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Dang it! I feel so bad that the audio isn't working for some reason! I know there has to be some kind, because there are so many songs listed. I was at least able to play the main game. This was pretty impressive. The pixels were really nice. I wish I could say the same for the Adam Sandler movie.

Pico has a lot of mobility. It does get a little repetitive. It's still nice to see all these elements together. I thought this would have medals as it was featured on the main page. It's still worth looking at.

TwinBlazar responds:

Thank you for your review!

> I feel so bad that the audio isn't working for some reason!
Can you PM me and tell me what OS and browser are you using?

> I thought this would have medals as it was featured on the main page.
We are looking at the possibility of adding medals to the game.

It's been awhile since I've reviewed something from you. I thought I really should. I admit that I'm confused as to how they get the numbers at first. Yes, I had to look through the walkthrough. I was able to figure out at least SOME of it on my own. This wasn't bad for something quick.

Okay, I was finally able to figure out how you got the numbers. I have to admit that was very clever! In fact, this is a pretty nice complicated game. I don't love your work, but it can certainly be good. Happy Halloween in case I don't review anything else by you before then.

I really did appreciate this game, but it was really freaking hard. I just had no idea what was even going on. It was just this same game, over and over. I didn't even get any medals! It was still quite amazing. I understand all the hard work that goes into making this.

The music was great too. Why was only one thing equippable at one time? That really limited my progress. It was still amazingly flashy. There was so much going on and it was so insane!

I was quite impressed at how difficult this was. I guess we're running out of paintings that I'm familiar with. While I didn't get that far, I am glad to say that I managed to get all the bonuses right! I guess I'm just familiar with things that AREN'T paintings. The drawings were great. It was weird how you showed the originals.

Doesn't that make it too easy? I could tell some of the options weren't painters. That made it much easier to narrow down. It's nice how you always do new stuff. This just has a lot of spirit.

It really is a pity that this doesn't have as many views as your other games. I admit it's not one of your best. I still think it's a great game! It's been so long since you've released one in the series. I really appreciate the opening cutscene. I am glad that game wasn't like that.

It really was relevant to the gameplay! The music was as good as ever. While not a masterpiece, I would definitely recommend it. It's great mindless fun. It's been so long, I admit I don't this that unique. That doesn't matter because the gameplay is as good and original as ever.

I thought that I would be taking a break from all the fast paced action games. Boy, was I wrong! This is seriously one of the most intense things I've ever come across! I was truly annoyed by how I didn't even get a medal for completing the last level. Sometimes, the hardest part was finding out where to hit the boss. I still more or less beat the game.

I appreciate all the designs used here. I had no idea you could make these projectiles so well. I think my favorite would be the ones that make that weird sound when you hit them. They're not all that hard to kill either. Yep, this is still a great game!

Wow, that was really weird. This is the point where I really do feel bad about not reading the dialogue. Well, it still doesn't make up much of the game. I am glad I could understand what was going on in this. You really did create an impressive world. I guess every game you make has that astronaut medal.

The music was great. While it got redundant, it was still good. I'm glad it wasn't just looking for an umbrella over and over. Yeah, I should read more to understand it. It's still playable.

Congratulations on being the most popular submission of Madness Day 2015! Then again, that's only because it's a game. These things always get more views! Anyway, this really was unique. I had no idea what was happening at first. I am glad to have killed at least two of these guys.

It's just nice to have a lot of activity. I'm glad I could figure it out. You really have to be fast with this. I'm not complaining about this being too hard or anything. I certainly wasn't expecting a clicking game, at least not for Madness.

Well, I can't say that I didn't like this, because it was freaking amazing! I know there was another game that was like this. This is still something amazingly original in itself. Heck if I have any clue what this even is. My favorite part was getting medals without even trying. Then I couldn't get any!

The medals remind me of "Achievement Unlocked". It was cool not knowing which internet meme would show up next! I don't know why Nyan Cat would be fighting poop. I guess it makes as much sense as anything else here! Weird, nothing Madness related for the holiday.

I thought this would be easier. Usually, these games have more interactivity. I think what I really mean by that is that this is too difficult. It does have great artwork, though! I will always praise you for that! The music fit the atmosphere perfectly.

At least it was something about zombies. This wasn't what I was expecting with Madness Day this year. Whatever it was, it was nicely paced. I always appreciate stories like this. It's weird how the picture of the car was the only thing I have been able to keep.

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