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It works well

The best thing about this is that you once again really tried to keep things simple and did not go for a bunch of flashiness. The worst thing is that it also seems like there is not much added to it. Is it just me or is the ball smaller than the previous game? Anyway, it still works as a good simulation of the classic game of minature golf. I love that stuff so once I actually once went to a Church camp with that as the theme! The music is also fairly good, and it sets the tone for the casual game it should be.

Good for fans

I am not a person who gambles in games or in real life. I would, however, recommend this for anyone who is a big fan of games such as these. I can not find that many flaws, except that it is a bit difficult to get started. The machine looks a lot like a real slot machine and it certainly has a lot of good feature and lots of things going on. It is kind of weird how the entire thing is on a blank background. I know I am really nitpicking there, but it is hard for me to really get into games that are like this.

You have to be diligent!

Wow, this was amazing with how specific you had to be with all of the notes. I was originally thinking this was going to be easy, but it actually required the most impeccable timing. For something that only had one button being pressed, it was very hard. I can understand why people would make fun of this thing as the vuvu sounds so annoying. Everything is just the same note over and over. The funniest part was probably how the training was so simple, yet I had no idea how to do it at first.

Pretty okay

I was initially disappointed with this game because it can not do much with just keys and stuff. It does however, manage to have some pretty good graphics to go with it. I was surprised at how well it kept me on my toes with it changing so often. The music was a bit annoyng, but at least tolerable. The text and images used were fine, and did not seem amateurish at all. I guess you did a fairly fine job for this game, it is just that the premise and basic gameplay could use some more work.

As perplexing as the movie itself

I was thinking this was made in regards to the Nostalgia Critic's review of "The Room" being taken down. All in all, this has got to be the most frustrating game I have ever played. I have been playing it for over 15 minutes and still have yet to win a single medal! I think the main point here is that this game is just as ridiculous as the movie itself. For something so simple, it sure does go on a long time. I could not help but be entertained by Tommy Wiseau's appearance in this, as he looks like Frankenstein's monster.

Great game!

The most annoying thing about this game is that it is also very hard and so difficult to get ahead in it! Still, the graphics are great and all of the enemies are designed wonderfully. I was glad to get upgrades in a game that was shooting, as you usually only get them in things like defense games. You really have to watch out for those fireballs that get thrown at you. Sometimes I have trouble telling if there is a defined number of a enemies or it is simply an infinite engine as there are so many. In case no one knows, you can only use the rocket attack once in a level.

Very enjoyable

The only frustrating thing about this was that it was so darn difficult to get any of these stupid medals! I managed to get gold ten times in a row and still not even a 5 pt medal! Anyway, the graphics are really good the premise is pretty fun. I especially love how these guys just seem to explode whenever they die. It was also a great idea to introduce upgrades which are always helpful in getting the gold. It looks like something that could be made from K'Nex or Legos, some great childhood memories there.

Very impressive

I think that a game would be pretty small if it had a mere eight levels. Of course, they are simply so massive they are like their own worlds in a video game! The hardest part by far was when you have to dodge those ninjas on the ground while getting to the moving platform on top. It is fun to come up with strategy and stuff. The graphics are good, and I especially like the weird use of colors. It is annoying to have to change gravity every time you want to jump, but it does make for a very original game.


Okay, THIS has to have the record for most medals on any Newgrounds game. I was amazed that it was able to keep up for such a long time with all the enemies! I got as far as Level 18, where I swear that black dude can simply not be defeated! While the graphics were not great, it definitley was nice to earn tons of easy medals. You can come up with any combination and just get one of the secret medals. Pretty much all of the weapons you gave me to use were good in their own right.

It really has everything

This game does not have a lot of flashy stuff to it simply because it does not need them. It is great at being a fairly realistic representation of playing minature golf. I think nearly any full golf game would be annoying for me (real or in a game). This game really works in its simplicity as it just captures everything that people in real life love about minature golf. This sort of thing always brings back good childhood memories. I am glad to get a hole in one or even on par as you can really take your time with this.

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