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Yeah, it was pretty easy to tell this was based on "The Simpsons". They yellow color really stands out. In fact, that's actually why they're yellow, look it up! I admit the graphics were really bad. This was probably intentionally like that.

I managed to at least get some medals. They were pretty easy. I think there's a point that I cant advance, though. I guess it's unique. Fans of cheesy stuff will love this.

Aprime responds:

Yup, try to get all the medals too.

I'm going to admit right now. That one screen with the arrows firing at you that you have to go over twice is the hardest. There just seem like a million things that can go wrong there. It's still a good game. It does annoy me how repetitive it is. There was just no chance for a break.

The music was really nice. The sprite work was great too. It's just impossible for me to love. It's still quite a good concept. For those who are really good at timing, play it!

This game was just okay. I admit that it was for the most part harmless. Then again, I don't see how a game don't be that harmful. I was confused by how the titles seemed to come from nowhere. It seems like you could move anywhere on the screen. It was too easy that way.

At least the enemies made it more challenging. I just thought that it lacked detail. It was probably too cute. It's not something me as an adult would like. It's just okay for me.

This was pretty mediocre. I do like how it has a really cute appeal to it. I can at least appreciate how it's easy to understand. I managed to pick up at least three different things. It seems like you're way too late for Halloween. And I thought people celebrated Christmas early!

The animation is pretty nice. It is a little too cutesy, though. I guess it's just meant to be for younger players. I'm just not into point and click adventures. It's okay for what it is.

I didn't find this to be as good as most of your games. It was too simple. I was at least hoping for some mini games. I guess it was unique in that there were none. It's still pretty nice to see this animation. I was annoyed by the lack of sound.

It must be something wrong with my laptop. You certainly have a lot credited! It was kind of different for you. I just wanted something with more interaction. I would not recommend it.

I guess I can't really say that this was a great game, because it truly wasn't. I still really enjoyed playing it, because of all the easy medals. I really do get frustrated when I can't get any. The main problem is that the graphics were just too choppy. There was little innovation with this. Most of the enemies looked the same.

The bosses were too easy. Then again, I didn't even care. You basically just had to shoot them before they fired bullets right above you. Just keep on firing like any game like this. That side shooting powerup does become useful.

I am not much into RPGs. I still indeed enjoyed this. It's mostly because the design is so good. I'm glad I was able to figure it out pretty quickly. The music is nice too. It's just a really interesting little environment.

I appreciate all the fine details. It does seem like "The Hobbit". I'm glad I just had to pretty much do nothing to get my first medal. I thought those floating things were Bibles. While I'm not that interested, it's fine for a quick play.

There was something I just didn't understand about this game. I had no idea how I even died most of the time! It seemed like something came from the back to injure me! I guess it was still pretty enjoyable. I didn't know we're still doing stuff for this Ludum Dare. The music is great, though.

I really like the style. It's too bad the gameplay isn't easier. I should have figured it just went on forever. I guess more talented gamers will like this more. It just got really hard after awhile.

Zanzlanz responds:

One of the rules is that you must destroy "ALL" of the seeds, or else you'll feed to plant behind you, causing you to lose a life. Thanks!

I was surprised at how much I enjoyed this! At first, it seemed pretty dumb. I am so glad that there were powerups like legs in this. It's interesting that I even got that far. Of course, at first, the game just played itself. He kind of looks like Sonic.

You know, with the razor like air. The music fit the atmosphere perfectly. I was confused as to why purple stuff was coming out of him at first. I thought maybe you were supposed to go on top of it. There was another game here like that.

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