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Congradulations on being the first submssion for Pico Day 2013! Granted, I don't know if that's true, but this is certainly one of the first. I appreciate all the loyalty to the original game. I'm normally not much of a fan of games like this, but this is Pico! I am reminded of all the elements of the game. Will Tom ever make Pico 2?

As I'm a determinator, I didn't stop fighting until I beat the last boss. It's interesting to see how much better graphics have gotten over the years. This looks like a great year indeed. I love how the story begins all over again with the black people. Poor Nene.

It's great how I can always be surprised with how fun something is. This didn't really seem like something you would make. As I have said time and time again, it's great when people experiment. I actually thought the graphics were really well done in this. It was nice how you had a good clear look at everything. It could have been more complicated, but it's still very well done.

Too bad it's gotten less popular over the years. I had no idea this was going to be a game taken from this perspective. For some reason, I thought it would be a standard platformer. The sounds are fairly good too. It probably could be a bit more elaborate, though.

I don't really understand this. It says that I'm Al Roker, but it isn't spelled properly in the title. Oh well, that could just be because we don't care about literacy. It was also kind of boring to have to fight only one opponent. I wish I could have seen the damage that I was taking. Of course, just play as the other person and you'll see.

I don't know about any real conflict between these two people. They're kind of forgotten nowadays. I did think the music was pretty good. The artwork was just fine, and BTW, Star is a girl. You need to make something much bigger to be more popular.

I admit that I didn't like this as much as some of your other games. I guess it's because there needed to be more going on. That being said, I still appreciated this game. It helps that I love it when you try new things. I don't even remember the original game. The graphics could have been better, but I didn't care that much.

I managed to catch two crabs in a row! It's a lot harder than you think. You have to make sure the police don't catch you before you get enough money to buy a license. So you have to break the law at first no matter what? Eh, makes as much sense as most games.

Has it been enough years that I can use this? I freaking loved how crazy this was. While it may not have been much for a game, it's still a great submission. You get pretty dang creative with some of these things. I think my favorite would have to be the one with the caterpillar. It's funny, because I didn't understand how one of them worked.

I was disappointed, but then I realized it copied what you had already done with the mouse. That ended up being one of my favorite ones. I doubt I ever will download this. I'm just too busy reviewing things. You really know how to put variety in your work.

I am glad that I got to play this game. It was pretty hard to understand with how fast paced it was. Still, I took that as a way of showing how cool this game was. There probably could have been better graphics, but it's still nice. I just don't understand how I even died in one scenario. I think it's very funny how you set this in the year 2002.

Everything just looks so dated with all that stuff taking place in the future that is now. Putting "Quantum" in anything can make it cool. It was experimental, but worked out well for me. I never thought I'd be able to get past some of the levels. They just seem so vast at the beginning.

Hypnohustler responds:

Really glad you liked it! This game only took me a month to make, mainly because I made the graphics so small and just zoomed in. And I'm glad you found the Quantum bit cool, that was just the reason I named it that. :)

I really have come across some interesting games lately. I knew it was going to be too easy for me to get all the medals in one play. I really liked the graphics in this, they are good! It's amazing how much detail you can put into something that's fairly simple in design. The music also helped. It can be hard to know where to go.

At first, I thought it would be best to go to the back of the screen. That doesn't help when there are a ton of guys pressing own at one time. I mostly just get lucky with those. I like all of the litte details here and there. It's probably the best game I've played all day!

I admit that this didn't seem like much of a game at first, but I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. I am not much for remembering games, but this was cool. It just goes to show that anything can be good if you throw zombies in. I do wish there was at least a sound when I shot the zombie. Of course, this didn't need to be well detailed. I'm glad there were multiple designs used twice.

While there wasn't much art, what was there was pretty cool. I like how exaggerated the zombie deaths are. It makes you appreciate all the little things. It seems like a worthy entry for this contest thing. With limited time, it's hard to make something good.

I admit that I was pretty perplexed by this game at first. I thought it was very cool how you had to figure out how to start the game on your own. Strange, most of the time, when music is credited under the credits & info, it shows what song it came from. You must have used songs that aren't here. I like this game because of how dead it is. It just comes off as so creepy you have to enjoy it.

I guess it helps that I'm trying to get back into horror stories now. It may not have much detail, but it doesn't really need it. I appreciate you making something unique. I have said that in my reviews too many times to remember. It does get pretty frustrating if only because it's so different.

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