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It's great how you will never stop coming up with these games! It may seem a little in need of something new, but still good. You really feel for the demon when he's trying to punish someone who beats his wife like that. I don't think I ever noticed before how the demon's mouth moves when he talks. It's weird to see two images of him. It's strange how there's both an afterlife and reincarnation in this.

Here is how far I got. Click on the bottle of red moonshine (or whatever drink it is) on the truck. Go to the screen on the left and then pick up the lantern. Yeah, I didn't get too far. I'm still glad I played this game, because it has all the great designs, colors, and voice acting you guys are known for.

Wow, that was a very strange game. I didn't even understand how I was supposed to beat it. It had this weird music that had nothing to do with what was going on in the game. I appreciate you making something so out of the ordinary. I thought I was supposed to avoid the miners, but then I died either way. I have no idea how to get ahead in this game and even the instructions didn't go much help.

It was also a tad annoying with how you had to get one of those annoying advertisements every time you died. I guess I can't resent you for that. It's just a very strange game that I wouldn't recommend because of how incomprehensible it is. Well, at least I got some kind of medal. Try to make it more understandable next time.

I thought this was a pretty good game. It was interesting how it was told from the perspective of the Creeper. It seems like that guy is becoming more and more sympathetic with these submissions. It really has a pretty sad overtone to it. I appreciate all the authenticness to the game. While this was done exactly like that way, I felt it was a good imitation.

He looks like a cactus. You guessed it, the only medal I won was one where I had to die. At least I managed to use the pick axe to get ahead in the game or else I would have been lost. It's rare that I see a game version of Minecraft, usually it's a flash tribute. It was nice to play something different.

rhys510 responds:

:D thanks for all your coments i really appreciate the fact you spent time writing this coment rather than say "PENIS! oh my gawd!!!" or something like that :P

I thought this game was pretty interesting, even though it was hard for me. You could have also put in some music to make it more enjoyable. At least the graphics were nice. They may not have been that well detailed, but a game like this doesn't need graphics that are that well detailed. I do like the sounds and how weird they are. It just could have had more in terms of gameplay.

I appreciate the different kind of locations you use. This is a game that really goes fast in terms of using different things to get rid of. I thought it was just going to be those green grills the entire game. It's a weird game, but enjoyable once you get the hang of it. At least everything's presented in a clear cut manner.

I have to give you credit for creating a really cool fast paced game! What I thought was coolest was how good the graphics are. Everything just moved so fast it was hard to keep up. This is the kind of game where you have to go back and try all sorts of new things. It's a bit too complicated and while not the bet in the series, still great. I appreciate the wonderfully colorful designs of everything.

It was so much fun to watch those guys bump into each other and explode. Sometimes, you're not even trying and you still get to beat them up! I don't quite understand how this game works. It looks like the thing you're protecting is fighting against them, but I think they're winning that way. Anyway, this is a very good game.

I was pretty amazed at how hard this game turned out to be. I played on the original level and I couldn't get past it at all. The weirdest part was that I actually accidentally went on the harder second level first and didn't have any trouble with it! There have been a ton of games released lately. This is among the strangest, because it was hard to get ahead. I do have to give you credit for having some really nice graphics. I liked the way the towers wiggled as they fired.

There could have been a lot more space used for you to shoot up the enemies. At least all of the graphics were nicely made. The sound effects are pretty good too and I like how everything syncs up so well. I didn't like it enough to recommend it, though. It does seem pretty good for a first flash game.

It seems like it's been awhile since I've played a minature golf game. I didn't really understand how to play at first, because I tried to play it on the level it started me with. Then I went over to start the level which I thought I already started and then I got into a more simple surrounding. You have to remember that in this game, you can go far too fast and miss the hole completely. It's realistic like that. The music is pretty nice.

People more used to this kind of game should probably have a better time than I did. Just be sure not to over to underestimate the power you give your ball. I like how there's a lot of different locations to show where you are. I couldn't tell if the title was supposed to be some kind of pun. It's a nice little time waster.

jayc06 responds:

The main menu can be confusing for some but most get pass it, its the game's way to let you play around without restrictions (unless you land under the buttons). cheers ;)

This would have been a perfect game if not for two things. 1. You need to make it so that you can start off from a certain level. 2. The pause button doesn't work. It does show the "Play" button onscreen, but you and enemies can still move. With that aside, this is a really cool game. I especially love how there's so many sweet colors just jumping around everywhere.

You have to be careful to not kill yourself. I love how there's so much going on and it all looks so great in color. I don't understand it half the time, you just need to keep on playing, I guess. It's the best game I've played all day. I appreciate all the wacky stuff that goes on and the obstacles you create for yourself or accidentally for enemies.

kurismakku responds:

that's interesting, for me pause perfectly works...

I thought this was a pretty cool game. The notion of aliens stealing cattle has been done before, but I think this was kind of different for the genre. Again, at least I managed to get at least one medal, for the first level obviously. I think the graphics are pretty nicely done. It can get a bit frustrating when you have to drag those cows over such a long area. It is something you get used to after awhile.

Everything is presented in a pretty nice colorful manner. It's kind of a cutesy game I can see younger people liking. It's a good game, it just doesn't have anything that noteworthy. I appreciate all the little things going on, like the keys to get rid of the laser part. It's a pleasant game to play.

tinime responds:

Thanks for your comments. It's very helpful for us to improve the game .

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