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Hmm, I thought this game wasn't bad. It was certainly playable. It just could have had more going on. The controls weren't great. I still thought it was colorful. I've seen little of Felix the Cat.

Is this like his world is? I can only think of maybe one or two cartoons he was in. The music was pretty good. Dang, my votes really do matter. It was probably too difficult.

While not great, I was strangely motivated to play on. I was not a slacker! Wait a minute, these characters are great jumpers. How can a slacker be like that? I'm not one! I don't want to say bad things about people might know.

The artwork isn't that good. It's still quite playable. That's what makes a game good. You guys have unique games. I wish you were still here.

This was a pretty good test. I wouldn't expect a test to be good at all. Well, isn't this like a demo? It's still pretty good. I guess I have gotten into RPGs with "Epic Battle Fantasy". They used to bore me.

The sounds were pretty good. I'd like to see new developments. Wait, what I am saying? This was made over a decade ago! Uh, Happy Clock Day?

That was kind of weird. I mean, it wasn't much at all. Just a batting game. At least I could get the hang of it. I admit it's just fine. The CGI looks weird.

Maybe it hasn't held up. Well, we don't have CGI games here now. The sounds are authentic. It's still technically good. That's good enough.

I was impressed at how complicated this game was. I really had no idea what to do at first. This might have the most tags of anything I've ever seen here. Then again, I don't really pay attention to that. I thought it was very creative. The sprite work was great.

You really had to do some brain work to figure this out. It seems like I haven't played a puzzle game in a long time. It's so interesting. You really have to experiment with everything. I loved it!

Get the candle on the house's left window. Go to the red car and click on it. Use the candle to melt the ice to get the key. Use the key on the barn. Grab the stick on the lower right part of the barn. Take the crowbar on the lower right part of the truck after going in the barn past the horse (Leroy).

Use the crowbar to open the jammed cabinet to get the shovel. The colors in order for the other cabinet are Red, Yellow, Blue, Orange, Blue. Give the apple inside to Leroy to get the carrot. Use the shovel to dig up another stick in the field next to the snowman. Honestly, you can figure it out from there.

Okay, that was very strange. I could tell it wasn't completed. What did it mean? It was just these bright colors everywhere. I didn't understand how the medals had no points. They have no point in every sense of the word.

Well, I couldn't seem to get them. I guess the idea's at least creative. It just doesn't add up to much. Well, I'm sure other people will enjoy this just fine. I was recently in a car accident.

UltimoGames responds:

I will add the medals when the game is completed (and a ranking system). Thanks for the review, and I hope you'll recover from that accident!

I'm sorry! It might be because I'm not into RPGs that much. This just looked very shoddy. Everything was so bland. I don't see how I could get into it. Your "Demonic Defence" games are much better.

There seemed to be no shading. I mean, I guess the controls were easy. It's just so forgettable. Sticks have made better games. Well, other people seem to like it at least.

The game isn't that great, but it is addictive. I think it's because it's so simple. It's hard for me to lose. I just like explosions. Did you know the latest "Transformers" movie has a 96% on RT? Anyway, the animation was quite good. It's at least playable.

It is just the same stuff being destroyed over and over. They look like giant pencils. This is nice enough. Of course, "Candy Crush" is a much better time waster. The sounds are okay.

That was fun, but it did confuse me. I mean, I didn't get any medals. I opened up all the presents. I did like how authentic this was. It's a very sweet game. Well, not so much a game as an interactive flash.

I liked seeing those little guys everywhere. Wish I knew how to get all the medals. I always want to be in a Christmasy mood. It's always great to see so many artists working together. I had fun.

ninjamuffin99 responds:

You can only get medals on the day the present came out (with the orange and first present being the exception).

Although I think i may have messed up something in code, I'll clean up and look into it.

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