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Wow, this was based on a trading card? That doesn't really take away how awesome it is. I admit that I rarely give a perfect score to an art collab. This was a wonderful exception! It's the best art collab I've ever seen. It seemed to have a coherent story too.

Well, that's more of the trading card. I never even noticed a trading card with a story. This was absolutely fantastic with so many wonderful contributions. I thought at first it was going to be images before an actual game started, but it was just perfect this way. I loved dinosaurs as a kid. Now I'm into more mature stuff, like My Little Pony.

What's your favorite scary game?

olskoo responds:


Um, I was able to start up the game. That was really it. I didn't understand what I was even supposed to do. I looked at stuff and that was it. How did I clean anything? It doesn't say how. I just couldn't get into this game at all.

I do like the appeal. This does seem like a spooky game. It still doesn't work out for me. I like the atmosphere. It just made little sense.

Yeah, I certainly couldn't get into this. I mean, it was just me stabbing a vampire. There weren't even any marks on the vampire herself! It was just walking into a dark corridor constantly. It was always the same vampire. I guess the artwork wasn't too bad.

I'm glad there was some music. You just need it to be more detailed. Show different vampires. Show the stake going in. Well, it is your first game.

I found this to be quite an enjoyable little game. The best part was probably how you could easily get access to all levels! Well, you want to challenge yourself anyway. I will admit it was annoying with how slow you moved. You had to see that same little cutscene every single time. It still had a great layout.

On Level 5, don't try to kill the archer at all. Really, you shouldn't even go after the archers in general. It wasn't really that much related to Halloween. I guess there were goblins. Those are timeless!

KageKMB responds:

To fix walking speed - try holding the run button.

An update is coming soon, I’ll look into seeing if the cutscene can be skipped but it does load the next level’s data during the sequence.

Well, I can certainly say that this an underdog. It didn't really appeal to me. I managed to find eight ghosts. It was hard to tell where there would be more that didn't appear before. Talking to people got kind of annoying. Well, it's just my opinion.

It wasn't that well detailed. Everyone here seems to really like it. I've just played many better Halloween games. I guess I'm not into adventure games. Hey, the Underdog of the Week award DOES kind of look like a werewolf!

arudasics responds:

I can't say I'm not a little bit disappointed with this review, but hey to each their own.

I can understand if you prefer not to read too much when playing games, totally fair. Unfortunately however, a lot of the puzzle hints are contained within the dialogue so a bit of reading is required to unlock areas that have some of the ghosts you were missing. I tried to keep the dialogue concise while still preserving the character's personalities.

If you only found eight ghosts I'm guessing you probably missed a hint to get into the farmhouse and find more. If you don't read the dialogue, you're gonna have a harder time playing the game. Finding eight ghosts does mean however that you've found the hardest ones though. ¯\_( ツ )_/¯

Well, this game was pretty good. I will admit that I can't beat it. I mean, that seems to be really the only point. I got some easy medals, so I was satisfied. Oh well, it's goofy enough to recommend.

I was surprised at how fast you had to be at this. It kind of looked like the asdf series. That makes sense, seeing as how it uses the same keypads! It looked like it said DISNEY. Well, they own everything nowadays anyway.

That game was rather odd. I really didn't know what was going on. The best part was probably hearing the scientist's last words in the intro. Hey, I didn't get a medal for that! I get that this was a parody of the SCP-Foundation, right? It must have been.

I didn't know how to interact with anything. I didn't know how to turn the power off. I loved reading the author's comments first. I thought this would be a serious game. That looked like Naruto at the beginning.

I got as far as Level 6. Katti is such a funny name. I guess "Catty" would be too easy a name. I used to have pet goldfish called "Fishy". Anyway, this was a great game. I was prepared at how it would get harder.

I know there will be a walkthrough eventually. I don't quite know what this has to do with cats. It's still a wonderfully cute name. How can you go wrong with cats running around? Maybe not too original, but cats are awesome.

Hmm, well I was good at it at first. I just didn't know what happened. I guess I needed to pay more attention. I honestly thought the graphics weren't bad. This just needs a lot of work. The sounds seemed to match up well.

Blue blobs remind me of Wobbuffet. He's a great pokemon. They were indeed packed in. I think there is an audience for this. It needs music too.

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