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I admit that I couldn't really get into this much. The music is pretty good. I just couldn't really understand how to get ahead in this game. It seemed like I didn't know what was killing me. I will give it credit for being creative. I couldn't even tell when the tutorial ended.

It does have some interesting locations. I do admit it's unique, but not that much. I guess the one screen is kind of familiar, though. It's way too difficult to get into. I should be more skilled at this.

This was a pretty cute game. It just wasn't great. I really like how you can choose the color. It's nice to have that thing where you see all the different parts of it. The music is really nice as well. I was confused by how you were collecting shells.

They weren't really treasure. Well, I guess that's subjective. This was pretty nice. I like how buoyant everything is. Even the title's pretty nice.

I love this game! I can certainly see why it won Daily Feature! I have no idea how I didn't come across it before. You really do make great games, acrazycanadian. The music is wonderful in this. I love how it isn't too hard or easy. Then again, I am on "Normal" mode.

It was great fun just to jump around everywhere. The designs are very well done, too. I like the sounds, especially with how the enemy fires. I should have realize he could kill you in one hit with that death beam. The squids were weird, but cool.

I am surprised that this is not more popular! It was pretty popular on the day it was submitted, but then it was just forgotten. I guess that's just how it goes when winning 5th Place. I'm glad I'm around to review it! This really was a great game. I was impressed at how hard it got.

Sometimes, I figured out to get one coin, but then I forgot how to get another! I assumed at first you just lost points if you didn't have all the coins. Boy, was I wrong! It really does get more complicated and interesting as it goes on and I love that!

I didn't quite understand this game at first. I realize it's much more of a puzzle game than a shooting one. Well, it changes between levels. Pandas are pretty cool. The music was fairly good. I do praise this game's creativity.

I tried shooting the top of the cage at first. You have to do it with the actual bars. I guess the design could have been better. It vaguely reminded me of Weebl. It was like "Kenya".

This game really surprised me! I had no idea a game about making paths could be so cool! It was weird to see magic stuff there. I wasn't expecting it! I guess magic makes everything better. The happy music is cool too.

I really like how joyous it is. I know some of this isn't realistic of course. Well, I was referring to how they connected. The magic stuff was a given. This is a creative and pleasant game.

I simply can't help but love this, because it's so great to see an authentic recreation of the Metal Slug game. Then again, I never played it as a kid. I've just gotten familiar with it here. You'd be surprised at how the difficulty changes. It was certainly fun to kill those zombies, as always. It was easy to get cocky.

I think the enemies should have health bars. It took a lot of shots to take them out. The graphics and sounds are masterfully done. I even like the protagonist's design. It works very well in the end.

I can't recommend this game simply because I'm not very good at it. I guess I appreciate how it's unique. I manage to put up some good fights, though. It isn't very rewarding. It's just the same course over and over. Sometimes I do surprise myself at how long I last.

It just seems like everything is in the computer's favor. Nothing works out for me. The sounds and music are pretty good. I'm not sure what the differences between the teams are. The name sounds like something from "Phineas And Ferb".

I admit that this game was pretty much the same thing over and over, but it was still good! There was always something going on. It's weird how I couldn't just punch through the things I normally duck under. I guess I couldn't punch the dirty stuff either. The music is quite triumphant.

It's a pretty easy going game. The music changes after awhile, which I like. I like the sound effects. It's always nice to have games that can be understood easily. Of course, they also have to be fun, which this was.

I admit that I don't see how this is that popular. It seems like there's no real action. There isn't much of a background. I guess it was a pretty easy way to get medals. Maybe that's why people like it? Penguins are pretty cool, though.

The penguin just seemed to stand there. There wasn't much actual movement. The music was alright. It was just nothing memorable. I can't get into it much.

JackAstral responds:

Fair enough, I totally get why not everyone would like something this...strange :b Thanks for giving it a go anyway!

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