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I don't see a lot of tank games here. I am glad that people like you make them! This is quite fun and there is a nice open space for you to go about your business. While not great, the details are quite nice to look at. Everything just appears to be in an easy to understand manner. You can just stay in the same spot and fire over and over.

I like all the funny names used in this. The music and sound effects are quite good too. My only complaint is that it is a bit hard to use the controls. Hello down there, Cyberdevil! It's pretty easy to win in death match as I'm only one player. You should have a computer version.

I'm freaking amazed that this was made for a ludum dare. Those games tend to be pretty short, but not this one! I simply don't know how to get past the part with the two camera things firing at you. Nothing seems to work. I didn't enjoy it as I had no clue how to even play it. I couldn't even get my gun to work. I imagine I could use it at that point.

The music, however, its quite stylish. I appreciate the nice details and I like the idea of going back and forth in a black and white world. It's also nice to have an automatic pause. I just wish I could understand it. The title is fairly good.

Wow, this is a game that really frustrates me. It seems like it should be easier to play. I don't want to become addicted to a game I'm not even good at, or one I don't care for at all. You do deserve credit for having some pretty creative designs. I don't know if turning the enemies into white pellets helps with anything. There are just an infinite number of ones that come. I could basically just keep destroying in the same place and never advance!

I think I actuall did worse when I found out you could kill the enemies. The destruction was a bit distracting. I think it has a petty nice design to it. The sounds worked well and fit the mood. Is this really a game where some medals have zero points?

Floriaen responds:

Wow thank you!

The medals are not validated because I couldn't test them:
because I am bad with my own game I never unlock them :p
I will fix that.

This worked out fine, because it had an okay premise. For the most part, it's not that memorable. There really isn't much to stand out at all. I guess you were trying to be more deep with the author comments. It just came off as mediocre to me. The duck sounds were fairly authentic.

I was glad you did not have to press down so much. I thought you did at first, but you really just have to move your mouse around. The artwork is pretty good. I just don't know why a duck was used of all animals. I guess it was maybe trying to be like "Ducktales"?

I thought this was a good game. My biggest complaint about it is that it's basically a tutorial. It's just the same thing over and over. I can understand how you would have to know this stuff. I guess I should have figured out how to change guns. It was mostly the same thing over and over. I still enjoyed that.

It was interesting to see what kind of technique you could come up with to destroy the orbs. I really liked how the falling debris exploded. Granted, that hurt you, but I never died from it. I can imagine that happening to some enemies though. Of course, they would be the enemies in that case.

I admit that there are some parts of this game that aren't that appealing. It's mostly because you don't have a lot of stuff going on. I found it hard to tell what was ground. At least I was glad that there was some solid black stuff there. I found it funny how easily you died. Okay, flying is a lot better than hovering.

The artwork is fairly decent. It's for the most part a pretty standard game. I think the music is fairly suiting. I guess there were a lot of games about robots around this time. Robot Day hadn't even come out yet.

This is the first time in awhile I've played a game that was licensed by Miniclip, but not on their page. Well, the same thing happens for Armor Games too. I thought it was interesting to have so much mobility. The parts with the lasers were quite difficult. You had to be cautious of what was coming up next. I think the music is really nice.

I thought you waited for the green chambers to come up with more slime. It apparently only happens once per chamber. It certainly looks like there's more. This reminds me of Nitrome games. I don't think you're part of that, though.

I was thinking that the first installment would look pretty dated. It's really anything but! While it doesn't look as good as some of the future installments, it's a great place to start out. It really got annoying when the lights went out. I couldn't even tell if that was a mistake or not. With all the sequels, it's weird to have such a generic title.

It's interesting to see how you can figure this game out. I was amazed at how high this guy could jump. It's mobility like that which makes a character good. Really, everyone uses Madness like stuff nowadays. You basically launched your own genre.

I thought that this was a nice game. What I did not understand was how you had to press down when you were attacking. That's something that is usually automatic in games, at least in ones like Mario. I do like how the designs are pretty good. I think it was a good idea to give the bunny a more realistic look. It suits him more like the Bunnykill series.

The most annoying enemies were easily the birds. In the times I played this, on both occasions, they caused me to die. The music and sounds are fairly good too. I was afraid this would be an RPG at first. Yeah, I'm not a fan of those.

I'm not a fan of dressup games, but this was done very well. I think its biggest accomplishment is how it does such a good job of making nice visuals. Everything is good to look at. It's quite creative with the sheer number of things you can do. Then again, it's not so much the number as it is the variety. I only see a couple of months. I like how the eyes always follow you.

The music is also very nicely done. I recognize some of it, as I've simply reviewed so many audio submissions. Although I have reviewed regular things more often, so I just recognize it being used a lot. I hope BotCrew goes well for you. You have gotten some good recognition for this.

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