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Wow, this feels like a regular game of Pac-Man! Well, maybe that isn't the best thing to have. I mean, it needs to be unique. I still enjoyed it. I guess I'm pretty rusty with "Pac-Man". I always enjoyed it.

I like the intro. I didn't even know this was a game at first. We need more Pac-Man remakes. Drugs are good. Every comedian says so.

Congratulations on your Underdog Of The Week Award! Well, you won two positive awards too! That seems to rarely happen. It seemed too slow. Well, my laptop's losing power. I liked how simple it was.

It was easy to understand. I don't understand the title. It was still fun. Yeah, four award things! They're mostly positive I guess.

A little improvement over the first one. I'm glad your later stuff is so awesome. It was just poorly set up. I mean, it's just the same images over and over. The enemies were way too hard to kill. I guess the music was fine.

I love your later stuff obviously. We all have to start somewhere. I guess the colors were okay. It was so hard to take these guys down. At least I still got a high score.

Well, it's easy to see why so many people hate this. It's a game where practically nothing happens. I mean, it's just you staying in the same position. Where's the challenge? It's way too easy. How do you even die?

Where's the sound? There's just nothing good at all. Maybe the designs aren't that bad. You are a talented artist and have made stuff way better than this. It must be old shame.

Dizimz responds:

I appreciate youre taking the time to comment all my stuff, I was a bit confused with the order you're going about it, so you might not know where the date stamp is.
Underneath the score on the left side of the page is the date. I made this game in February 2003. I was 13 years old, in grade 8. Didnt have a sweet clue what i was doing and just followed a tutorial on flashkit. hahaha If youre ever confused on the dates, its too the left ;-)

thanks again.

Go to screens to the left and make it so that the candy on the door are both at 11. Grab the knife. Use the knife to carve the pumpkin back up front. Get the hammer and note. Put in 65 on the cupboard door. Use the hammer to break open the piggy bank for the CD rom.

Solve the puzzle on the computer. Uh, I have no idea how to put that in words. You really just have to see the walkthrough. Even that doesn't show you how to do it! Sorry I can't help more, but this was good.

I think I found an underrated gem! The best part is probably how hard it is. Well, the parts with the car are really easy. The water is very hard. You have to make everything specific. I lost it at the last pen.

I guess the design could be better, but it's still great. It works so well with its simplicity. That's always a plus in games. You get a good picture of everything. Well, that's to be expected of Frogger-like games.

Well, I admit the graphics looked great. It's just that this game wasn't rewarding at all. I tried to hit all three targets. I did, but then I realized I hate to hit six more! It was just too hard. I would prefer if there was no training.

I guess I'm just not a good shot. Well, maybe I have slow reaction time. You won awards for nearly every submission. Not bad! Good for a start too.

What? I collect the fruit and then go to the platform. I immediately die! How can I die when I go to where I'm supposed to? Monkeys are still really funny. I guess the graphics were nice.

It tells me to go there. I keep dying! Well, I've played it before. I must have gotten something wrong. Well, I like bananas.

I thought this was kind of bad. I mean, it was just the same setting. I thought it would be a normal racing game at first. Instead, it was more like "Twisted Metal". Only instead it was no fun at all. The graphics weren't that good.

It's just not rewarding. The title reminds me of "Star Wars". That was probably the joke. I just want more detail. At least it's easy to understand.

Yeah, this was really bad. I think the worst part is how you don't even know what to click. At least it's a game. I'm not much for point and click adventure games. I'll at least play ones with high scores. Well, it wasn't point and click.

It was actually an RPG. I'm usually not into them either. I didn't like the lowercase. It made it seem less epic. Not good for a game.

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Age 35, Male

2719 E. 8th Street

Joined on 9/21/08

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