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I do not remember the classic game

This was pretty fun to play, but the weakest point would probably be the graphics. The patrol device itself looks silly with all those bright colors. Still, it has a simple enough premise to follow through. I was so relieved to find out you were able to shoot those stupid rocks to pieces. It may not be the most creative thing out there, but the sounds are decent and it does make for a pretty addictive game for a few minutes at least. I am not sure why you chose the theme of the alphabet, but it does pace it well.

Those spikes!

This was a good game to play because it had a lot of original material and stuff to it. My favorite feature was probably how you could jump from side to side. I managed to figure that out even before the instructions told me to. The graphics are good, if a little simplistic and the gameplay is mostly satisfying. You certainly have little idea as to what is going to happen next and you have provided a large space to move around. I guess it would have been more enjoyable if there were more things to collect, like coins or something.

Very creative

I have heard of space whales before, but this is the first time I ever played a game that actually featured one! If that was not a space whale, then this was certainly a crazy game. The fact that there were other ships that attacked for you polarized me. I think that for the most part they were really cool and it does make you think about using a different strategy. Everything was so literally colorful and had a lot of depth to it. I enjoy playing space shooting games, but this might not even qualify as one in the strictest sense.

Greatly done!

It seems that you were really trying to work on creating a game that could become popular through different websites. I really do not use my Facebook profile that much, so I doubt I will save. What matters is that the graphics are great and it is fantastic to simply play. I love the subtle sounds you make simply by walking around. Sure, it will never becomg "FarmVille" but it is always interesting to make people interact this way. While I am not an RPG fan, I am however a big fan of action, so it works to please most people.

What can I say?

I am so glad that I was able to undercover how fantastic this game really was! I was not that impressed at first, but then I realized it had everything I could want in a shooting game like it! It is so addictive, especially given how it is hard to get further than two levels. The enemies all had great designs and it was so well done. You really had to show you skill by manuvering against the hundreds of blasts that were against you. This proves the best thing to do is to keep the shooting button always on.

Nice driving game

My biggest complaint was that it was hard to look out for all those obstacles. I was seriously flabbergasted to find out that this giant ball was just hitting me out of nowhere! It was a fairly solid game for 2Play and fairly simple to understand. I even got cocky at first and did not read the directions at first! The graphics are pretty good, and I thought it was a pretty realistic representation of bike riding. I ride my bike every day (although not in the mountains or anything) so I would know about that.

Standard game

As someone who does not have a job, I could actually associate myself with this game. The weakest part is that there is little here that is all that good. Besides that, it is hard to dislike this because there really is nothing particularly bad about it. The graphics are fine enough, and the game is played at a very nice place. I guess, if nothing else, I can realize the work it takes into cooking a pizza, which I actually do every week including tonight! It was funny to watch the little toppings just fly on to the pizza.

Not that boring

It is nice how you put everything in a secret medal to try to make it more, um, interesting. I thought it was pretty cool how I really had to keep up after awhile, but it was really not the most boring game I played. I would have liked it more if there was some music. I can of course not criticize you for a lack of pizazz, as that was the entire point. It was annoying how I was not able to collect coins after awhile. I did not even notice that I had a health bar at first and was wondering why I was not dying immediately.

belugerin responds:

Addicting Response

What a scene!

I am not a big "Metal Slug" fan, but I could still appreciate all of the work put into making all these sprites! It was great to have different scenes and customizable music and everything. The most obvious thing to do is simply show them dying while someone else is firing in their direction. I liked the one where there are those three guys who just look silly. They are also at a good size because they have just the right resolution. This is a must for any Metal Slug or scene creator fan!

Fairly fun

It was not the best of worst game I have played, but it was decent overall. It was a fairly original idea with being able to control clouds and moving everywhere. It was also neat how you told us to ignore all that went on below, as I see some tanks and planes moving around. I guess that as a cloud you have nothing to worry about, except for storm clouds. You do need to put the medal icons on the author comments, though. The music in this was really nice and I guess you were trying to get an angelic tune with the cloud theme.

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