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How pleasant

This game was pretty lacking in terms of crazy stuff going on, but that was just okay. I really like how the music is just among the most peaceful I have ever heard. The most annoying letter for me to use was definitley "P" as it was hard to balance. This had one of the most simple designs, yet it still managed to be really neat. There is really not much else to say about this, as it is simply so simple. I am glad people can just make a really pleasant and easy to understand game, as you stated on the first level.

A great game!

This has got to be one of the best "Differences" games that I have ever played! It was fantastic to play just from the beginning with the "Play" sign on the side of the screen. The artwork (is it even artwork?) is wonderfully done in this place. Now, differences things are not really my thing, but this is still really cool to play. I like how the differences are not there at first, but just seem to show up on the screen after awhile. It is also nice how you do not deduct points for clicking on things that are not differences.

Perhaps your greatest work

It is pretty strange to see this after you have been known a lot more for your "Tomorrows Nobodies" series. I have seen all of your videos and games, and this is among your best work. This had a ton of great graphics and it helps that these sort of games are the first kinds that I actually played on the Internet. The backgrounds are unique and I like the music as well. I love the sound effects and the design of the actual ball itself. It is among the most colorful (quite literally) of these kinds of games that I have played.

Surprisingly good

I was not expecting much from this, as it seemed to have a pretty dopey title. However, I was able to find this quite enjoyable due to how good the graphics are. The designs for the monsters used was very creative and although it did annoy me how it had to be in a certain order to be removed, it did some surprises. I also like that little guy who runs around on his treadmill. This was a pretty cute game and quite harmless. With some better and easier gameplay, I can easily see you winning an award for a future game.

This was pretty good

I thought this was a fairly good entry into the many series of stuff produced by mofunzone. This is kind of one of the lesser, due to the fact that it really came across as hard to me. The graphics weren't bad, but they did need work, especially in those cut scenes. It was an interesting idea though, with the two spheres firing. It is pretty hard to get ahead, with limited amount of people to send after. The music is fine and seems to be pretty appropriate for the setting of the game.

Quite stylistic

While I am not good at this, I did enjoy playing it. It was interesting to see the different elements that were used in this, specifically with how good the graphics were. It was creative even though I did not get far enough to see the different kinds of enemies. It took me awhile to understand that I kept shooting the wrong guys. It was pretty easy to die, but that will just take practice. I would recommend this to anyone who is a fan of these kinds of games as they have a good amount of action.

Quite interesting!

I was very impressed by this game, even though it was a little hard to understand at times. I really liked it how the graphics were so simple, yet done so well. The sound effects were also pretty cool. I was not even able to get that far in the game itself, but I just kept pressing the space button and it seemed like I was doing a good job progressing. I like how you can collect the things and how you get a second chance to go up after a certain time. You really worked hard to create an environment on your own.

Very interesting

I am not a fan of these kinds of games as I can seldom get that far, but this was quite impressive indeed. I really liked the impressive graphics, particularly with how smooth they were. I just enjoyed watching the cut scenes and how surreal they were. At first, I was thinking this was going to be a sequel to that game where you cheated on math tests, but I was wrong. I guess there are a lot of games that are about schools, although this one was so abstract it really went beyond that. Advancing makes it even better.

Very creative

It never ceases to amaze me how many creative things can come from a place like Newgrounds. What is great about this game is that you give your character just so much to do and go around. It is a unique environment that you have created that you can just go out and explore. I like the villians, even though they are pretty hard to hit when they keep bouncing everywhere. The fact that everything looks so tiny gives it a really cool quaint feeling. The sounds are also nice and authentic to the setting.

Quite impressive

It did not seem like much at the beginning, as the graphics seemed pretty standard. I will admit that it got a lot better as it went on. The controls were a little bad, particularly with how it was hard to kneel down and keep it in that position. Still, it is an impressive use of a lot of music and some pretty original gameplay. There is a definite way to beat every level, you just really have to go around and experiment with anything. It is a pity this is not in two player mode as they would really emphasize the teamwork.

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