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I admit that this game was pretty than I thought it would be. It's mostly because the designs aren't that bad. But DANG, does this thing get hard! I went through like 8 levels and didn't even realize I had a limited number of shots. You really have to memorize the movements of every one of these guys, because it's all unique. It kind of reminds me of the "Pac-Man" games, with how the enemies moved differently.

Maybe someday people will use math to discover how to beat this. I have no idea at all how I'm supposed to kill two guys with one shot. With all the times I tried on Level 11, you'd think I would have done it accidentally by now! The music is pretty decent. It probably could use more detail, though.

I did not care for this that much. I admit that I was a bit motivated to keep on playing. Of course, that was only because there were medals. Anyway, what really ticked me off was how a single guy who came on the ground defeated you. In most defense games, it takes awhile for people to completely destroy you. It just seemed too hard that way. At least it was fun to blow up all those stupid guys.

I wish I could hit those stupid planes more. It's mostly typical military stuff for a game. It isn't bad, it's just okay. I was unsure if there was music in this or not, I must have had the volume up low or something. You could also use more detail as there wasn't a lot in this game.

I was fairly turned off at how the graphics weren't much. Of course, what it lacks in graphics, it makes up for in terms of fun. I was really interested as to how you came up with something different for every level to win. It still would have been nicer if there had been some music. The level that I'm really stuck at is the one with the camera. You just have no idea what to expect next in this.

There are so many things going on in this, it's hard not to notice all the details. The sounds that were there were pretty nice. Sometimes, you just had to use the mouse to go to a clickable place to get where you wanted. It's a nice experimental game. Those always work well in puzzle games.

I thought this wasn't that bad. I guess its main fault is that the graphics are not that well done. It does kind of give me a nostalgic feel for what graphics used to be like, but this looks dated for 2008. It was interesting how you provided a lot of facts about bacteria. Granted, I don't know if any of them are true, but it looks like you did your research. I did think it had some good designs, even if it was hard to understand.

Fighting germs is something that everyone can associate with. It looks like there are going to be sequels so you might want to try to take my advice. It's just a bit too hard to follow with that long tutorial. Try to make it more fun by having you act as you go along with it. I guess biologists might like this more.

My main fault with this was that it was too hard to control the ship. I'm not complaining, it's just something that I am not very good at myself. It feels sad to know that Pico Day has come and gone so quickly. Anyway, I love how there's a fine amount of detail put into everything. I appreciate you being in this world where you try to understand what's going on. It's so satisfying when the bombs hit the other ships.

I do wish there could have been more visible damage. That way I would have known how close I was to destroying a ship or how close I was to dying. The detail and graphics are all fine. This reminded me of that pirate movie I saw with my mom last night. The sounds are pretty authentic too.

Congradulations, you have made my favorite entry for Pico Day 2012! I know that I have to give a perfect score to at least one submission here. While it didn't really have anything to do with Pico, it was still a great game nonetheless. I think the best part is how good the graphics are. This is probably as close to a sequel to the original game that we'll get, at least for now. I liked how there was so much going on.

I got some medals and didn't even know how to! Of course, I think they were all secret medals. Getting secret medals is always something cool. I liked how there was so much going on. In case anyone's having trouble with the cars that are behind you, you just have to go to the right side of the screen so they will come after you. I could have sworn some of the shots you fired went back to the left side of the screen.

I think the best part of this was probably the cutscene at the beginning. Everyone just seemed so wonderfully in character for this. That reminds me, it's been awhile since I've seen a Blockhead episode. I appreciate all of the fine details put into everything. It's just that the game itself is a bit too hard at times. It's still nice to see one of my favorite animators (Jazza) working on Pico Day. It's just like the Christmas cartoon you made.

It was great to have all of these people work on this too. The music was also really cool and it really kept you geared up for what was going on in the game. I just wish some of the platforms and stuff were easier to jump to. Some of them disappear, so you have to be quick with them. I liked how all the enemies were designed after moderators or other people here.

When I came across the fairly low score in this game, I thought it was going to be something cheesy. I was of course pleasantly surprised to find out it was anything but. I think the best thing about this is how the graphics look so nostalgic. You just seem to really reckon back to the older days of the website. This looks so much like the ones used in Tom Fulp's original "Pico's School" game. My favorite level is the Death Chase.

That's probably because it's the only one I could win and the only one where I didn't get dead at the end. I like how there are many great references to classic NG games. In the end, that's really what Pico Day is all about. The sound effects and music are nice too. I know it's kind of late (and too early for this game) but Happy Pico Day!

Spudzy responds:

You're an awesome reviewer :)

This was a very bizarre game. I haven't stumbled upon a single Pico game today! Anyway, this was still playable, simply because it was just so bizarre and you had to play it. I don't even know how to win. I just keep on hugging people and my health goes up. I thought I would win when I got past 100, but it just kept on going. I like how you have the little website logo on the upper left hand of the screen.

The graphics aren't that good, but they probably weren't supposed to. I knew I was in for a weird game when the first medal was the one you got for completing the game. It's kind of an anti-game in that way. Anyway, it's neat to see a rather unique game. It does manage to make bears look a lot cuter.

For something that wasn't Pico-related, this turned out to be really good. It was great how there were so many things to learn and you learned to do it at a great pace. I haven't even advanced past the tutorial and I already feel like I've played a full game! It's great how you can just set things off once and see how it goes. You always have to fail before you finally succeed. The animation/graphics are great too.

The music is fairly decent too. I probably have played the original version of this, as I have played nearly every game out there, you know. I like how there's so many little things going on and how they're all important to the game. It's nice when you know someone has put fine detail in a game. It's fun to play.

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