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Well, that was an easy way to get a bunch of artists together. It was still good. I kept thinking that there were things close up that weren't there before. I'm pretty sure they were all there. It was interesting to notice new stuff. That's what closeups are for!

I don't follow any of you people. I mean that as in follow on this website. I'm not saying that I don't understand you. This is still kind of interpretive. Happy Madness Day if that means anything here.

QueenBoo responds:

Happy Madness Day!

Joe-nutty responds:

If you type "HMD" you can get a monster that looks like me holding a hammer irl. Not a threat, its just a secret to unlock in the game ;)

This was cheesy, but it was also quite fun. I remember Tim Tams. I liked your usual goofy animation. Wow, more and more people are talking about the Queen's death. Here I was thinking Australia was independent. Well, the British Empire's dissolved now anyway.

As stated before, she set a great example that politicians shouldn't do anything. Thanks for giving 100 points either way! Is it supposed to say, "Become an Australia citizen"? I think it's Australian. Well, maybe the grammar's different there.

I personally thought this game went on waay too long. I went through the tutorial and a ton of dialogue and not much progressed. I guess the layout's pretty good. I thought it might be a platformer at first. I had no idea there'd be so many characters. Honestly, the title was brilliant.

It's a word I don't hear often. I know it's a real word. I just had no idea this game would be so immensely vast. You have to have a lot of time to do it. It still deserves credit for having a lot of detail.

I thought this game was just okay. You had pretty good mobility. I was annoyed at how it didn't tell you how to select weapons. I assumed you used them against the barrels. I tried pressing 1 but I didn't see myself with the weapon. I guess it's more complicated.

The graphics were decent. It was just hard to get absorbed. I guess I'm just not the demographic. It's at least a pretty big world. A lot of people seem to agree with me.

I have to admit it was REALLY hard just to get a single egg. One false move and it was gone forever! I still have to praise myself for being able to get the secret medal! Honestly, I'm proud of myself. I'm not even going to review it to you! Anyway, this was a very innovative game.

I wish the rating was higher. Sure, it was hard, but everything was unpredictable. This blob looked like he was from "Minecraft". That game has influenced so many games. This game really is huge and I praise those who can beat the whole thing.

I enjoyed this, but there was something wrong with my laptop, I think. There was no sound! Sound was credited, so it must have been something wrong with my own computer. I guess it's hard to review it then, but it's still wonderful. It was still a good game. Boy, this score went up!

It takes a while to get used to. I admit the pixel art came a bit off. It was still well put together. You have to learn what you're truly capable of. I'm so glad there were checkpoints. I didn't know when the red blobs came up or down.

Dang, this game was hard! That's 25 levels to get one medal! I shouldn't complain so often, but this has so many new obstacles being introduced. I was at least able to get used to it at first. You just had no rest time. It was all about timing.

The music's pretty good. Every level is quite different. Not even slow progression can fully prepare you. I didn't even recognize him as an owl. I was too busy trying to figure the game out.

This was an odd game. I wasn't really given clear instructions as to what to do. It made me depressed... No, not really! I just did some stuff and tried to go through it. That's exactly what everyone does.

This seems like a comedy sometimes. I especially loved seeing the self-deprecation. I won some medals, but don't even know how I did it. I'm just not into point 'n click adventure games. Or point and click adventure games.

That was indeed a very easy game to play. The best parts were probably when he flew out. I'm glad I was able to use everything. I think I was, at least. I'm glad there were a variety of attacks. I wasn't able to advance to the next level.

I think I had to press "Q" or something. The squiggle vision was funny. Some of those guys looked like the Slenderman. I guess it was just a stick figure. Was he inspired by stick figures?

Well, I did in fact enjoy this, if only because I was motivated to play more. It looked so weird with its pixels. Witchraft? Where was the raft in this? I don't know what witches have to do with fruits and vegetables. It was still really good.

It certainly built up. I'm never good with those bosses. Well, the ones in defense games. I couldn't predict how they'd evolve next. That was interesting.

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