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I could tell you were bored

I enjoyed playing this game a little bit, but it does need some things to improve on. I suggest that you have more going on in your game and not just have a button to click all the time. Yeah, I could tell you did not really care as you were simply bored, but it could be better. I do like the animation that you see with the ball moving around. There was not anything really good or bad about this, but it was not that original. I guess the music is okay, and it fits the idea of Christmas alright.

Nice that you respond

"A Christmas Story" is also one of my favorite movies as well. I used to go on to soundboards all the time, but I do not really do that much more, as people do not make them anymore. That being said, I am very glad you went along and made this. It obviously has everything that you could want in a "A Christmas Story" soundboard. It is interesting to just put all of the sounds on and one time and find out which takes the longest to hear. The soundboards and the sounds in this themselves give you nostalgia.

Frenzy responds:

Thanks man! It is one of the greatest movies of all time, particularly to watch around Christmas time.

~ Z

How cute!

This has got to be one of the most adorable games that I have played in a long time. I was a bit disappointed at first how there did not seem to be actual cats or dogs, but that did change. I just loved how cheery the music was and how hopeful the theme is. I have no idea what those green monsters are supposed to be, but they are great. There is even a point when a bunch of birds come by and make the game a whole lot easier. While it was not that detailed, it was still extremely fun to play.

Good, but hard

This was a pretty enjoyable game to play, even though the gameplay was pretty hard to understand. In the beginning, it seemed like I was just pressing the buttons at random times just to see if I was lucky. You put in some interesting twists into this, like the nitro and the disappearing blocks. I like how the graphics are simplistic, yet it still manages to be pretty original. It is a pretty interesting environment to explore too. The little pitter-patter sound the spring makes is pretty cute too.

Never found the cheat

This is a really interesting game to play, not just because the gameplay is great, but because it is also educational. There is a pretty funny story behind this game for me. I was not allowed to play games on the Internet in class, but I did in fact play this game in my class because I thought it was educational. The teacher apparently got tired of this and would not allow it. Now, looking back, I can probably not even remember anything that I learned from this. At least you came up with great gameplay and a lot of intelligent effort being put into it.

Pretty nice game

The main problem with this game is that you are simply not allowed to advance further onto the screen. There are a lot of things going on, but it is difficult to hit all of them as you can only stay in the same spot. It was pretty nice how you could speed up or slow down the rate of the plane. The designs are pretty cool, especially those big urchin things. I would probably not recommend this, but it does have its good points. The graphics are good and it reminds me of CGI stuff.

Great game!

This kinds of games will simply never get old to me, as there is an infinite number of ways that you can blast these guys! I think this was not as good as "Toss The Turtle" mostly because it was pretty hard. It seemed like I could actually get more ground with the first weapon than the second. Still, the graphics are as good as ever. It is interesting to find out how creative you were with the different things in this. It seemed like there was not a single theme you had going on, but a lot of stuff.

Very well done

There I go again, talking about how original the games are getting and boy are they ever! This was another case of having a main character that you could not actually control, but still had to control. I am currently stuck on one of the levels, but I should be able to figure it out. I like how you can activate those doors that block the arrows. The graphics are simple enough, but are a lot of things going on you start to notice. The music is also nice and fits the medevial theme pretty well.

There you go again!

I heard about a sequel to this game being made by you and it was as awesome as I could imagine. I really like how it is a lot longer distance, because you are simply able to get more points that way. I knew there would be tons of medals to get in this, and it's too bad my computer has so poor quality it can not go straight with the controls. The graphics used in this are awesome and I loved all of the different things like geese, horses (?), people, etc. to attack over an over! I love this game and everything it does!


I was extremely impressed at how fun this game managed to be, even though I could not understand it at first! It was great for SpikeVallentine to work on this, even though I could not recognize his artwork. This is a wonderfully original idea and I simply love how you do not even control the guy yourself, but rather the things that happen below him. I think it may be the first game I ever played, where the character did absolutely nothing at all but some other force did. The designs were simple, but also unique.

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