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I found the secret

How ironic that the only medal I would gain would happen to be the secret medal. Anyway, I thought this was a standard game but it was unique in that it was an entire live-action game with some animated fire in it. It must be interesting to win both the Underdog of the Week and Daily 4th Place award. Everything is realistic although I am sure you modeled that on your own room. It was interesting to see your comments when I clicked the wrong things in the room. It took me intuition to make this.

Fro responds:

Thanks for checking this one out before you checked the sequel out. ;) (making fun of your review for the teaser for number 2)

Very good!!

I was quite impressed by this game and thought that it was the first I had played in awhile! What is so cool is that the premise to this game is so simple, but also so fun. I love how there are so many different ways a level can be made; this took real creativity. I was not expecting much at first, but the graphics were pretty impressive, if not great. Sometimes I would even just beat the crazy levels purely by accident. I also like how on certain levels you just have to do the timing right and it just plays itself.

Quite nice

I am not much for point and click adventure games, but I did like playing this. I was at least able to get to the second screen without having to look at the walkthrough. I really like the animation, especially the little demon and how he talks. It is a pretty interesting game as there are a lot of things going on, even when the setting can come off as mundane at first. Hillbillies are always fun to make fun of and mess with. It can take real intuition to figure out what to do next in this pretty well done game.

Very nice game

I find myself very fortunate that I was only the 5th person to view this submission. I even managed to get the first medal! For all of you who may want to know about that, you simply find the giant flower and then go back to the woman picking the flowers. It is the first time I ever played a game with medals and got a medal before it was passed! As for the game itself, the graphics were nice, but the controls could use a bit of work. It is too bad that you were not able to get this submission in time for Pico Day.

MarcyVF responds:

Thanks :)
Yeah the medals are not "in function" right now it seems, but I'll just wait for that. I really tried to finish it for Pico Day but I was away all weekend so yeah... :/ Too bad.

I love how they move

This is one of the most original games I have ever played because you literally do not do much at all. You simply click as fast as you can in a single time period and then let everything play like a movie. I love seeing the ways these naked men and aliens kill each other. It is almost like an interactive cartoon in that there is so much that is not your own control. I always kind of thought they looked more like gingerbread men than regular men. I also love how they do that funny dance when you win.

That is a lot of plumbers

This is one of the best games that I have played in a very long time. I love how everything just so closely resembles a certain thing which I should probably not even mention at all. The music is flawless and it is all around a very fun game to play. I love the graphics and especially how he can change into Metal Plumber or Fire Plumber or whatever his name is. This is great also because of how eager I am to hear him say that stupid "Wa-hoo!" at the end of every level. The use of colors is great as well.

How intense!

Me playing this game has a pretty funny story behind it. I initially played this only on other websites where I had a bad computer and the quality was just so freaking low. Now that it is on good quality, I can barely advance anywhere in this game simply because it is so hard. You really get points for showing those guys' bodies blow up. The other villians are really cool in design and it was nice to throw in a story. The music is also impressive, giving off the notion of a true adventure in space.

Just get high on the first level

I thought it was funny how I did not pass the first level the first time playing, because I did not even know how to get a high score. It really caught up when I was able to get past the first level with flying colors. After that, I could really just click anywhere and get way beyond the needed score. Anyway, I thought this was not the most original game that I have played. It is a completely harmless game, meaning there was really nothing negative about it. There was an interesting sound when the bubbles disappeared.

It is good

I have never been a fan of RPGs, but this was pretty enjoyable to play. I admit that I was not really interested in the dialogue but it was really nice to use those voices. I think I am starting to realize that that guy in the mofunzone thing at the beginning takes different things out of the hole. I thought the graphics were really nice and it was pretty cool how you moved around. I would have liked it if there was more action and the directions were clearer. It is still a game that took some creativity and originality to make.

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