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I thought this was a fairly playable game for what it is. It's just that I usually play games that are better detailed than this. It wasn't terrible, it was just lacking in terms of gameplay. Then again, it seems like you were trying to create a simple game and in that sense you succeeded. At least you're working with diamonds, which always make something more appealing. There isn't a lot of sound, but there doesn't need to be.

This is one of those games where you really make your own fun. You have to just think of clever combos to make to entertain yourself. It's fairly easy to learn how to properly launch something at the right speed. I guess it is a fairly original idea. The graphics, for what there are, are decent. It's a fairly fine little game.

This was a pretty strange game in that it didn't have that much going on. I guess I would have liked it more if it had music. Still, it seemed to work pretty well for its simplicity. The trick is basically to aim wherever the red circle outside of the main target thing is. Yeah, I didn't read the instructions very well. I think it's pretty cool how I get to work with archery because of my, well, history.

Everything is presented in a pretty nice, colorful manner. It's great to see this interesting landscape everywhere. It might not do much in terms of gameplay, but at least it's nice to look at. You can make anything cooler by including gold in it. It's probably the most valuable element, obviously.

This is a pretty strange game, but I think for the most part it's good. It mostly helps that everything is presented in such a colorful manner. I like how you seemed to be pretty creative with this. At the same time, it did seem a bit dated with the animation. I just think you could have done the graphics a bit better with this. The music's also pretty nice too.

As usual, it's great that you include a walkthrough. I'm having trouble with pop ups with this new monitor I've gotten or something. Some of it seems a little gauche with all the colors. I can still tell it was done by someone creative. It's a really silly game, but not bad.

Well, I will probably never make flash myself but I appreciate all the hard work and effort put into making this. Granted, it doesn't look that fancy, but it doesn't need to be. I think the music's pretty nice. I guess the only reason I like it is because it's fairly easy to get some of the medals. I'm not even trying to, I just randomly click stuff. I guess people more into Flash will have a better time with this.

The text could have been more clear. I guess that doesn't even matter much. It's at least a fairly organized game or whatever it is. It's nice that you're trying to help other people with their ideas, even if I can't understand it that well myself. It's cool to see how it works.

Hey, what do you know? Another game where the real game is how long it takes for you to figure out there's no end to it. It took me about five minutes to realize it. I don't know much about the politics that went on in Cambodia, but I imagine it was very bad. It was bad enough for Christopher Hitchens to complain about, but he's the idiot who didn't complain about the Iraq War, which killed over four times as many people. The music is nice too.

I guess it was just meant to symbolize how it was all so futile. Most wars are probably like that, I imagine. I can at least appreciate you going out to try to do different things with different ideas. It's strange, but it works for its crowd. It seems like we've gotten involved with nearly every country on the globe in a war in the past century.

I thought this game was fairly enjoyable, even if it was pretty hard to play through. I didn't really understand how I was supposed to get by some situations. It would have been better if you didn't have to focus your gun in at first to make it fire. I was confused by that at first. Of course, you can just knife the first couple of guys you meet that you can't immediately kill with guns. The graphics are pretty nice.

I think the sounds are good and they sync up really well. It could have used music. It can be hard to keep up when there are numerous guys shooting at you at the same time. Good thing the blood drains if you have hit them or vice versa. It's well designed.

I honestly don't know if you're supposed to "win" at this game at all. Given how insane it was with its experimental nature, I'm going to say no. The strangest part was when everything became black and you couldn't find the cube. Even if you did, you'd have no idea where to go to to make the other things go away. I guess I have to give you credit for creating a truly bizarre game. Spiritual people like me will enjoy it.

I hope you got a good grade, because this is so insane it deserves to be graded well. I thought that maybe the object of the game was not to touch the little dots as they were flying away. I touched some and nothing happened, so that can't be it. Whatever the purpose is, this is one ridiculous game. At least the music's nice.

I thought this was a very nice game! It's probably one of the most fun in the series, if only because it has that giant Mecha godzilla in it. I appreciate the use of great graphics as usual. Let me guess, this is going to make front page? Anyway, it's nice to see everything in such an organized manner. I have no freaking idea how to get past Level 3, because I always destroy the house.

I don't even have any idea on HOW to avoid that house. It's nice you have all the cool stuff from the other games, especially with new awesome stuff. The music is great and the sound effects are quite authentic. I like how there's this big world for you to go out and destroy. You still have to be careful, though.

I appreciated the really good graphics in this. The one thing I didn't like was that it was kind of too hard. It seemed silly that you had a chainsaw with you and you couldn't even use it! It would have been pretty effective against those gnomes! This is still enjoyable, with a lot of good details. Boy, do I love the sound of getting medals. I really liked all the bright and vibrant colors used in this.

It was such a fast paced game. I have never played Robot Unicorn Attack before, but have played many imitators of it. The dash key doesn't really help you much, but at least it looks cool. I never knew those ugly gnomes could be so lethal. I guess we can judge by appearance sometimes.

This is one of the most addictive games I have ever played on this website! I have absolutely no idea why this doesn't have a rating of over 4.50! At least Tom Fulp was intelligent enough to favorite this, giving it the recognition it deserves! That was how I managed to unearth this great game. The one level that I simply can not get past is the one with the hearts. I have tried a million combos and nothing works.

I appreciate all the hard work put into all of the sounds and everything. I think my favorite part would be when you have little idea how your own mechanations are going to work out. I just thought this was completely fantastic with great levels. As a huge fan of the Javanoid games, this was one of the best out there! Everyone should play this! A true diamond in the rough!

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