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I can't say this is a bad game, because it tried hard to be realistic. Well, except for the giant hand appearing. What I appreciate is how there's a lot of things to take care of, just like in real life. You might want to add going to websites while you're at it. I guess that would just be redundant, then. The music wasn't bad, although it could have been better.

I don't understand how to play this. I go to a certain area and click space and it says that I'm working out or studying or whatever, but my GPA and phsyical fitness remain the same. I touched both hands and I didn't get any medal. The graphics weren't bad, I guess, just not that appealing. I'm better at this in real life.

I thought this was a game that was put fairly nicely together. I could have sworn I played it on some other website. Anyway, what matters is that the grpahics are really good and cartoonish here. I really like how silly the sound effects are. It was actually a pretty realistic game, even if it didn't have blood and stuff everywhere. I wish I had some idea what the title meant.

It seemed like you just wanted to create a quick little fun game. I'm glad I don't immediately die when I hit something (or rather, when the boar does). It's nice to have things like the stuff that makes you jump up. I also really liked how the screen told you where the obstacles and powerups were coming up next. It's fine detail.

This is another really strange game. It's hard for me to even say if it was bad or not. What really mattered to me was that the animation and graphics weren't that good and it was a bit too boring. I couldn't help but think this might have been done tongue in cheek and probably wasn't supposed to be that good. At least the music's pretty soothing. I guess it's a game you just have to keep on trying.

I like it how you have a checkpoint. Of course, given how simple the game's style is, you probably wouldn't even need it, but the thought's still nice. I appreciate you making some easy medals, I suppose. The name seems familiar to me for some reason. Hey, this was submitted on my mom's birthday!

This is one heck of a weird game. I honestly had no idea if I was even pressing the right buttons. Was I supposed to press the "X" while the countdown was going on or when it was over? It said, "Go", so I couldn't decide. You're like a deranged Dr. Seuss. Of course, it wouldn't be the first time we had a submission made by a deranged Dr. Seuss before.

The animation/graphics were good and pretty creative. I'm sorry I couldn't think of anyway to rhyme this review. The guy looked like Kirbopher instead of Egoraptor. I guess all guys with long hair look similar. At least I managed to get a medal, even if I have no clue what I was doing.

FrozenFire responds:

I figured the responsive animations would cue you in as to whether or not your were doing it right.
I also figured some people might not understand how the game works the first time (which is why it's a true ending because it's how you experienced the game the first time with no real instruction) and then the rest of their playthroughs they would be more experienced and be able to navigate the plot tree better

I didn't really care much for this. I can understand that it was meant to be a reference to the classic "Rampage" games. While those weren't that popular, I was myself a fan of them. They were a lot better than this, because there were more characters to choose from, it had music, and the graphics were better. It's mostly just you in one place destroying buildings. You should have more wide open space.

For someone like the Hulk, he would need that. I had no idea that you didn't have health, but instead took damage to the time you had. At least it's still kind of fun to destroy buildings. The graphics aren't that well detailed, as previously mentioned. It's kind of hard to take this seriously when the Hulk looks so silly when he punches stuff.

There must have been some kind of glitch, because it didn't seem to work well for me. Don't get me wrong, it's still a pretty creative game, but it just doesn't flow well. There's some error where whenever I go over to touch the ice cream truck, it makes a hole through where it should be. At least the music was nice. The kids themselves didn't seem to move well. I appreciate all the unique characteristics you give to everything.

It isn't one of the best, but I would recommend it to people who are bigger fans of this sort of thing. I never would have thought you would use children in something called "Armor Defence". You would think it would be a high-tech place. I'm just being nitpicky, of course. This is a pretty fine game that could have used better mechanics.

This is one crazy game. It's pretty frustrating with how hard it is. You really have to pay close attention to everything that's going on and the controls can be pretty frustrating. It's just a game you really have to take your time with, no pun intended. That being said, it's still quite playable. It mostly works well because there are a lot of great designs, even if the graphics aren't that good.

I really liked the part at the beginning when you were talking about time. I had no idea people could know so much and be so philosophical, if that even counts. I appreciate all the weird things going on, even if they were a tad annoying. Hopefully, we can learn to understand how time works. At least I tried to learn something from this.

Oracions responds:

Thank you for your feedback.

Do you mean the Temporal Dynamics in the menu? That's something I made for a D&D campaign a while back but I never got around to run it so I found a place for it here. The original was more centered on the time dilation, though, dividing dimensions into threads, each thread with a different time factor. It then said what happens if time fields overlap etc. But that was not relevant for this game.

I thought this was a fairly cute game, just not one of your best. I'm actually surprised that this was so harmless because I'm used to more hardcore stuff from you. The best thing about this is probably the graphics. Everything is presented in a nice, clear cut manner. I do wish it was a tad more detailed. I guess it was also a bit too cute, because it could have had more action.

I still get the notion that you tried to make something nice. It's always nice to see people experiment with different kinds of genres. It's a fairly easy game and the gameplay is nice and smooth. The cutscenes at the beginning were pretty cute too. It's been awhile since I've played with a teddy bear.

I liked this game a lot because I thought it was really cute. It was really nice to see these cute sound effects being applied to this fun game. I am surprised that I was so good at it and got so far. I didn't see any medals show up on the screen, but that was good enough. What I also thought was cool was how the pieces just plopped around. It makes you glad that we have crunchy food on hand.

I like how everything has such a whimsacal attitude to it. Other people might have thought it was childish, but I really enjoyed it. It's really silly, but in a good way. It's been awhile since I've played a game like this. It's a nice, fun game.

I thought this was a really cool game. I have always been a fan of shooting games, especially ones like this. What I appreciated was how there was a nice variety of enemies to fight. The sound effects were really good too and everything seemed to sync up quite well. My only annoyance is that there were two easy medals and the rest were hard. Still definitley a game worth playing.

It's hard to decide whether you should keep on firing or try to get the money. It's a much more complicated game than you think. This might just be because there's nonstop action everywhere. It was a great game that accomplished what it set out to do. The upgrades are nice too.

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