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It was pretty awesome how I got medals during the tutorial! I will admit that I was annoyed at how it was hard for me to escort people. I couldn't advance because I got stuck! It's still an amazing game. I haven't seen a game with an ad in such a long time. I guess some people were annoyed by how the game was so complicated to get into.

You know, with signing up and everything. It's odd to see a game like that with medals. The best part was probably the dinosaurs. We all love dinosaurs! Aww dang, I couldn't even pick up on that from the title!

I managed to get to the second level of Hell. I thought I could just fall in. Boy, did the sounds get annoying in that second level! I guess it was certainly unique. I just couldn't get the hang of it. Ben Stiller's just an okay actor to me.

I did have good mobility. It was just hard for me to understand what was going on. Surreal games should be like that. I would have to look into a walkthrough. If not finish the whole game, I could at least get the hang of it.

Wow, I actually ended up loving this game! I had no idea it would be so fun. You never know what's going to appear next! I loved playing "Galaga". I used to have it in this old church. It was actually a big part of Sunday school.

Hmm, religion wouldn't like witchcraft. I loved how fast it moved. It's hard to keep up with when the enemy will advance. Lina's a good name of a witch. It's just like "Slayers".

Achie72 responds:

I'm not saying she is name Lina because of that, but I'm not denying it either.

I'm glad you liked it! My main inspiration was somewhat Gradius, as that was the shmup for me back in childhood!

A few changes are in progress, so if you liked it, maybe check back later in the future!

When it got to "11" it looked like a pause button. This was a good game, just not a great one. I guess it came off as too easy. Well, it does have literally 60 levels. It can't stay that way forever. I was annoyed at how you couldn't place the blocks that well.

It wasn't directly above where you'd place it down. It was certainly bright. Some of the blocks were just the same. That did make it easier. It's fine for a game.

Wow, that was a very weird game. I didn't understand it at first but got the hang of it. I had no idea it would be rapid fire like that. It definitely had great graphics. You had no idea what was going to show up next. Trust me, that was a good thing.

The sounds were so good too. I have no idea how to get rid of the stress. I just play the games and be done with it. You sure know how to mix them up. Don't worry, I didn't get too stressed with them.

I liked this a lot, but it did have its problems. The worst was probably how the screen was too big. It was REALLY easy to be killed by those spikes. You had to watch every single step there. I liked how you always respawned in different places. Even the title's cool.

I really had to learn to pay attention to every single thing going on here and there. It takes a while to get used to. You just have to learn to attack at the right time. You have to be patient. Not one of the greatest, but definitely creative and a lot of fun.

I liked this game, but it was a little annoying. I didn't know why you weren't allowed to see the end of the screen. Your cat just walked off the edge and couldn't be seen. I'm glad he was able to come back. Sometimes, I just had to stay in one spot. I liked his girlfriend.

I just realized the raining cats and dogs thing too. The dogs weren't actual enemies you fought. Good for them! It had a lot of good spirit to it. We need that here.

I have to admit I wasn't really a fan of this. I mean, it was basically just you putting snow together. I didn't like it how you couldn't use the head. I didn't realize you could have some snow left over. It was more challenging than I thought. I will give it credit for uniqueness.

It did get creative. It was just hard to understand. I can recommend this to other people with more patience. You had to make sure it was in the circle. There isn't snow in August, much less here in Florida!

This just wasn't impressive. The lines were quite bad. The navigation tool especially looked rigid. The red ball game wasn't that good. Computer simulators can be fun, but this wasn't. You just lacked detail.

It looks like you didn't like it either. There can certainly be room for improvement. You need music. At least the "Wonderz" logo looked good. Those "me!!" guys should have been clickable.

SwissNG responds:

does it look like i care

im remaking it soon

Well, this was simplistic, but that's all it needed to be. I was impressed by how I was motivated. I thought you'd get multiple chances at first. For 1000 meters, that would be too easy. It isn't that well detailed, but still fun. At least I got some more meters out of falling afterward.

I don't know how that momentum works. I noticed the other guy there at the beginning. I guess I had to continue his legacy. This character has an interesting design. You can go at your own pace and uh, Happy Clock Day!

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