendation simply because that shooting pig is so freaking awesome! It is not enough that the pig is able to jump so high (well it's a boar, but still) but to shoot is awesome! It was funny to see the traps that were being set and even cool to just see him get blown up. The game is just so goofy looking, I have to love it. I think this is the first time I played a game where you shot obstacles to get rid of them! This is a very original idea, and I really like the cartoonish feel.

Pretty fun

I had a pretty good time playing this and I enjoyed it to a fair amount. The graphics were decent enough, even if they were not that creative. It was hard to tell which of the things you were supposed to eat, as I did not always pay attention to what the screen said. Now, I did get the feeling that was not anything that original, so it was not great. Still, there is really not much that I do not like about this, so the good outweighs the bad. The little green thing does look pretty cute when he eats.

It was nice

This was a game that was pretty authentic to anime styles. My biggest complaint is that there was not any sound which I usually look forward to. Most people would expect this to be a "Dressup" thing where you could see the character naked. This was fine for me, as you managed to get the anime patterns down very right. It was cool to have things like different skin color, which is a rariety in these kinds of games. There was certainly effort put into this, even if it was far from perfect.

Great stuff!

I thought this was going to be a game at first, but then I thought it wasn't because of how great the opening animation was. I am glad to say that I was wrong again and this was a great game to play! I could swear I only killed four guys on that first level, but whatever. It was fun how there were little games in the game like the starship video game. This may be the first time I ever saw boobs in a stick flash! The animation is simply gorgeous and I would play it just to watch the cutscenes.

It is a puzzle game

Well, I was hoping that this would be more of a game that was action and adventure like, but it was still pretty fun. It was fun to just throw that boomerang and then try to dodge it the closer it got to you. Granted, I have yet to be in a situation where I would be able to use it all. The grahics are nice and I like the design of the cute little cat like creature. I guess all cute creatures start to look like cats to me. I did not even know what I did to become a dark creature to enter the cave on that one level.

Saw this in the forum

I am apparently worth $137.00 and I am glad that I found out about this. I do notice that in my revenue, I have only gotten about $0.70 or so and that still has not accumulated into any checks I have ever gotten. Oh well, this website is more about fun than making money anyway. I found out that even if you had the highest in every category, you would still not make more than $4,000. It is nice to find out information like this on the website like when they made the "Threadgrounds" website. Thank you for giving us this information to learn.

Pretty fun

It is hard to find original games given all the games I have played, so this is not the most creative game that I have played. It is still cool to see this format being used. I like how even in its simplicity, it manages to be a pretty cool game, simply because it's so fun. I did not even know when I was getting powerups for any reason. It was fun to just shoot hoardes of those little square guys over and over. There is not much else to say, except that it did not have anything negative about it.

Not bad at all

I have always enjoyed King.com games simply because they manage to be so cute. I enjoyed playing this because the graphics and the way the characters moved was simply adorable. I also like the little "boink" sounds they make whenever they jump. I will say that it is a bit annoying how you have to get both guys to the other side before you can advance. While not one of my favorite things from you guys, it is definitley playable. You wonder where to go in the beginning.

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