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Nice game!

KingDotCom has always done a good job of sponsoring good games and this is no exception. While I am not the biggest fan of driving games myself, this was pretty cool. The graphics were decent enough and I really like the use of the aerial shot. It was pretty complicated, although that could only be because I stupidly put it on hard mode. It is generally a fun game to play and has all that you could want in a racing game. I also like the different kinds of stages you can go through, so you can pace yourself.

Quite an onslaught

This was an underappreciate game I played and a very unique one. At first, I thought it was just going to be like this other game that had medals, but it was quite different. While the graphics were not flawless, it was still really fun to play. I do not quite understand how to get the upgrades, but that is my fault. It is embarassing how I was killed with that one boss not even by the boss himself, but by the little spiders it sent out. It is a pretty interesting environment and it is always fun to shoot guys up.

ZT responds:

Oh, man! Got snuffed by the spiders, huh? Don't be embarrassed, they can be tricky ;)

Upgrades are handled in the Shop, which is located in the Main Menu to the right of the Campaign button. Hope you can find it!

Thanks for playing, glad you liked it!

Pretty enjoyable

I was not impressed by this game that much at first, due to the fact that the graphics looked kind of silly. It reminded me of something that would appear on freeworldgroup or even MiniClip. This still managed to be a pretty fun game despite that. The ideas used were pretty inventive and you would be surprised at how much strategy it takes to beat the levels. It is always fun to blow up your enemies or simply destroy them. Birds carrying missiles is probably the best part of this.

Great game!

I have never been a fan of point-and-click adventures, but this was among the best I ever played! I was quite impressed by the graphics, specifically with the cutscene. In fact, I think I would have been interested if it was nothing but that cutscene. The graphics looked a little silly, but it was still good as it was one of the few games I was able to get pretty far on. I like how the character interacts with her environment. I would discuss how far I got, but other people who got further could give better explanations.

One of your best

This is one of my favorite submissions of yours, because it is fairly easy to understand. You have a lot of crazy stuff going on in your games, but this is just a straight out game where you destroy everything. The designs in this are simply flawless. I prefer this over the "Element Saga" series, as this manages to be less cartoonish. While I do not understand the point, it is the action that you make yourself that really makes the trip worthwhile. I also enjoyed the pretty epic music too.

Great game!

This was a very enjoyable thing to play and to watch as well. I was disappointed it was a little short, but with all the different ways you can do things, makes it last longer. I am glad to be introduced to a new author and a new style of things to make. The animation was great in this and the gameplay reminded me of the "Johnny Rocketfingers" series. This, however, worked really hard to make an original style. The voices are also done quite well and it was also pretty unpredictable.

PuffballsUnited responds:

Yeah, it's short if you only play through one ending, but if you go for all three endings, and all the FAILs, the movie is almost 9 minutes long!

Another great zombie game!

What is so impressive is that people never fail to entertain me with zombie games. Sure, I realize now that is pretty much the same thing in every single game. However, the idea is that you are not changing a good idea, which this definitley is. The zombies and the graphics are all used quite well. It seemed like it was taking forever to just kill all the zombies on a single level, which is probably the point of the game. At least you are able to get upgrades in a fairly easy way.

Xplored responds:

yes, we preferred to let you focus on action, while giving upgrades in an easy way.
For the curious players: each weapon upgrade increases damage, rate of fire, magazine capacity and reloading time (in a different measure weapon by weapon).


Ever since I was little, I have learned to love looking at optical illusions and impossible figures. In fact, before this came up, I was just looking up the Droste effect. It is great to see these illusions, but it would have been nicer if there had been a little sound. It would have also been better if it was not just that one picture in which you could identify the hidden picture. I think the hardest one was 15. I have actually seen some of these before as I have gone out and looked at these things.

Quite impressive

I am always looking for unique games to play and this fits the bill well. At first I thought that since it was a prelude, it was only going to be cutscenes at first. I was of course pleasantly surprised to find that this was not the case and it was an interesting game. I liked the designs of the mechanical spiders even though they looked different in the cut scenes. Being a fast typist, I thought there would be no challenge in this. You really made it interesting by making it so that you could become stronger by using certain letters.

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