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I really like this game because of how it has such a sense of good cheer. You would think I would complain about it being too simple, but I didn't care! It was just great to collect all these stars over and over. It's harder than you think, with how you constantly die if you hit a house. I guess that's fairly realistic though. The music is nice too.

I just love how you have references to your previous works, like Powerfox. There are probably more I would see if I played it more. It makes me wish I lived in a place that had snow. The controls are just so simple and yet you can do so much. It's great to see you with something different.

For the most part, I found this to be a good game. The one thing that really annoyed me was how easy it was for me to get injured. Usually, enemy cars don't have much health, but I think that one had as much as I did! Yeah, I'm just being whiney. The graphics are fairly decent. It's not that innovative, due to how it didn't interest me that much.

I can still see myself searching for new and better weapons to use in this. The sound effects are quite well done. It's just that I've played much better games from you. It seems like you were trying something different with this. At least it didn't work out too badly.

It seems like I have hit the jackpot recently with original ideas in games. Unfortunately, it isn't enough for me to even get a single medal. It struck me off as too strange and hard in some areas. I still can't complain to you for giving me a challenge. I like the noise it makes when you go back and undo moves. It even does that when you can't make any more backing moves!

The music is good. There isn't much detail, but I doubt there's even supposed to be. It also has a pretty strange title. Level 04 is the one I'm really having trouble with. I don't even know what it means to have a perfect score.

I'm not sure if I played the original game in the series, but I did not care much for this. It's mostly because you have such limited power with how you are able to move like that. For some reason, I can not advance to the left and have to start the level over again. That shows up too often. I guess I have to give you credit for having a pretty creative idea.

I was hoping I might get a medal simply by not missing the opening scenes, but I was wrong. I guess it just looked too small overall. Again, people who are people at this should enjoy it more. The sound effects are good, especially the way he jumps with his sword. It's strange, but creative.

I was quite surprised at how much fun I had with this. I thought it wasn't going to be enjoyable at all at first. It's mostly because I couldn't seem to understand why there was so much detail put into it. I now really don't care, because it's still a well done game. I admit it gets hard at times, but it's still fun to play. I don't need to tell you the graphics are great.

I like how the main character is this black monkey. Gee, that kind of sounds racist. Anyway, while not one of you guys' best, it's still worth checking out. You probably could have had more action in it, though. I always appreciate detail.

Wow, here I was thinking you were just exaggerating. It turned out to be way harder than I thought! I guess it's mostly because I couldn't tell the difference between the two buttons. Seriously, that was my biggest problem. I kept on just dying and dying until I couldn't advance! There were just too many enemies as well.

At first, I thought those black patches were things you were supposed to jump over. I'm freaking glad they were not. It got annoying having to hear that music at the beginning over and over. I guess this could have benefited from more checkpoints. The graphics are okay.

While this game did not have the best graphics it's still a good game. I was amazed at how difficult it got to be. You can lose all of your health pretty much instantly. There are always more interesting levels to go on. That being said, it could have been more detailed. I can't say it didn't have enough obstacles, it certainly did.

I think the graphics are cute, with how the little parts of the copter fly around. Dang, did I forget what propellers are? The hardest one for me is the one where you have to go down. Or maybe I'm just saying that because it's the one I stopped at. Either way, it's decent.

I'm sorry, but this didn't appeal to me at all. The thing that irritated me the most was how the graphics looked pretty bad. I think it would have worked better as a platformer. When there's a turn game like this, you need to have better looks. It could also be a little more organized. The sound effects were alright.

It does seem like you put some effort into this. There are a lot of details, even if they're not good. It looks more like something that was made in 2003. There could also be more shading, but the colors aren't bad. It just takes too long.

The graphics are fairly impressive. My big complaint with this is that it is too difficult. I don't think I lasted any longer than before I knew how to fire! It's still a pretty interesting game. I like how there's an acid version, which I assume is harder. The music seems to be fairly suiting.

There's a fairly good variety of enemies coming at you. Some of the CGI does look a bit dated. Then again, most modern games don't use CGI anyway. It seemed like this was a unique game for you and it makes sense seeing as how you've made so many. I guess it's fine.

Wiesi responds:

Thanks for reviewing!

I admit that this had really good graphics. However, it lost a lot of points with how it was just one battle. I don't think there were any others. I thought the girl had better powers than me, but I won anyway. This has at least had more reviewers in the last couple of years than a lot of other older submissions. The sounds are quite authentic.

I'm more used to how awesome the episodes are. I think you also need to show more depth in a game like this. It shouldn't be side-scrolling, if that's even what a fighting game could be. The backgrounds fairly nice too. I can remember her name as JoinSword now.

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