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Dang, how many of these did you make? You must have set some record. It's not that appealing. I don't see the difference between it and the other games. The colors were still good. It's just not unique.

There's still nothing terrible about it. I mean, the controls are fine. The sounds seem better. Well, I guess that is a difference. Not recommendable though.

Yeah, this was more of the same. I didn't care for this. It's mostly because it's just the same as the previous games. Still, I was motivated to go on. I'm glad you at least used different backgrounds. That's always creative.

Give this its own section! It makes no sense not to have it! Anyway, the music was alright. It's just mediocre. There can be room for improvement.

You were so prolific in your early days. A pity they weren't that good. I did like how fast paced this was. You knew how to create an interesting world. It helps that the colors are so good. It is really not that original.

I guess there's so many games out there it's hard to not compare them. This was nice with the character designs too. All the enemies are finely detailed as well. It can work. Maybe it's a bit too cartoonish.

I guess this was pretty good. I don't remember the original, though. Why is it okay to see cats being killed? Well, we know it's just a game. My favorite might be the bee. It's easily the most unexpected of any of those and the most creative.

The artwork's pretty good. It doesn't quite hold up. Still, it's fine for a quick play. Maybe you could have used a background. The colors are nice.

I guess for an early game this wasn't terrible. It was nice how you set everything up. We always want to know about new characters. Well, new to us at least. The music was pretty good. At least it wasn't a tutorial.

A villain protagonist? Sounds interesting. The enemies were designed nicely. It still looks crude. Well, probably fair for its age.

Okay, this was quite disappointing. It was nothing but the same screen over and over. I wanted a lot more. I don't think I can even lose in this. There's just no challenge. Thank you for at least providing the author comments in English.

There's so little detail. It took you a long time to get good. We all have our old shames. It's too boring. Even this review is boring me.

Well, that was weird. I couldn't tell it was a game. I didn't even know how I lost. I kept losing health. Was Rambo the guy getting hit? If so, I suck at this game.

It's nice to see clips. Oh dang, they don't want that here. Stupid deletion of "Numa Numa Dance". That was the most critically acclaimed movie to win Worst Picture Razzie. I can see why.

Why was this whole thing in German? I mean, I get it that you're German. There should at least be an option for English. Sphinxes like carrots? Aren't they supposed to be like cats? They're carnivores.

It seemed too hard. Well, at least the artwork was okay. I was kind of motivated to go on. Mostly because of how hard it was. At least the idea's original.

Wow, that was too fast paced for me. It was hard to tell what was going on. I guess it was at least interesting. I'm pretty bad at this game. The games are all random. I can't prepare for what's next.

You had a good Naked series. I'm surprised it doesn't have a section. I didn't even realize this was a game at first. It was still pretty good. Boy, do you have to be quick.

I admit I'm having a hard time with this. I'm just going to empty places most of the time. Still, this was a lot of fun. The best part is probably how mobile you are. It's at least easy not to die. I like these visuals so much.

You have created a unique world to interact in. Happy Halloween! In true holiday fashion, I'm reviewing all the Halloween stuff today. A pity it's been so long since I've seen trick or treaters. We live in apartments now.

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