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A good game

I do have to admit that is a pretty easy game to beat, but I am glad you are working on the medal. It was weird because I did not even know I was able to aim up at the boss in the first place! The graphics seem to be nice and I liked the weapons even if there was not much difference between them. I wish I could have seen the uber monster turn red. It would have been better if there had been more things going on and some more enemies and locations. I still have to give you credit for making such an easy medal.

Loved the slo-mo

This was a very nice game of me to play, simply because I love the graphics. It was a little annoying with how I was not able to go anywhere, but still good. I just wish that I could shoot those stupid grannies that keep popping up. I also love how the madness just seems to never end and while it is hard, it does give you time to come up with strategy. There is so little thought to this game, I could not help but love it. The slow motion is among the most fun that I have ever seen used in any game here.

Arkuni responds:

All my submissions have slow-motion somewhere.
People can love it & hate it all they want. I'm still gonna use it ^_^

Great game

I was expecting some more variety in the enemies you thought, but this was still pretty playable. It is just great that you keep this flawless style of animation and graphics. I could spend all day just beating person after person up. I liked it how you were able to move around the screen to give yourself more freedom to fight. Granted, I did not really use it and it would have benefited me more if I had. The sounds were also really cool and funny and motivated the player to keep on fighting.

Happy Pico Day

It is great to be reviewing my first entry for Pico Day 2010! With that being said, this was not one of the best games, but it was definitley playable. In terms of how it is played, it is simply a game that has a very understandable premise to it. I had a little trouble with understanding Nene's level, but that was okay. I thought it was strange how the first challenge as shown by Pico was definitley the hardest challenge. If there is any reason for me to take steroids, it would be to complete this game.

Yes, you are back!

Your previous submission was the greatest flash I had ever seen on Newgrounds, so I was so disappointed to find out this was your only submission! This is a great game as it perfectly captures the ideals of 4chan. I love the Gummy Bear music that is used at the beginning. I also like how the moving cartoon characters contrast with the life action background and machine gun fire. I can simply stay here all night gunning down those evil Pedobears. The anime girls themselves are drawn really nice too.

It's great to be back!

I was a big fan of this game when it first came out and I am so glad that it came out with a sequel! I would have to say this was not as good as the first, due to the fact that it seemed to have less area. I guess I am just a little too familiar with the gameplay. It is still great to play as it has all of the action and stuff blowing up you would want in a Newgrounds game. I enjoyed trying to figure out strategy and the best way to avoid getting hit. It was also convienent to be able to come back during a game.

Pretty fun

I like this game because it is a very simple game and it knows how to get done what it is supposed to do. It took me awhile to understand that I was not able to hit between floors. It was kind of goofy and a little childish, but that did not keep it from being a fun game. I also like how the music is so silly and really fits the mood. The graphics are not bad at all and I like the silly design of the aliens. It has little point, as do most games here, and it is fun to just hit big things with boxing gloves.

Hot chick?

This seemed to be a pretty fun game, but it did get annoying as it went on. It was kind of funny to have that cutscene after you lose the game. I think the graphics were okay, I have gotten used to the style of these games so much, I know what to expect. I simply can not get past the second screen and I have no idea how to catch that thing at the top. The weapons are kind of creative, and I do like the purple color scheme. It was not your best work or the most innovative thing you have released.

That was quite weird

I was thinking there was an error as I was not able to advance further than when the boat left, but apparently this was just a preview. I will say that I liked what I say. I can not remember the last time you used pixels on a game. While I probably prefer the more detailed graphics, it was at least interesting to see you make a change. There is definitley potential for this game as it is made by you, of course. I liked swimming around and seeing all the fish swimming around and meeting that mermaid.

Great title

I knew this was going to be a very interesting game just from the great title it had. At first, I thought it might be a joke game where it was simply no gameplay at all and that guy talking on for so long. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that it did indeed have a story and adventure of its own. I do not know how to talk to the princess or fight the dragon or anything. It is still a very cute effort because you are simply able to have those cute little graphics. I like how stupidly the character's legs move.

squidly responds:

Ouch, I don't like those "joke games" where the joke is that the game doesn't exist.
I like some substance, you know?
And uh, to talk to the princess, I mean, it's just like the info booth guy.
And the dragon, just keep going right... You'll go through the "dangerous outside," the forest of homicidal trees, and eventually you'll get to his cave.

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