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I guess I agree with most people on saying that this was good. It did seem like you could have done more things. I guess it's too slow of a moving game with more. I'm used to platformers. That being said, I would still recommend it. The drawings in this are great!

And yes, it's nice how there's an easy medal. The music is really nice too. I'm just not into RPGs that much. I feel bad for loving the "Epic Battle Fantasy" series so much. This was certainly decent.

I'm sorry, but I personally didn't find anything about this that was that good. It was too simple of a game. I still appreciate how I could understand it. The design could have been better. A lot of the stuff is pretty clever. It was mostly okay.

The sounds were pretty good. It was hard for me to really get into. It just came off as too boring. I still acknowledge that a lot of other people must like this. It was never my thing.

Well, I have to recommend this if only because of how crazy it was. There were a lot of nice details put into everything. It was just really hard to understand. I didn't even know where I was going half the time. I got one medal and then left. At least you created great atmosphere.

It's nice to have a lot of detail. It was actually pretty hard to die! It was even harder to get a lot done, though. This is truly a massive game. Kudos for all of your hard work.

SeethingSwarm responds:

Thanks for the feedback! I'm sorry if the game was a bit too confusing. I did include an "Objectives" section in the pause menu where you can read about what you have to do and a lot of signs all over the place about your location and which directions certain places are, but I can understand that it might still seem hard to navigate through the game. I apologise. Anyway, thanks for the kind words and for still giving the game a nice score even though you had some issues with it. Much appreciated!

Wow, I was truly impressed at how hard this game was. I thought it would just be the standard stuff. It was really anything but! It just got frustrating with the RPG battles. I am not good at those. I mean, at least I was able to get past the first two.

I still like the animation, though. This is the first game in the series I did not win. It's just too hard for me. I couldn't even find the hidden token! It seemed like I couldn't skip the dialogue either.

I found this to be a pretty okay game. I just didn't like how there was so much going on. It was strange how you already had all this stuff in your backpack. I just didn't know what to do with it! I do love this music though. I am confused as to why you submitted this in January.

It's certainly too late for Halloween. I admire the animation. It just seems too complicated. Yeah, I'm not a fan of these kinds of games to begin with. You have made some good ones, though.

This was a very fun and unique game! I really love it when people make stuff like that. It shows great creativity. It's just nice to see the goofy expressions on their faces. The music was really quaint too. It sort of has a vague Christmasy feel.

It's nice and easy to understand. It can still be difficult, though. I just like how humble it is. There's a good sense niceness with this. It can be a little slow, but is still quite fun.

I expect nothing less from the sponsors at gamezhero! I just love this game because of how creative it is. There is just so much insanity going on. It's great to see all these explosions and everything. You have no idea what's going to happen next in this game! The colors and graphics are absolutely flawless!

I only noticed the sound of the explosions when there were more enemies at the end. This just seems to go on forever. I'll probably never beat that final boss, or even SEE him. You definitely got me motivated with this. I especially love the sound when you get more acid containers. This should have won more than just Daily Feature.

Yes! I do in fact remember this series! I managed to get pretty far. I guess I don't like it enough to cheat. These really do seem to get harder with every installment. Then again, I guess most series aren't like that in theory. The drawings are very nice.

I guess I just wish you could advance like your other games. These are still bright and colorful. I just like the overall goofy appeal. It's good for what it is. I got a good number of medals at least.

Yeah, I liked this. It was mostly because the game was pretty short. Of course I had to see the walkthrough to get everything done right. I think the design could have been better. I was impressed at how hard something so short could truly be. There just weren't a lot of rooms.

There were no sounds other than the music. That was just fine. At least I was able to get some medals today. That cat game was just murder. I was able to figure out some stuff on my own at least.

Wow, this is seriously one insane game. I really have no idea how to approach it. The most I was able to last was 7 seconds. It just seems to be unavoidable with this cat. I congratulate you for something so innovative. This is by no means an easy game.

Sometimes, I think I just lasted more than a second because of a GLITCH. It did get weird when I was able to last longer. That is one agile cat. I guess the design was good. I simply can't recommend something so hard.

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