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Not too good

I admit that the song that was shown was not too terrible, but it was not much. I guess the single drawing that you showed was pretty cool-looking, but it did not do much for me. I guess you did do pretty poorly, as you even managed to spell "poorly" wrong. This seems like the kind of thing that would be more appropriate for Clock Day. I guess it was a little nice how you did not just show gay sex or something. Add in a lot more of a storyline and you could make at least a decent game.

Pretty good game

I admit that the graphics in this were pretty simplistic looking. Of course, seeing as how it had such an upbeat tune, I could not help but think that that was part of the appeal of the game. I am not able to advance very far, due to some glitch where I keep jumping up and down. When I do that, I hit the red square which kills me simply be touching it. This game does seem to have some appeal, due to the fact that it has a really cute premise. It has most of the things you would want in a game like this, and the music is pretty nice.

candyapplezero responds:

I'm glad u like the music.

Great game!

I guess I am just lucky in finding a ton of original games today! This has gameplay like none that I have ever seen before, and while it will take awhile to get used to, it is still great work. It was great to just see the massive number of bullets rip the planes apart. I also love how you really gave the player a lot of space to play! You can just go everywhere and while it isn't very detailed, it is definitley a plus. The music is also great and very appropriate for the subject and atmosphere of this really cool game.


That is seriously all that I am able to say at this point! The graphics used in this game were absolutely flawless, and I loved killing those stupid woodland critters in every way I could imagine! Sure, it was hard to get some of the stars, but it is so unfathomably awesome, the player does not care! This is not just something on the Internet, this is something that I could see becoming a professional game like Wii Sports or something! It is fun to just collect everything and shoot at those stupid trees until they are nothing!

I had been playing this game for over an hour and it was just so addicting, I was unable to stop! The sound is extremely authentic and everything is perfect.

Pretty enjoyable

That was a pretty nice tutorial you showed in the beginning of the game, if a little annoying. Still, the designs of the ships seem to be as good as ever. It does annoy me how you have to kill so many bosses just to get one medal, but whatever. The upgrades were interesting, even if this game was not that different than the last one. The music is pretty nice and it was good to throw in so many songs. It is fun in general to shoot up ships in a cool looking area and I like the background too.

Pretty fun

I was not expecting much from this in the beginning, but it turned out to be something that was pretty fun. I think the designs of all the monsters and their body parts was pretty creative. It was so satisfying when I was finally able to get a complete monster and attack. This game might take some getting used to, as it is a unique kind of game. I always enjoy finding new kinds of unique games. I think the one thing that could have made this a lot better is if there was some music in it.

It is pretty fun

While this does look a little cheap by modern standards, it is still pretty fun to play. I do not really hate the Pillsbury Doughboy or anything, but it is fun blowing him up over and over. I think my favorite would probably be the shotgun, as it completely obilerates his head and he still comes back. I also noticed how that seems to be his only "death" where he looks agressive at the torturer. I like how the blow gun just has no reaction from him at all. It was cool to justify how he kept coming back from being attacked.

Quite different

It is strange to see you take such a different route than what you are known for in later years. I can tell this is early as the graphics are not that great. I would recommend this simply because it is probably one of the easiest fighting games that I have ever played! I really liked how you could just press the "D" button over and over and win. I mean, that was literally all you had to do to beat the game at all! The designs were not that original, but simple fighting really made this enjoyable to play.

Funny stuff

I really enjoyed playing this game or more of an interactive cartoon, simply because it was so absurd. You had no idea when it was going to end, and it did not stop in its relentlessness ever. It was fun to just count how many times the bunny would be touched. I was expecting him to pop up on the screen and attack the viewer. While these cartoons are very dark, there is actually a fairly small amount of blood shown in each. That is an interesting technique that gives you originality even as far back as this.

Great game

I can understand why this has a fairly high rating, as it is in fact a very fun game. I love how in the beginning, it is a dream and does not look like much is going on. It is not until interacting with everybody and going around everywhere that it becomes a puzzle game. This is a very fun puzzle game, as the graphics and character designs are interesting and creative. I enjoyed how you saw a close-up of Amil as he was teleported to the next part. I am stuck on the one level with the purple arrow though.

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