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Honestly, I didn't see what was so appealing about this. I think its weakest part was how you weren't able to do much with the upgrades. They seemed to mostly just fire in random directions. The graphics didn't come off as too appealing either. I was weirded out by how there were no colors. It just came off as shoddy.

I guess there's really nothing that bad about the game. The sound effects are nice. You would be surprised at how some of those blasts can catch you off guard. You seem like you could make this a lot better. I guess the monochrome title covers the lack of color.

I admit that I was never a fan of MahJong. It's just basically the same thing over and over. I guess the designs aren't too bad and some of it is pretty creative. It's just not something that I really know how to play. It reminds me of Sudoku in terms of complexity. I couldn't even tell what was supposed to go with what.

I think the tiles were supposed in the same row. It didn't seem like there were enough examples of that to make the game playable. I like the bright colors. It's pretty weird with how not a lot goes on at all. If you're experienced at MahJong, you should enjoy this.

This was a really cool game, even though it made no sense. I think it's a very original concept and it's executed quite well. It took me awhile to realize this was a one button kind of game. The graphics are quite good. I don't know why this guy travels to the Moon to be with the pink cat. Makes as much sense as anything else.

The medals aren't secret, but you still have to figure them out. I like the image of this guy turning into a werewolf while holding his cigar. He just acts so crazy and goes back so easily. Don't know how you can arrest a werewolf. This was weird and very good.

molkman responds:

We don't like secret medals because of how they feel, so we figured we make the medals public, but still be secret in the way that the descriptions are only hints and not instructions.

As usual, this reminds me of the days when I played the piano. It makes me kind of sad I didn't get everything finished with the books. Anyway, this was very nice. While it may not have been very well detailed, it was realistic enough to love. This is how an actual piano looked. I admit that I don't know much about the other instruments used.

I wouldn't think they would work just like a piano. You could have had some more details, but overall, definitley worth checking out. There are people who are not fortunate to have a piano or any large instrument. It's a good way to show off your creativity. That's something that should never die.

I was afraid I would not be able to understand this, as I am not a fan of the show. What did happen was pretty freaking cool. I think it's biggest accomplishment is how it changes its designs so many times. My major complaint is that I'm not allowed to go back to the title screen. I know there's another medal to get someway. I really should have looked at the date.

Then again, this kind of surprise makes it more exciting for me. The music you do have is quite nice. I don't see the rage faces on this website much. It was a good idea to include them at the end. I doubt if I ever will become much of a fan of the show.

This was a very fun game! My only complaint is that I don't like it how you have to be so close to the ball when you release your mouse. Other than that, it had most of what you would want in a game like this. It's nice to see what you can do on your own. The vivid colors really help too. I even like the way the ball glistens when you hit the side of something.

You just never know what the next level can be. Everything just comes off as so bright in this game. It can be complicated, but not more than it needs to be. I like this games because you're allowed to play them at your own pace. It's the kind of thing you can work on when you're not in a hurry.

GameBalance responds:

Thanks! This game is very old it's from 2005. This concept could be developed someday.

I found this to be a good game. I am just so used to playing your other stick games. What I don't understand here is what the purpose of the slow motion thing is. The weird thing is that I myself am no more better at running than my enemies. I just find it strange how it doesn't effect you much. The graphics are still good, though.

I think the strongest thing here is how it does have a unique premise. I would expect a game about ninjas to have you fighting, but instead it was a running game. You don't have many of those nowadays. I would have preferred a game that did have fighting. There could also be some more details in the scenery.

It's hard to say that much about this game. It was not intended to be anything that good, I imagine. It guess it works fine for something that is pretty short. I think the graphics could have been better. I have played better versions of games like this with better designs. It was probably a mistake to submit this on Clock Day.

Of course, I got this from another website which doesn't even exist anymore, I don't think. The music is fairly stylish and fits the tone well. I do see my fish get bigger as time goes on. It's just too hard to tell at times.

I found this to be a pretty good game. I think I can recall the previous one. Of course, I have played so many it's difficult to keep track of them all. I thought the graphics were quite good. I like it how it appears as though you can restore your health while you are fighting an opponent. At least that was how it was with the boss.

I do think this isn't that creative. The music is good, but it doesn't seem to add anything that new. It is kind of satisfying to look at the enemy designs. I also like how you have a map that shows everything. It's not much, but it's good for what it is.

I just noticed everything is gray for some reason, must be something new. I appreciate all the work put into all the different endings. I was afraid this thing was never going to stop! In fact, it does and I'm glad there's always something new going on. I thought I would just have to go through two or three options at first. There have to be dozens of combinations!

I managed to get a medal worth fifty points! It also helps that the graphics are as good as ever. I don't even remember this being so fun. The voice work is fantastic as well. It's great to have so many songs too.

PuffballsUnited responds:

I tend to run into the problem of making things colorful for interiors, especially metallic ones. I'm glad you liked it!

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