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I will probably never get into point and click adventure games. This was no exception. I admit that the animation was pretty good. Everything seemed pretty well organized. The colors are nice. It just isn't my thing. I'm too lazy to watch a walkthrough.

There is definitely a demographic for this. You managed to win Daily Feature. I like the meta joke at the beginning. I guess it's just too boring. It's still nothing offensive.

I think this game was fairly good. I admit to being confused by it a lot. It just didn't seem to have much purpose. It was just that these enemies kept reforming. That really got annoying. I can still appreciate how good the designs are.

It's a game that moves very fluidly. You can understand what's going on. The medals didn't show up for some reason. I know I died once! The sounds were pretty good too.

This was pretty well animated, but it wasn't for me. It's mostly because you couldn't really skip the dialogue. You had to wait until the end. You could still advance, just not when you wanted to. It just became too monotonous. Like the first one, it's pretty easy to follow.

The music is fairly good. It's a bit too loud, though. I appreciate the atmosphere. I guess it is kind of scary like Halloween. Then again, that's over now.

I found this game to be pretty good. I was annoyed by how you couldn't skip the cutscenes. They were just too long. I did appreciate how colorful everything was. It was really difficult, though. I could just never get the hang of jumping like that.

I'd think it would be easier as a ghost! The sounds are pretty good. Uh, Happy belated Halloween! Sometimes, it's hard to see how I take damage. A lot of these enemies seem harmless.

Wow, this was seriously one of the most aggravating games I've ever come across. Every single thing had to be done in the most specific way. I didn't even see my medal onscreen when I got the crystal! It was impossible for me to do this without the walkthrough. What can I say? You know how to make your players work.

You haven't anything nearly this massive. No wonder it's on the front page so long. The designs are really nice. While frustrating, I praise you for making something so massive. The music was great too.

selfdefiant responds:

Thanks! It wasn't my intention to make it to tedious or aggravating. :)

Wow, I think this one had ten minigames! I am impressed at how most of them were vastly different. I'm so glad to have reviewed this on Halloween. I guess "Happy Halloween" goes without saying. I liked how a lot of the games were pretty mundane. The egg part was especially funny.

The drawings were really nice in this. I liked the music a lot too. You just never go wrong with "The Nightmare Before Christmas" music. It was certainly fast paced. I never thought eating candy would be part of the game!

I'm sorry, but I did not care for this much. It's mostly because it came off as too difficult. You really did have to use strategy with this. The sounds were really good. Are these actual users that you're stomping? I guess that does make it more satisfying. Happy Halloween!

I appreciate how nice the colors are. It just seems to get too redundant. At least there was a bit of variety in it. It's certainly better than the actual "Flappy Bird" game. Then again, what wouldn't be?

I admit that I'm used to more detailed stuff from you. This one was just you pushing the same buttons. I feel bad that I'm bad at this. It gets so frustrating. More skilled people should like this more. The artwork wasn't bad.

I liked how they stopped screaming when it changed direction. It's weird to have a game from you where you're not supposed to hit anything. I guess it was an experiment. It just didn't work out too well for me. It's too difficult.

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