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There's really nothing noteworthy here. One of its biggest downfalls was how it didn't have music or sound effects. It just seems like that would be inevitable in a game like this. TLOTR has spawned so many good tributes, this is far behind. It's just the same rocks you're avoiding over and over. It would be nice if you could go to new places.

After awhile, I simply didn't care. Wow, first review in three years. You need to work on graphics as everything is just too generic. I couldn't get the feeling of the narrative here. There need to be more options.

Woah, I could not understand anything about this. It took me the longest time to learn everything. There were like three different places where I could learn how to do the exact same thing. I tried flying over the blue orb and pressing "D" but nothing worked. Does this game just not work anymore? Anyway, the graphics could have also been better.

I must have been missing something. I could have sworn I saw this on another website. It's nice how you advertise it here. I don't even know what cookies are. It's just too complicated for me.

I have to admit that I like the idea. It's nice how you admit yourself that it isn't an original one. My main problem with this is that I am not able to get into it. There are too many specific things to do. I was at least able to figure out I had to capture the red ones. You had to wait too long for all of them to come together.

The music was alright. I was even able to understand the Star Trek references. Okay, anybody could do that. I didn't like it how all of the ships had to be inside and not just have them touch the area you drew. Maybe that would be too easy.

It was hard for me to get into this game. What I didn't like was how there wasn't much detail put into it. I managed to detonate (or whatever) one of the red blasts, but I still lost. I guess the blast has to be far away from you. That just doesn't make any sense to me. I did, however, think the music was good. It helps that I've heard it before.

You should have a background. There can also be some better effects done with shading. The highest score I got was 3. Yeah, I wasn't very motivated to do better in it. There is just so much room for improvement.

I didn't understand this game at all. One of its biggest weaknesses was how it had no sound or music. Another was that it was just too bland. I imagine that you were trying to make something impressive with the 3D, but it didn't come out very well. There needed to be a lot more variety. I got some goals, but don't even remember when I did.

There are just so many better games out there, this doesn't come off as anything special. You should have something more imaginative. Sound/music does a good job of making a game more interactive. You just don't have the feeling you're there. Of course, virtual reality is now unpopular.

It as interesting to learn that about World War I. I already knew a lot about the Red Baron, mostly from "Peanuts" comic strips, lol. Anyway, I thought the graphics were quite impressive. I do have some complaints, particularly with how I died when I went to my landing strip. Then again, I didn't press any button to slow down or anything. There could have been music.

It was pretty easy to understand with how you just shot at your enemy like that. Some of it does look fairly dated, though. The sounds are fine for what they are. I didn't even notice the enemies firing at me first. It's best to just shoot them quickly before they get closely.

While the name was pretty generic, the game was anything but. It just seemed like you had a lot of mobility in this. I think the best part is probably how you have good control. It's fun to see these guys come after you over and over only for you to defeat them. There's so much going on it doesn't become boring. I think the graphics are also really good.

Just the notion of having all those arrows really gave me a good feeling. Yes, that's probably because I just came back from watching the TOME episode that introduced me. The sounds are decent too. It could have been more detailed, but it's still tons of fun with how fast paced it is. I don't even know where the bombs are coming from, oh wait, they're landmines.

Well, this was an extremely frustrating game because I couldn't get anything done. I'm pretty sure you have to get a 4 by 4 block done to make any of them disappear. I admit that it was a different kind of game. As Tetris has little plot in itself, it's interesting to see a variation. I just wished I had some medals. Yes, that is shallow, but it's how I felt.

The graphics (what little there were) were actually quite nice. I do like how you can revolve the block around. I knew it would be too easy to just let them fall into nothingness. The music is pretty appropriate. Again, I'm not good at this.

Zanzlanz responds:

Ericho, thank you for your review! I certainly admit to it being a difficult game. Many times I see when a game is difficult, players claim to be bad at it. From a comparative perspective, you're not bad at all :)
I want to add an objective note so it is more clear that you must create squares (4x4 and up) to score points and clear blocks.
Thanks for playing!

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