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Well, this game was certainly playable, but it wasn't that good. I think it's mostly because the graphics just look so shoddy. So many things just don't age well. The sounds were also kind of minimalist. Still, I have to give you credit for having a game that's pretty easy to understand. It's interesting to find out the different kind of moves you can come up with.

It's great to see something you can make on your own. Again, you need to work with shading and there should be music. It's really too basic of a game to be recommendable. Basic things can work, but not like this. I do see potential for this.

While not a great game, this was definitley playable. I was amazed at how easy it was for me to lose. You really have to do nothing bu put up more soldiers for this. The music is extremely suiting. I really do like the graphics. On the second level, I manage to get the enemy down to just one hit to kill it, but I still lose!

At first, I was thinking this game went too slowly. Now, I think it goes too fast. You know how to create some good tension. There seems to be something wrong with my keyboard now. I like all the unique designs.

I am someone who is at least somewhat familiar with the game. Of course, with literally thousands of reviews, it would make sense I'd know about it. This makes me imagine what an older version of this game would be. A pity many games are brand new and never had that happen to them. That being said, it's great to see fan versions of this being made. It does have its flaws, like how it's a bit too simple.

I also didn't know how to get out of the jeep. I couldn't even used my gun there well, but I did a good job of stomping my enemies out. The sprite work is done very nicely here. I appreciate you making a tribute to such a popular game. It probably could have used some music, too.

I am not one for racing games, but this turned out to be really cool! I guess it's mostly because it's cool to see you race against yourself. It's neat to be reminded of all the past games I've played with you guys. You know how to use creativity. I notice that it doesn't let you cheat. If you take a shortcut somewhere, even if it slows you down, you'll have to go back and do it the right way.

The music was also really stylistic in this. I could tell you were trying to appeal to all the previous games. It's stuff that this that makes me wish you guys would release stuff here. The graphics are really good too. It's one of your most fun games.

Hey, Cyberdevil! I think this was pretty interesting to play. I appreciated how you seemed to have a surprising number of things going on. I guess it just looked that way because evey level was unique. Apart from being creative, it worked so well in its simplicity. With all these levels, you always face a new challenge.

I was thinking you just had to line everything up at first. I then realized you had to duplicate the effects as shown in the sample. The music was fairly creepy too. While it wasn't much in terms of design, it still worked out well. It's kind of random but that never stopped me from liking something before.

I was not able to understand this. I basically went out and tried to hit my target, but then it said I had no lasers. It was strange, because I tried using the other weapons and they didn't work either. It also suffers from too generic a name. I've tried waiting for it to power back up, but nothing seems to work. I just wasn't able to advance much.

I also found it annoying how you did so little in the levels. Apparently, people like this. I wish I had some idea why. Anyway, you need to have more clear directions. I guess there's at least nothing offensive or anything in this.

This was not a good game, but it did have its good points. I think the best thing about it is probably how it is easy to follow. As I've said before, that can also be a downside. You do need to have more variety in your game. I thought you had to use a couple of arrows at first to kill your enemies. I'm glad you just need one.

The graphics just don't hold up well. Dang, I am reaching the age where 2005 seems dated. You could have had the enemies make different sounds. The backgrounds also needed some work. It's not terrible, for the most part mediocre.

I had absoluely no idea what was going on in this game. I then realized you were supposed to just find the boss' unprotected spot. It was weird, because you had to go through so many layers and I coudn't tell if he was regenerating them. It's been awhile since I've played a Bullet Hell game. This certainly fits the bill.

I like all the flashy effects being used. It did get annoying with how hard it was. I guess I'm back to winning just the first medal on these games. The music is quite stylistic and fits the tone well. Why are all the games that have medals showing up on my playlist?

I can see how this made for blind people. Unfortunately, I didn't find much enjoy ment from it. It's mostly because there is no detail in it. I do hear some different voices, but that's about as far as I get. I was mostly pressing the same buttons and I kept getting the same answers. I don't know what's going on. You do have a pretty nice voice.

I tried typing "Blind Man's Simon", but nothing happened. I don't know how to get ahead. How would blind people come across this? It just doesn't make sense to me. It could have at least some visuals.

Kwing responds:

The game is fully arrow-controlled. The menu explains which buttons are used for which actions, and the game is really more of an arcade game (hence the name Simon) than something with a beginning middle and end.

As for how a blind person would find this, the lack of graphics is more of a gimmick than anything else. Although sighted people could hypothetically sit a blind person down to play this game.

I'm not much for point and click adventure games, and this didn't do much for me. It was weird, because it just seemed like everything was happening too fast. I got through a bunch of stuff without anyone in my party dying. I had no idea if I was getting ahead! I guess it is a pretty classy game. I'm just used to more action.

You should probably have a wider environment. You don't get to see much except the same images. The music seemed pretty fitting. I don't even know what the title means. This is probably one of my least favorite zombie games here.

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