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I am a fast typer

I was also a fast typer and this seemed to be a good way to test out my true skills. My highest score is 269,000 which at least ended me up on the Top 40. I love this game simply because I have always prided myself on being a great typist and this is such a great way to do it. It reminds me of that scene in the movie "Bruce Almighty" where Bruce basically does that. He is, in fact, playing God in that scene. I like the holy music that is played to truly give the player a sense that he or she is a God.

Wiesi responds:

Thanks for reviewing!

Now this is hard stuff

I really liked playing this game simply because it had such a simple design to it. I loved the variety of songs that were being played, and it is not something you would expect in a game like this. It is a great puzzle game, as it really makes you think after awhile. As any gamer knows, it will only get harder the more you play it. For being nothing but squares, the graphics in this were very nice. I just like how it has such an interesting premise that is really original and is unique in its own right.

That was very weird

This reminds me of this one video I saw that talked about "Wii Breakfeast" where you prepared a breakfast in a video game. It does ask the question of why you do not simply make a breakfast in real life. I have to admit that this is probably the most realistic game that I have ever played. I actually drink tea all the time, but always drink it in the form of iced tea. Maybe if there was a game featuring that, I could get more hooked to it. Anyway, it is interesting to find out you are submitting little games to Newgrounds.

It is fun and interactive

I was expecting a more straight game where you simply just shot up everything, but this was nice. I was a little annoyed at how you had to figure out mostly for myself how to use the weapons. It still has that good killing feeling that all the great violent games here have. The animation is really nice, and I especially like the design of the victims. It seems to be a pretty short interactive game, but I was never really a fan of those to begin with. The sound of the shots and the background is good too.

Quite satisfying

I really liked this game, probably only because I got so much better at it as time went on. Originally, CrazyJay was beating me to death like nothing. So, I decided to simply play as him and then I won all of my fights easily! I did in fact simply press the same kick or stab buttons over and over, not that I really care. What matters is that the graphics are good and it seems just as nice as something that would be in a high ranked stick flash. It feels as though it has been awhile since I have played a fighting game here on Newgrounds.

That was freaky

I had no idea that this was even going to be a game. I admit that I was a little disappointed at first due to the fact that I was expecting it to be more like the intro. It was still an interesting game in that it was like "Space Invaders" only much harder. You have to constantly move in this game and can not stay in the same place for more than a second or two. That is the best way to avoid all of the ships' fire. While not the most innovative, it had a really cool intro and the music was good too.

A good game

I kept thinking that this was going to be an actual tutorial about how to make a game like this in Flash Player. I mean, that was the title, but this was interesting to play at least. It has been awhile since I have played a game like this, so it is good to be back. You were definitley right on how Level 7 was the hardest one (or at least the hardest so far). My biggest complaint is that the graphics are a little simplistic. It is still a creative game and gives you a lot of freedom to make strategy and combos.

kegogrog responds:

Wow, thank you. I thought this game was already buried somewhere deep under newgrounds' floor tiles. You may enjoy FLU!!2, same concept, better graphics.
Anyway, thanks for your review and the tutorial is on my blog.

That is unique

I would say that this is the hardest game I ever played (or at least one with medals) but that would belong to another entry that has only one level. With that being said, I guess this did a really good job of being what it was supposed to be. At least you were nice enough to make it easy to get some medals. I swear that there is simply no way to beat that one level where the floor jumps up! Anyway, the graphics at good and the controls are nice. It is pretty cool to find the little things that are trying to kill you.

Quite different

I was quite impressed at how you worked so hard to have an original style. I really like the use of the blue color when it can be expressed in so many different ways with different shades. It is kind of ironic due to the fact that I actually felt that the airplane levels were easier. The hardest were by far the parachute ones where you just had so little control. I guess I am not able to progress that far in this game. While it is hard and sometimes unsatisfactory, it is overall a good and fun effort.

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