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I thought this was a really cool game and a great addition to the series. What really sold it was how there were so many things going on. The designs were all nice and it was another one of those games that you could really experiment with. The sounds/music were also very nice and it really motivated you to keep up with the game. I should have realized sooner to use the Shift key. You get to that with the level that has the upside down words.

What was also cool was how fluidly you (the player) moved through this. It might not have been that well detailed, but it's still great to see it all in action. This series will just never stop having new and exciting things in it. It makes you realize how good these puzzle games are for your brain. Now I feel dumb for not beating it.

I have played this before, but for some reason, I didn't review it. Anyway, I thought this was a fairly good game. What kind of weighs it down is high the graphics aren't that good. I do admire the fact that you made a game about inspiration. It seems like I've seen a lot of stuff about that lately. The sounds are pretty cute and it's a nice little premise overall with how adorable it is with the music notes.

I'm not sure if the medals are working properly. Anyway, it's a nice game for a short little run. I can always come back and try again. It's a pretty basic game, in that it follows the formula of most platformers, which are probably my favorite kind of game. It's an interesting little thing to take note of, pardon the pun.

Seagaia responds:

Thanks for playing and reviewing it. And for the pun :P

I didn't care too much for this, because it was just a single level with a guy shooting stuff up. Now, I will give you credit because it actually was nice to see a cute character do that. It's just that it's something that isn't that innovative or anything. There are so many games out there, I'm always looking for unique stuff. It would work out a lot better if there were different levels and different ways to play. I tried to shoot upward, but it didn't work.

It seems like you had a fun time with this as the designs are nice. I guess the character should have had more mobility and could shoot at a bigger variety of things. Just have fun with it and add all sorts of interesting things. The sounds and music are nicely done. At least everything is done in a colorful manner.

I liked this a lot, if only because I'm so good at it. It's not one of those bullet hell things where it's just things being fired at you from all sides. That doesn't mean there isn't a fair amount of dodging in this game. I appreciate the graphics. You deserve your Daily Feature, if only because you made a pretty addictive game. I was afraid at first that I would die if I touched the pathways the ships come, but that didn't happen.

The enemies are designed very well. I like how there's a lot of things going on in this, but it's still fairly easy to understand. It's just good old fashioned games where you shoot everything up. The sounds are good and everything syncs up well. It's amazing how this website keeps pumping out great games.

Squize responds:

Thank you.

And you've totally nailed what we were going for, some times it's nice to just have a game where you don't have to think too much, just dumb simple fun.

I appreciated this game. While it wasn't very well detailed, I thought it was nice with how it had a pretty simplistic tone to it. The graphics were done nicely, for what they were. It was also good to see these nice colors and everything. I went to the store and couldn't get past anything, but then I realized that was because I hadn't gotten the upgrades. It's been awhile since I've played an avoid game like this.

It was pretty fun to see all the stuff going on like that. I liked how each level was different and you didn't know what to expect next. There's not much else to say about this great game. I appreciate you having the acheviements that show you how far you are to getting one. It's good for a quick game.

Wow, I had no idea this game was going to be so much fun! It's really cool because it reminds you of those games were you have to slowly get medals in order to keep on going. Granted, this wasn't exactly like that, but still a very good game. The graphics are very nice. It's so satisfying when you finally find out how to get to the boss the easy way. It's a lot more graphic than those Mario games where he died when the time ran out.

It's a short game, but that is definitley the point. I appreciated the nice designs of the enemies, what few there were. It would be awesome if you made this into a longer game! I love how everything just whisks around the screen so well and it's so fun to see stuff get blown up. This is a good way to learn how to save your money. The boss was nicely designed too.

This is the best game I have played all day! What I really thought was cool was how you guys wanted to teach us a history lesson. BTW, Genghis Khan conquered almost twice as much land as Alexander the Great. Then again, in Alexander the Great's time, the known world was a lot smaller. I thought the animation and graphics were really good. It was so much fun to see those guys all coming onto an enemy at once.

The way they moved across the field was really nice too. You, of course, have to read the instructions. I just think I'm accomplished enough that I wouldn't have to need to by now. I guess I'll never learn my lesson. The music was great and the whole thing was quite ambitious.

I liked this game. It wasn't one of my favorite of all time, or even the week, but it was playable. I think what made it most enjoyable was how good the graphics were. You really get the notion that you're off in a strange world. The music is also pretty cool. What I didn't like was that it seems like you were just going nowhere for the longest time.

Oh well, I guess bigger fans of this game would get further than I would. I appreciate the unique use of enemies with the beetles and insects and stuff. It's a bit out of place, but really this world is so bizarre it's hard to think of anything that would be in place. I have not been having good luck with getting medals lately. At least the games themselves are pretty fun.

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