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This is one of the best point and click adventure games ever made! The thing that did really annoy me was how you had to get enough minutes for a certain time. What I mean is, if you took ten minutes somewhere else, you would still die. I guess that is how it IS supposed to do. The music was wonderful. I'm glad to come by a point and click adventure game I love so much.

A pity I still can't get any medals. The music was great in this! It's never a bad time of year to use zombies! I was amazed at how I was able to come up with new ways to advance in the game. I still can't win, but I love it. I really don't know how to give Bill a peaceful death.

It got annoying with how anything could kill you, but it was still great! I had no idea it would be about an actual crow in Hell. It seemed like it would be a metaphor. There really were a lot of interesting things going on. I had no idea what to expect on the next screen. You have to learn how to be graceful with this.

The music is great too. I wish I knew what these keys were for. You really do make a wide variety of games. I appreciated the atmosphere. With hard work, I could be better at this.

This game was pretty good. The opening said it was "somewhere in Nevada", so I was disappointed that it wasn't about Madness Combat. We have too many of those cartoons here. The sounds were pretty good. My only complaint was that it did get pretty repetitive. I still thought the premise was pretty original.

It was in fact fun to kill zombies over and over. They didn't quite look infected, though. Well, I guess figures like these don't have much detail. I need to learn how to jump better. Zombies really are all the rage nowadays.

This game really confused me. I put a steak and salmon together and it said I made a pizza? I mean, I'm glad I got the medal for it, it just didn't make sense. It seemed like the tray in the ingredients part was way off screen. I guess the artwork was pretty good. I could figure out a secret medal.

It just seemed unorganized. There was too much going on. It isn't the kind of game for me. Well, I guess other people will enjoy it more. I didn't really learn how to cook anything.

I really was disappointed by this. I was hoping it would be something really elaborate, but it was just a bunch of random stuff people made. I was hoping you could play the world! You know, it would be like a platformer. I guess my hopes were put up too high. It's not terrible.

I guess it does allow some creativity here and there. Well, there are TONS of things to choose from. I just didn't find it very rewarding. There is effort put into this, just not enough. The music's too loud too.

I finally remember the other games in the series! I admit that this wasn't anything that new. I still appreciate this game. It's so nice to have a quota of zombies to kill. I didn't even notice that at first. In fact, there were a lot of things about this game I didn't notice at first.

Well, everything worked out in the end. It's put together quite well. It's always fun to explore new worlds. The fact that you get to kill zombies makes it even better. I appreciate the little details.

I had no idea that this game would be so frustrating. I'm not complaining. Well, I am complaining. What really annoys me is how the enemies come back to life when you die. At least your abilities don't. I was amazed at how complex this was.

I hate it when I have to ask for easier medals. There's certainly lots of action going on. It's nice to see such creativity put in. The sounds are good too. You certainly have a lot of environment to explore.

I found this to be an okay game. I admit that I was turned off by how it was just the same enemies over and over again. I guess I am getting more used to RPGs. The music is fairly good. The game itself is quite easy to understand. It could use better design, though.

I really do have a lot of encounters with this game. I guess I was just thinking there should be a signal for them coming. Still, it's quite playable. You have a lot of space to explore. I liked that.

TheEnkian responds:

You can actually lower the encounter rate in the game by going to the options menu so they're not as common.

I'm the first person to ever review this? I'm surprised! It has the word "foxy" in its name and people are mostly perverts! I would think it would be popular. Well, you need actual nudity. Or is that in the actual game?

I never really got into these things myself actually. This needed sound. It seems like lots of games lack that. You really should put it in. Well, congrats on posting your stuff on other websites, I suppose.

I actually ended up enjoying this, even though it was quite difficult. I think it's because the original version was so much harder for me. I don't think the raw version of that billiards game is like that. It's still pretty interesting to play. It was at least easy for me at first. I still don't quite understand how to get power.

It seems like you double click and then it just briefly shows up. Well, I get over that anyway. I'm not sure what the POW means. Probably something from the original game. It is worth looking at.

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