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I thought this was a pretty creative game. I thought it would be a defense game because of the title. I don't really even know why. Anyway, it annoyed me at first how you could not aim properly to hit the enemy, but then I realized you could just jump up and hit him. I was a bit angry by the fact that you couldn't seem to see how close you were to killing an enemy, but I was wrong. When there's a puff of smoke, you're there.

It could have had more in terms of environment and level design, but still good. The graphics are really nice and everything moves pretty smoothly. I never would have thought bubbles would be a weapon used by a blueberry. Oh well, nonsensical is how I like things. The sound effects were good too.

I enjoyed playing this game. I think its only fault was that it did come off as a bit too cutesy at times. It's still actually a nicely done game. I was thinking that if you just collected the stuff in the first level, you would have it for the rest of the game, but you have to recollect it. Well, I guess most games are like that anyway. I thought the graphics were good and the idea was fairly interesting.

He looked pretty funny with how big his head was. You have to be careful not to forget that those spikes are always going to hurt you. I thought you were supposed to collect some of them at first. It's just a game that's a lot about collecting. I, of course, enjoy games like that.

I admit that I wasn't too impressed by this at first. I thought it was going to be a game where there were a bunch of balls in a row and you had to put them in the right order. That doesn't matter. What does matter is that this is a great game and it's great to see such good graphics. They're fairly cartoonish, but still nice to look at. It's just a fun little game.

I like how there are so many levels to play and you have a lot of options. I didn't realize this game was going to be so complicated. You really do have to form new strategies with every level. The sound effects were nice too. It's a very clever game and it's fun to play.

This was a really strange game, but I could kind of see where you were coming from. It was a game that had few details, but it was still difficult. I couldn't tell if it was leading up to some great boss battle or something at the end. It's so friggin mysterious, you make me want to complete lit. The place where I can't advance is the part where the snake's in front of you and another one comes in back. That was MURDER.

At least it got easier once you got the gun. This would probably qualify more as an art game than anything else. I guess I have to praise you for making something fairly original. I don't understand it at all, but it's still fairly unique. Good luck with whatever you're working on, I guess.

I thought this was a pretty cool game. It was certainly unique and I liked how you had different ways to attack. The thing with this is that the attacks are pretty specific with the hammer. You mostly just do the same thing over and over again. The funny thing is that on the level I was playing, I actually beat it at the same time I lost it! You would think I'd be allowed to go onto the next level.

Anyway, the graphics are actually pretty decent. I like how the designs are nicely layed out. For the most part, it's a decent game. It makes me realize how creative you can be. Thank you.

I thought this was a fairly decent game. I think its main flaw was that it didn't have that much detail in it. It was interesting to see the designs, but the graphics could have been better. I still appreciate you wanting to go out and make a fairly simplistic game. I am glad you don't have to get rid of all the onscreen ones in order to advance to the next level. Of course, I loved how easy it was for me to get some medals.

The music's pretty good too, it just has a nice, positive vibe to it. It even manages to have a really cool name to go with it! It's fine for a quick little run, just not that memorable. I do like how they seem to die in different ways. Or rather, how they disppear in different ways. Thanks for the pause button.

Well, I can't blame you for not having detail in your game. I actually found this to be a bit enjoyable, even if I couldn't understand any of it. I appreciate you trying to make something complicated. The music wasn't bad. What I didn't like was that I just didn't even understand how things even fit together here. It was a bit too descriptive and not that fun in the long run.

It does kind of make for a nice surreal game. I guess you just have to keep on clicking things in order to get the medals. There could have probably been some better details, but I guess it's not terrible. People who are bigger fans of these kinds of games should like it more. It should do fairly well.

Shroom-Cushion responds:

I'm not fully sure how is this complicated, but thanks for the review! With my art being... well - arse, I have to resort to text and being a bit too descriptive sometimes. I mean, that's kinda my thing now, I guess.

You actually have medals for getting a multiplayer score higher than 149?! I played this game for like five minutes and all I could get was 6! There must be some defense mechanism that's used to destroy enemies that I'm not aware of. Keep in mind the yellow ships cause you a lot more damage than the blue dots do. There wasn't much in terms of graphics, but I guess that didn't really matter.

The music was fairly good. The designs were pretty interesting, even if they didn't seem to match up well with the tone. I guess I would have to understand this game a lot more if I wanted to get better at it. For the most part, it's an average game. It's a bit too slow moving for me.

I thought this was fairly entertaining. I guess it only got unejoyable when it got to the part where I couldn't really advance. My level was Level 5. It was just unbeatable. I wished this could have had finer detail. I do appreciate that it seems like it was made with the notion of just making a nice game anyone could enjoy.

You're probably going to have to include a walkthrough at some point. I just wish there could have been more detail. I don't like it how it's just a bunch of stuff standing out there that needs to be trampled on. It's still fun to see what's going to come up next in this game. It's fairly creative, so I'll give you credit for that.

I thought this was the best game I had played all day! Granted, I haven't played that many good games lately, but it's something! I really like how you see the way the body is represented. What I didn't understand was that it didn't seem to tell me how close I was to beating someone. The opponent had more HP than me and I still won. Oh well, at least I get to kill her! You have an interesting level of details put into the character designs too.

The graphics are fairly detailed too. I thought this reminded me of this game that took place in Ancient Rome from AdultSwim. I wasn't expecting BerzerkStudio to be behind this. I guess you can join the ranks of people like gamezhero and Nitrome for making game after game that gets on the front page! Poor freeworldgroup.

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