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Eh, didn't care much for this game. It was just Hillary dancing. At least the title was honest. The music was pretty good. It's just too generic. I've played other games like this.

Yeah, still holds up. Poor Hillary will probably never become President. I blame Christopher Hitchens for criticizing her more than Donald Trump. I hate that guy. It's a political game okay?

Congratulations on being the most popular soccer game here! Granted, there aren't that many. I thought this was too generic. I was hoping you'd be able to control players on the field. Instead, it was just the goalie. It was still okay.

I'm pretty bad at this game. I can't even tell if I'm winning or not. I do admit it's harmless. It's not terrible or anything. I like the stick designs.

This seemed like a Pac-Man knockoff. Well, most of the stuff here is a knockoff anyway. This was better than I thought. I couldn't find this when typing it in. I had to use a search engine. The sounds were pretty good.

It's interesting to see how complicated it gets. I do wish there was music. At least I heard some sound. Maybe not that creative, but still good. Pity it was never finished.

Uh, that's pretty misleading. You're simply showing hair that doesn't belong to him. It would have made more sense just to show the face. Well, you kinda did. This is way too short. It's fine for a very quick laugh.

It's not enough for a full game. Congratulations on being the most viewed spam game of all time! Uh, Happy New Year's Eve? You need sound dude. I noticed spam spelled backwards is maps.

I liked this, but it wasn't great. I mean, it was just the same thing over and over. I've been playing tons of "Candy Crush" lately. That's more fun. The animation was fine. It was just a bit too simple.

Still, it was fun. We should have timewasters like this. I like the title. I can't seem to activate the bombs. The music was pretty good too.

Woah, how have I not reviewed this?! I must have forgotten it was on other websites. Yeah, this was used for prank calls. I almost never see this kind of thing anymore. It's mostly because we have caller ID. I think it can still work.

We can just call our friends who wouldn't be offended by this. I have yet to see "Kindergarten Cop". At first, I thought this used sounds from "Jingle All The Way", which I have seen. This is one of the biggest I've ever seen too. Hard to add anything to it as it's so good.

Huh, I admit it's weird the score is so high. I'm sorry, but I don't think it holds up that well. Then again, a lot of stuff from 2000 isn't that great. I still thought this was playable. I do like shooting games. Some of the designs just looked crude.

I can at least appreciate the creativity. This was good for its day. How the hell did this get a Weekly User's Choice when it didn't get Daily Feature? Well, there were no Daily 2nd Places to 5th Places back then. I know it would have had one had the award been around then.

Aww, I thought this would be a platformer. Still, this is quite enjoyable. The sprite work is great. Please change your avatar. The sounds are authentic too. I don't know how ghosts can bite people's faces off.

Well, it is Mario. This had a lot of style. Those deaths can get annoying. At least it's something. Hmm, me giving this four stars actually gave it a higher rating.

As always, this was quite fun. I admit that I'm not too familiar with album covers. I only got an 18. This said that was a bad score. At least I tried. The drawings were nice.

I completely forgot about the keys. I'm just bad at that, I guess. The music could use some variety. Uh, Merry Christmas? I'm back with the Internet baby!

I think you deserved your Daily Feature! I had trouble at first. I just didn't know the instructions of course. I went to Novice too. Then I just had to press up and down! Yeah, I raised it from 3.52 to 3.58.

I don't think I've ever noticed me causing a score to go up. It's good to be nice! It's easy to follow, but still very fun. The graphics are quite good. It holds up after all these years.

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