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I can see why this is the highest ranked submission. This is awesome! I was confused when it said I could wait for an hour. I'm glad that wasn't my only choice. It was nothing but boss battles. I finally died at the fourth one.

Or rather, I quit. It's just so wonderfully detailed. I love how unpredictable it is. I've seen a lot of scary stuff in my day, so I wasn't worried. I need to learn to dash more.

Here you go again. Click on the green plant to find a key in it. Use it to open the trash can. Click on the painting to see the numbers V II IV III VII. Put in 5 2 4 3 7 into the locked door on top of the shelf to get headphones. I got that much done on my own!

Click the bottom of the plant for a medal. Click on it again to obtain it and put the water on the painting. Click on the very lower part of the bookshelf to find the plug. Plug the computer in. That's enough for one medal which is good enough for me.

Oh, I get it now. I didn't quite understand it at first. I'm glad it made more sense. You had to switch between players. Well, I still wasn't that good with that. I'm glad this made the thumbnail.

I had a lot of fun with this! Well, it might be because it's a pretty simple game. It's still well done. The sounds are cool too. I will have to practice more.

Hmm, that was a very odd game. I didn't know how to play it. I guess I'm just not into games like this. I thought it was based on "Zootopia". It probably was! I guess it was at least unique.

I can see how others would like it. It was just too boring. I'm not into RPGs. Wait, it was a simulation game. I'm even less into those.

I am terrible at this game. I can't say it's good because it's so hard! I mean, I found the very, very minor differences. I'm sorry, but I can't play this! Well, I can't beat it. Where's the music?

It's just so unrewarding. Wait, that's a word? The drawings are certainly nice. I thought I was good at these games. Oh, so pisuicas are the names of the characters.

I loved how fast paced this was! There was just so much going on! Everything was so wonderfully bright and colorful! It had so much variety. It's great to see so much energy in a game. I thought this was a preview.

Either way, it's awesome. I'm becoming more used to Synj. He should have his own section. The sounds are great too. It's just instant fun. It holds up after all these years!

I'm not good at tennis games. I'm better at it in real life. Why would I want to play a game of a game? It's still harmless. I remember playing "Mario Tennis". That was a lot more fun.

This just has little variety. It's more interesting in real life. Still, it has variety. I never watch tennis. What about pickleball?

Yeah, this wasn't much. It was just you firing at targets over and over. There needed to be color. It was just too bland for me. Well, that and the fact that I was bad at it. I wish I knew what the title meant.

I might have been a little motivated to play it. Maybe that's just because I'm so bad at it. It's not rewarding. You were quite prolific. You just needed to make better submissions.

Wow, I loved this! I don't know why the score is so low! Well, it's not that low. I could just play this for a long time. It's mostly because it just never ends. I admit it's not well detailed at all.

It's just a bunch of cubes. It was still awesome! I like the goofy sound effects. How come it doesn't say your score at the end? That was really frustrating!

Uh, who is j3n? This is a picture of Mai Shirauni. Well, she is really hot. I guess this had everything a soundboard should have. It's nice to see it so simplistic. I'm not into soundboards much.

Traditionally, they were used to make prank phone calls, but we have caller ID now. I guess just hearing this can be nice. I never used them for pranks anyway. Never got into that. This was still nice.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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