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I think there must be something wrong with my computer. I use the arrow keys to try to move like it tells me, but instead it moves the monitor. It was also weird how it was just talk after talk in the beginning of the game. While not that zany, this still struck me as quite strange. I guess I was just looking for some more detail or something. Of course, I can't deny it is in fact fairly well done.

You certainly have originality. How strange you would get a higher ranked Weekly award than a daily one. Oh well, it fits the uniqueness of this. It's weird how I like the name of this. It gives off a hopeful message.

I admit that this was very different than other games I have played. I thought this was going to be a shooter at first, particularly with how you were in a ship. I was even confused as to what my ship even was. The lights on the back made it seem like it was some kind of animal. I didn't even understand the title well. It's still a recommendable game, because it is unique.

I was amazed at how difficult it could be to navigate through everything like that. It seemed like you could just go anywhere, but it was anything but. I was hoping the auto pilot would be easier. Okay, at least it's easier than what it already looks like. It manages to hold up pretty well.

Well, what can I say? I don't know why this showed up on my profile, because I haven't favorited either of you guys. It's pretty easy to tell the one guy is a knockoff of Pikachu. It's actually a fairly good one if you notice. I think the music is decent. It just seems like you can press the space button over and over. I mostly died by falling off.

You can in fact die from the dragon, but it's in a different way. At least I managed to get one medal for the first game in awhile. I haven't had much luck with games lately. The sounds got annoying. I don't like it how you just keep on moving over and over without jumping. Eh, I've played worse.

I was surprised at how much fun I had with this. I assumed that the game would be too simple for me to really enjoy. It's great to see how well this holds up. While there isn't much in terms of graphics, it makes up for it in terms of gameplay. I really like how you have so much control over your bombs. It's a great way of showing how something simple can be fun.

I guess I enjoyed it because there's so much to do. You can do whatever you want and use whatever kind of attacks you find. I like how the enemies close and open their eyes. It isn't much, but it shows a form of maliciousness. Very good game.

This just came off as too complicated to me. The weirdest thing was how I managed to die even when I landed on the platform. I thought maybe I was in the wrong position, but I guess I just have to go really slowly. I still appreciate this for being a pretty unique game. The graphics could use some work, though. I don't know why a koala would look for shrimp.

I guess they are both in Australia. Granted, I only know that because of "shrimp on the barby" thing. There also could have been some music. The sounds it did have weren't too bad at least. You guys have worked on much better stuff.

I may not be able to speak Russian, but this was still a freaking awesome game. It's biggest annoyance is the fact that there are respawning enemies. There are just too many of them to even enjoy. At least I managed to figure out some ways about the Russian language. I might be able to recognize "level" from now on. Of course, that will be of little use to me.

I have to comment that the colors in this were freaking gorgeous! There were just so many of these enemies that were of great variety. I guess it makes sense ghosts would be able to reappear. Too bad I'm not as good at it. You sometimes have to search for the openings you operate with the switches.

GameBalance responds:

But there is an english version of the game too!

I admit that this was a fairly interesting game because of how unique it was. That still didn't change the fact that I didn't enjoy it much as I could not understand it at all. Even the name was too strange. I found it odd how I seemingly was getting ahead when I kept losing. I guess the instructions could just be layed out better. They seem to long to really be worth the time.

I also think the graphics could have been better. They are not terrible, there have just been so many better ones. I thought it was going to be a Tamagotchi like game at first. It possibly was, just not in the way I expected. It's not my kind of game.

josh-tamugaia responds:

It was my first flash game... Thanks for playing and reviewing though.

I found to just be an okay game. I think its biggest flaw was how there was no variety. It was basically just you crapping on cars over and over. I expected maybe some satire about this. I didn't even know that pelicans did that sort of thing. I also thought it was smaller birds like pigeons that pooped on everything. Pelicans just poop in the sea more.

The graphics weren't bad, but there needed to be more going on. I didn't understand how it was just the same level, only harder. It was at least a fairly unique experience. Everything is pretty easy to understand. I don't think you can crap on other birds. Or at least it has no effect.

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