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It never ends!

Here we go again with yet another awesome zombie game on Newgrounds! I was impressed by this with how awesome the graphics were and how creative it was. It took me awhile to even understand that I needed to get a card in order to move to the next level. I will say that it can be difficult to kill those guys when they are really close to you. However, I am a determined person, so I can simply learn to avoid all that. The sounds and the environment were very interesting and quite authentic.

How cute

Well, what can I say? I think this was a pretty funny joke game that you made even though it really had nothing at all about it, which is why I rate it so low. It kind of works because it is such a good representation of what trolls do. It is a sort of self reference thing in that it is basically a troll game and it takes such a long time to load. Well, at least it was made by something who is popular. The "Start" button and the trollface (which I believe is all that in this entire game) are authentic at least.

The classic

I am a big fan of these kinds of games (if they even have a name of any kind). I remember playing this all the time and I thought how strange it was because I love cats. I guess I appreciated the good graphics and gameplay. It does look a little dated, especially when compared to the newer "Toss The Turtle" entry, but still very playable. I was just playing this this morning and noticed it was the next thing to review of my favorites! I guess the anniversary is now five years, that is a long time.

Not too shabby!

When I first saw the lineup, I assumed that it was going to be an RPG, and this would be the first time an RPG had medals. I was pleasantly surprised it was not like your standard RPG (or maybe it was, I have never really played any ones on consoles). The sprite work in this was really cute and I liked the little pyons you attacked. How ironic I would play this as next week I am going to have my finals for this semester. I guess I can be glad I do not have to deal with this in real life. Of course, playing this game itself is hard.

Quite simple

This game was okay in the best form of the word. I think what kept me from liking this more was because there was no sound. There should be some background music or there should be some clicking noise you hear when you click the coins. I thought this was made by the Clock Crew, because of the "CC" title and because it was highly rated, but it was not. I guess you are lucky enough to get a high rated game. With more detail, variety and of course music, this could make a much better game.

How useful!

I am a person who is not as big a fan of the audio portal as the regular submissions, but I still have hundreds of reviews there. This is a great way to identify all of your favorite audio stuff. Even if you are not a fan of the audio portal, you can do nothing but randomize and listen to different things all day. I just think that this is probably the longest submission ever, as it holds over 300,000 songs in total. This was so impressive you really deserve to be a professional. You made our dream come true.


This is a very unique game and I am glad that I managed to play it. The weird thing is, I can not really understand how to play it or even what the point is (not that there should be anything). What I like is how you tried to combine important things like science along with the fun of a game. The music moves very fluidly and is quite nice. It was interesting to figure out what were the right combinations even though I could not even understand it well. The bright colors and graphics are also great.

Quite good

I enjoyed playing this quite a bit, and I do not understand how my giving it a "4" lowered it from 4.01 to 3.98 and then it said it raised it by 0.00061? Anyway, the game was really cool and typical zombie fare. I like it how the zombies are detailed and how cool it is when they die. You also worked hard to put in a good variety of weapons to use, with the sickle, gun, etc. The music was also pretty creepy and fit the atmosphere well. I thought it might be a point and click game at first, but was glad to find out it was not.

The next great game of yours

This is another fantastic game you have released simply because it is so simple. I get the feeling that it did not have the highest level of creativity, but it was still simply flawless. I love how the ships are so easy to destroy when you just hit them over and over. At first I was having trouble actually starting the game, as apparently you need to press "Continue Game" to even start. The graphics were flawless and it had absolutely everything you could want in a shooting game. There's just no bullcrap at all, but straight awesome action.


This is easily one of the best games that I have ever played! I simply love all of the powerups and how they all have such unique characteristics to them, especially with how you can divide them up into four balls! There are small balls and giant balls flying everywhere exploding everything in sight! It is perhaps the most epic javanoid like game that I have ever played! The graphics are superb, and everything is done in an extremely original manner! I loved every second of playing this!

KingDotCom responds:

Thank you for the great review! We're very happy that you enjoyed the game.

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