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I liked this but didn't love it. The enemies got pretty annoying. I did at least manage to reload. The screen was also way too long. I couldn't even get the right percentage. I did like how it was unique.

Those chibi guys on the bottom are cute. This has been a very interesting jam. I like how you don't have to control everything. Automatic firing is always cool. I'm glad the boss (or the big guy) wasn't too hard.

ToppleNG responds:

Solid review, much appreciated!

This was certainly a lot of fun. I wouldn't say it was the best of these, but still great. Wow, a mobile jam on the same day as Clock Day! That's actually quite bold! It was a very fun little game. It was pretty surreal.

I had no idea what enemies would show up next. Congratulations on being the Daily Feature for Clock Day! The sounds were great too. It was just a wonderfully cartoonish game. It's certainly something I would recommend.

This game was amazing! This is a worthy submission for Clock Day 2022! Well, it had nothing to do with clocks, but I don't care! Everything was detailed so wonderfully. I got a "Gravity Falls" vibe from this. The Eye of the Illuminati always reminds me of Bill Cipher.

The pig reminded me of Waddles. The music was great too. I loved all the unique jewels and stuff you could get. It got even better as it went along. I was so motivated to beat the whole game! You bet I did!

Yeah, this was a very good game. It would have been annoying, if not for how wonderfully goofy it is. I loved hearing your voice. I'm glad it went on as long as it did. It's always great when a game plays itself. It makes it easier for me to review!

Happy Clock Day! This actually seems perfectly appropriate for the holiday. I liked this background. I've seen a couple rotting animal corpses. Fish are actually unique, because their bodies aren't shown on land nearly as much.

Well, the concept was good, but it lacked a nice execution. I really did like this cute little main character. I just wish I knew how to defeat the Pumpkin Guy. It was great to be able to get the pumpkins back. I don't know what the point of the cats was. It just made things more complicated.

It seemed simple at first. I did have a big complaint. The screen was way too long! I had to decrease the size so much to get the big picture. It's still certainly playable.

Wow, this was a great game, but I had no idea it would be this hard! It was difficult to keep up with everything. The best part was probably how you were able to punch them down to manageable size. I was admittedly annoyed by the constant crapping. It was hard for me to get rid of those guys. The animation was quite good.

It did look like it had too low of a resolution sometimes. The title reminds me of Bubsy Bocat. This cat, er rabbit looks a lot nicer. It was just enjoyable to look at these plants. It's just challenging to get a higher score.

I want this to just be an okay game. It reminds me of the gameplay I saw of a game called "Stray" which had an actual stray cat in it. It looks way better. I was annoyed at how the dogs died by running into each other. At least you didn't lose two hearts with it. I appreciate the animation.

It's just not a satisfying game. I just clicked on dogs. At least the dogs were cute. It was made on short notice. I can't fault you for that.

Sulfur-Cretin responds:

I honestly think the game would have been way worse if the dogs wouldn't die if they touched each other. The game would be a snooze fest because you could just drag all the dogs to the center and get an insane score. But thanks for the feedback, could have used something else to make it more satisfying

Oh, so this was just a bunch of still frames. Yeah, I wasn't that impressed by it. It's still always nice to have people work on something big. You know, something with this many people credited. The music was pretty good.

We haven't heard of that guy in awhile. Is his name just Alien Hominid? These were good drawings. They would just work as well as being on the Art Portal. I'll give you guys that.

This game was good, but as expected it got hard fast! That sounds dirty. So does really everything nowadays. The music was really nice. I didn't know there would be spots where you couldn't touch anything. It's an innovative way to play.

Thank you for showing the gameplay. You know how to create something challenging in a unique way. This has been an interesting jam. It just hasn't been one of my favorites.

Yeah, I didn't care for this game. It didn't make much sense. On the second level, when I ran into an obstacle, I had to refresh the page. I wish I would have just died. The animation was okay. I don't know what that medal had to do with Mario.

That guy at the end has a weird penis. I guess it was easy for me to play once I understood it. It just wasn't satisfying. Other people like it at least. Well, not that much.

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