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I feel so bad for having personal bias in this. It's just that I don't really care for point and click adventure games. I was annoyed at how there was one medal for beating it. I also thought the artwork wasn't that good. It looked pretty rundown. It was just too bland.

I guess I understand other people like this. The voices were alright. There could have been more of a story. The music was fine. These games just aren't for me.

I just HAD to stop playing. While a great game, it can be annoying. Then again, it's only annoying because of how long it takes to get everything done. I felt for sure there was no way I could ever lose, but I actually did! It was like six minutes of clicking for nothing! It just seemed pointless.

I'll still praise you for how good the graphics are. It is insanely addictive. That might not be a good thing. It's hard to progress. The sheer number of upgrades is amazing. The music's fine too.

Yes, this is better than the previous game! I guess I was just more motivated with the medals and all. I basically just had to keep pressing the same buttons over and over. I then realized there was a time limit. I did worse after finding that out! At least I got to Level 9.

I just loved how colorful everything was. There was a crapload of cool stuff going on. I loved all the brightness and sheer insanity of it. I'm so glad you're still here. I guess you won't make more sim dating games, huh?

Wiesi responds:

I will probably make a new Franks Adventure early next year! Thanks for reviewing!

I was really impressed at how much fun I had with this! It was so weird, because I didn't even have any idea how to play this game at first. I'm so glad that it ended up being a nice and unique game! I have never played a game where you killed your enemies like this. I thought the vampire WAS my character at first. The colors were great too.

It was just lots of fun looking at all these mechinations. I'm glad the bomb stops when it hits the vampire's coffin. The first levels are easy enough. It goes get complicated pretty quickly. I just love how bright everything is.

That was very entertaining, as all almost all of your games! It was just awesome to see these colorful shapes again. Everything worked out so well. I really forgot that I could stomp enemies at first. It was just great to have everything fly at me at first. I thought the boss was the one who would carry me away!

It was shocking how he was, well, a boss. The music is wonderfully funky too. I guess I'm glad the shooting was automatic. It's great when the defeated enemies fly around everywhere. This should have medals.

It was great to see this series back. It's all the more appropriate given that it's October. You really did do something different here. I am so glad this wasn't just zombies. Well, it wasn't zombies at all, really. You had a lot of minigames in this one.

I liked how they were all unique. It was hard for me to even figure out how to do them. I'm glad you got a lot of chances. The music was great too. It's always good when you have a lot of songs used.

Well, I ended up playing until I got a medal. I really am glad that's all over. I'm sorry, but this game didn't do much for me. It just seemed like there weren't a lot of powerups or anything. The animation wasn't that good. The designs looked too bland.

I really couldn't even understand how high I could jump. The lumberjacks were so hard to kill. It was at least an experience. The music wasn't bad. This just didn't put me in the Halloween mood.

pro100fartovuy responds:

I knew it all. Will be try much harder next time.
f*** I write it very often...T_T

I found this to be a really weird game. I hope that was the intention. I especially didn't understand how to fight back. I'm sorry, but I lost the instructions or something. This probably isn't worth checking out, IMHO. It just seems like an endless maze.

I admit that it's at least creative. There are a few cool things here. The sounds were pretty good. I like the idea of getting more light as it goes on. It's a good thing you can pause it without sound.

This was a great game! I had no idea that this page even existed, but I'm so glad to have come by it! You really did show off some talent. I think this is one of the best Construct games I've ever played. Heck, it's one of the best puzzle games I've played period. I'm glad it got more complex.

You had to plan ahead so much with this one. I'm so glad to have come by this page. This is one of the best uses of simple designs I've ever seen! You have shown us how important shapes are. Well, it is technically the same shape. That makes it even more creative!

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