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Very fun

Once again, a person like you has taken a perfectly simple premise and put it into a really creative format. I really enjoyed playing this, even though the fifth level was downright frustrating. The music is also really cheerful and seems to set the mood well. The graphics are also relatively simple, but they still manage to get their points across. I enjoyed trying to find out new ways to ricochet everything off itself. I then managed to get everything done on the fifth level in one try by strategy!

Pretty nice

This was a nice game to play, but my biggest complaint is that there is simply no sound at all and that does bother me a little. I still have to give you credit for coming up with something creative. I think this may be the first game I ever played that had you set up tracks for a train. I also like how you can get upgrades like being able to burn down trees. It has limited use, so you are able to pace yourself with its power. The graphics are good, if a little bland, and overall the game is pretty good.

It was not bad

This was far from one of the best games that I have played, but it is decent enough to pass. The music, I admit, is a little annoying and will take some getting used to. The graphics are just really simple and feel as though they could just use a lot more to them. I do think that this gives off a pretty realistic representation of parking. Anybody who has a driver's license can associate themselves with this. I was actually in my first car accident last week, but it's a good thing it was not my fault.

This is hard

I was never a fan of these games when I was younger, nor did I ever really play them. It does not look like I would be that interested in them, as there is not much detail. Despite this, the game is pretty hard as there are so many hazards. I believe that this is a pretty authentic remake of the original game series. The controls are pretty simple, and it must have been unfortunate to submit this on April Fool's Day. The sounds are pretty interesting and original as well, not that I would really know that well.

That's a lot of pee

I simply love how this game shows a censored penis dripping urine everywhere. This game had no purpose whatsoever, which is probably why it was so unfathomably awesome! I can sincerely play this all day, looking for places where the poop may be. It is so ridiculously simple it is something we can all relate to. Sure, I have never gotten drunk before, but man has there been a lot of feces in the toilet. Turning such a common day occurence into a game was simply brilliant.


This was probably one of the lesser games that I have played in awhile, but it was half decent at least. It was pretty cool to see those pretty nice graphics. My biggest complaint with this is that there is simply no sound. It would not be difficult to just find any kind of song (or at least a public domain one) to play. I am not that good with racing games in the beginning, so the controls are hard. It is perhaps not so much that these games are hard for me, it is just hard taken from this angle.

It was not terrible

For something that won T*rd of the Week, that was surprisingly decent. I would definitley not recommend it, but it seems like it took more effort than a lot of other stuff I have seen here. The music is in fact a little annoying, but it does seem to be appropriate for the style. The third level is obviously the hardest for me, and it is pretty hard to find that button. The graphics did a good job at being, um, really mediocre. It reminded me of something like "Space Invaders" where you had to test your reaction time.


Wow, this was simply a very fun game to play, simply because it was so simple. It took me awhile to get the joke, but then I found out Kevin Bacon was in the movie "Tremors". I have gotten all medals except the last one, as they are fairly easy with skill. The graphics in this are cute and seem like something from "Earthbound". Yeah, it would have been nice if I could the giant worms, but still very cool. I like the way the characters just jump all around with everyone following each other.

Dang hard

This is one of the hardest games that I have had to play in a long time, or at least one that had medals. There is simply no way to avoid going into that thing on the right side where you are sucked into a trap. I simply can not understand these controls for beans. Nothing ever seems to go the way I want it to! It doesn't help that the only medals are ones that are extremely hard to get. At least the music is pretty appropriate for the scenery and I did like how the graphics worked well in their simplicity.

What can I say?

This is not one of the most enjoyable games I have played, due to the fact that there is just not much detail. It is a pretty cool way to get some medals, but definitley a lot harder than you would think. The graphics seem to be designed well enough. When all you have is trees, there is really not much to work on. The music was kind of weird, but it was not particularly annoying. I like how the design is so simple looking but it really does get harder as it goes on and happy April Fool's Day!

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