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I think it could have been a lot better if there was some sound to it. When I put my cursor down, it said that seven million of them were done there! That means the average person had 40 mouses (?) taken away from them! I guess I don't understand its popularity. It is interesting to see the different kinds of things you can do with the guy.

If you go to the bottom, he stays in the same place. If you move up from there, he immediately moves to wherever your cursor is. I did not know what was going to happen next. Again, it just needed more. I don't understand the link.

Well, this is one crazy game. I guess I didn't like it that much because it made no sense to me. I tried to use all the fruits I could found and did not hallucinate. I guess I have to give you credit for creating a really strange location. It was certainly unique. It reminded me of things like the Pokemon or Legend Of Zelda games.

The music got a tad annoying after awhile. I could not really get anywhere in this game. I tried firing at the blocks blocking (redundant) me, but nothing happened. I just prefer games that make more sense. You're still pretty creative.

malec2b responds:

From starting area: Go up one zone, fight the first golem, past the golem should be a passageway going left, fight the second golem, the berries in this area have the hallucination effect.

If you want to make further progress in the game overall, go north as far as you can go until you reach the gate, at which point the objective should become fairly clear ;)

I was surprised at how much I was able to get into this game. I think its strongest point was probably how there were many levels of difficulty. When I died, it took me completely off guard. I don't even really notice that health bar on the lower half of the screen. I appreciate the flashy colors. It might not have been well detailed, but it's still fun.

I was afraid this was going to be too hard. I was three squares away from getting thirty! It's hard to develop strategy when you can't control what's going to be sprayed at you next. The music, while not much, was good. Yeah, it doesn't look like this took too long to make.

This reminds me of the old SimCity games I used to play. I admit that while I'm not a fan of those things, I did like the SimCity games. It's just that the graphics look quite dated. While it didn't have near the tone of some better ones, it's still good. Everything is presented in a nice organized manner. You have a good amount of land to work with.

I even thought it was interesting how you worked a story into this. The instructions were a bit longer than I thought. Of course, I know these games aren't as simple as platformers. Maybe that's why platformers are my favorite kinds. Anyway, the voice was nice too.

Wow, I never thought that I would be so interested in a game like this! While it is kind of weird to have these sprite graphics again, I still love it. It's mostly because you get to kill numerous enemies at one time. I just love to see the frozen fire things hit each other. When I first saw this, I thought it was just a ring of fire. I now see it is kind of cool to be able to alter the size.

Granted, all games here can do that, but this is a pretty unique way. There could have been a bit more variety, though. I like how you go out and freeze everything when you complete a level. The music is also fairly nice. It's a creative idea that works well.

I admit that the premise was pretty good. It's too bad that I couldn't get very far in it. I liked the way it said that I earned the medal. Yes, every little bit counts for me. I thought the sound effects were decent. I just enjoyed seeing the sword kill the enemies and have them turn into balls.

Dang, I've been mentioning that a lot lately too. I like the way the enemies are designed. It's good that you don't stick to just one design. It is pretty annoying with how you lose the level if you lose so much as one of your eggs. You should just probably have more freedom in a game like this.

omaromeir responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it. I promise to take your notes into account if I ever make a future version ;).

I could not understand how this game was played. It was so strange I was thinking that it might have been an April Fool's Day joke at first. Needless to say, I looked at the date and it was not. I guess I'm just thinking this because the game I played before was like that. It just seems to go on too long. I've managed to go upstairs in my house and get the drumsticks.

I try playing a random song, but it doesn't open the trapdoor. I'm thinking it has to be something specific, which is odd, as it tells me to go random. The artwork, however, is quite good in this. You have a fairly nice variety of places to go. I just wish I could understand it.

molkman responds:

There are puzzles that need to be solved, it's an adventure game, hun.

Oh yeah, FINALLY, I get to see something for April Fool's Day. I was thinking there was some way to beat it, but then I looked down at the author's comments. I'm not going to fool myself into thinking I get closer with each try. The voice was pretty nice in this. The graphics are as good as ever. This certainly fits its description of being unwinnable.

Does anyone even use segways anymore? Someone like that deserves to get eaten. I was afraid I was going to tip over into the ground. Of course, always being eaten by zombies wasn't much better, probably worse. At least I knew what was coming for me.

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