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I did not care for this game, because the graphics were not that good. I have no clue how to get the secret medal, but I can at least give you guys some advice. Just putting on random clothes and playing the game is NOT going to give you the medal. I think it's okay to say in a review that not to do to get a secret medal, right? I also felt there could have been more music. It just seemed to stop short.

I tried putting on all of the clothes at one time and nothing happened. I thought maybe that was some secret. I guess I'm just so more used to playing dressup games that have hot naked women in them that I did not like this. Try to put in a lot more detail with some shading. I just didn't find it fun.

Well, I managed to get every medal except Beaten The Boss on my first try. The final battle with the boss is strange and I don't understand it. You fire your blasts at the boss, but he just disappears. I look all around the level to see where he is, but I just stopped looking until I died somehow. It's silly for me to care so much about medals. Yet, I can't help but want to get them.

The guy looks weird with his long hair, he looks like Kirbopher or Weird Al Yankovic. The graphics are fairly nicely done, I guess. Crazy games get submitted all the time and this certainly qualifies. I guess this should entertain you for a bit. Congradulations on making a game with medals, I guess.

Well, I should have realized this was going to be a lot harder than I thought. Imagine how easy it would have been if you could just pick the animals off in any order you wanted. Oh well, at least everything's presented in a fairly clear cut manner. I guess I would have liked it more if the animals would have disappeared when you found one. Of course, with just one image, it can't be easy. It's a bit too cartoonish to take that seriously.

I guess that was just an attempt to make it appealing to more people. Don't be fooled by its looks, it's still very hard. I was looking for the eagle and I was looking for white feathers. I couldn't find them and the hint showed me the eagle was brown! You really can't trust your common senses here. Good for someone who's better at this.

This wasn't as good as the latter installments in this series, but still nicely done. It's always nice to go back and play a game you've done before. What is frustrating is finding out you're still no good at it! Of course, I didn't play it correctly at first. It really seems like you created a unique game. Not only did it have different gameplay, but it had a lot of unexpected obstacles.

You'd think a guy with a drill would be able to easily kill green blobs. The music is also fairly nicely done and it gives you a good feeling of being in a mysterious place. It is a puzzle game after all. You can always flip to see if something doesn't work out for you. It can still take awhile.

I thought this game was pretty enjoyable. As usual, you guys have nice graphics. I really should just stop saying that in my reviews, because it's something that goes without saying. What I didn't like about this was that I didn't understand how to pick up a new sword. There were these times where it looked like it was instructing me to pick up a sword, only to not tell me how to tell it. At least the enemies were pretty well designed.

It's always nice to have a pause button in the game. I wouldn't be surprised if this entire thing was just one long level. It might just be a bit too easy. If you had gave us some easy medals, I would probably like it more. There's a nice background and foreground here too.

While the detail was fairly poor, I simply can not hate this because I got the medals so easily! Seriously, I got like a third of them on my first run! Yes, I know that's a shallow thing to say, but it sure makes an enjoyable game. The only reason I stopped playing was becaause I was tired of winning so many medals! You really need to tell us how many meters you've done while you're launching. There should have been much better lines too.

But who cares? It's impossible for me to get some of these hard ones on other games! I think the animation of the catapult appearing should have been shorter. It takes too long for it to show up. Even the way the catapult is set up is freaking awesome! Just try to have more obstacles, okay?

SketchistGames responds:

Ok, thanks for the review IF I make a third one I will keep these in mind ;D

I appreciated this game because it had real style to it. It might have been fairly short, but not short enough for me. I managed to complete this game in 394 seconds, which averages out to six minutes and twenty-four seconds. I thought there was going to be more detail in the game as it went along. Like, I thought it would be the opposite of this one game where the quality got lower as it got lower. I thought there was going to be higher resolution as it went along.

This is still a decent game. It really is fairly different than many other games. It's probably the narrowest game I've ever played. It was like a less detailed version of the Meat Boy games. I thought the sounds were pretty good, but it could have used music.

For some reason, the dang thing wasn't loading on this website, so I had to go somewhere else. It's the cigarette at the beginning that's the loading bar. What I found great about this was that it was such an ambitious game. This is really one where you completely learn every single thing as you go along. In case anyone's having trouble, press up twice to double jump. In the third room, I think it is, fall down and then press up as you're falling.

The atmosphere was fantastic and the characters are great. The main girl here reminded me of Nene, but I don't think she's her. It's amazing how much adventure you can have in a study. I love how everything's presented in such a mundane manner. You have to use your smoking breath at the top of the laser to stop it from hurting you.

The game said it had two players, but it seemed to only have one player as far as I could tell. It's funny because I mostly just played against myself at first, or so I thought. I arranged everything on my side of the field only to lose. It was pretty fun to see how the pieces just plopped around in mid-air like that. I like how everything in this has a colorful feel to it. I guess my only complaint is that I'm bad at it.

It doesn't help that I never played this game as a kid. Nor does it help that I didn't know you could go diagonally. The music's alright, but could be more fitting. The lines on the screen are a bit too much. Better players should have more fun.

I thought this was a really cool RPG. I guess I'm really starting to get used to these games more. The first one I played that I really liked was the "Epic Battle Fantasy" series. Everything is done pretty well in this. You might have worked with more character design, because some of the effects seemed a tad choppy. At least the sound effects and everything else are nicely done.

I like how you get a lot of time to plan your next time. It seems like there are a lot of colorful characters here. It even has a fairly good title, even if it's not that original. It was annoying how the enemies kept healing. I'm going to have to study this game more to understand that.

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