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I wish I had seen it!

When I first heard that guy's name I could have sworn it was "Doug Nelson". This is a great soundboard because it has dozens (if not hundreds) of individual lines. It really captures the essence of what made this guy so popular. While there was not much of a background, you really do not need it for something this well done. There were no real problems in this, so any fan of "The Breakfast Club" should thoroughly enjoy this. His voice sounds assertive but still has a casual ring to it somehow.

RIP Dennis Hopper

It is great to review this seeing as how Dennis Hopper just died this year. I can tell these are all from "Speed" and I am disappointed that I only saw parts of the movie and not the whole thing. This is possibly his most famous and arguably his best role. Everything in this soundboard was presented in a very clear manner and I could not find any sound problems. It is too bad I have yet to hear of anyone using this to make a prank call. I would never do it myself because you can get in trouble with the police that way.

You broke the mold!

This game is really fun to play because it does focus a lot on simplicity. While it may not have been the most influential, it has good enough graphics to really like. It is a pity you guys at XGen are not making more successful submissions to Newgrounds like this. While it may not have much of a background, this game is addictive because it seems to really have no end. Be careful when swooping around to get the smaller fish. I used to have some goldfish but then they all died like the ghost fish in this.

This is MiniClip

It was interesting to hear exactly how MiniClip works as all these submissions could not possibly be made by the same person. One high factor is how well the gameplay, particulary how simple. It is especially fun to see it get harder as it goes on. The best strategy is probably to just hit one part and then keep going to one side down to the last part. I appreciate being able to hold up a thing for awhile if you do not hit anything. The protagonist looks good, even though I am not sure what his design has to do with the game.

Such great graphics

I do not know why this is in the "Puzzles" section because it seems like a more standard game. Then again, I really can not tell what kind of category it should go into. It could really count as an action game because you are actively going around and jumping and stuff. I am so glad you won an award and recieved recognition for this great game. It is so much fun to just take your little guy and travel all around these strange mazes. The aerial view is great and I love how it imitates CGI effects but still does not throw in a bunch of useless flashy stuff.

Nice soundboard

The best thing is about this is that all the sounds are clear and have high quality. Most soundboards only seem to do one movie, and if that is true for this then I know it was "Ghostbusters". It was just funny to hear Bill Murray say the f-word. I like him as an actor although I do wish I had seen some of his better movies like this and "Groundhog Day". It is hard to come up with a single phrase that makes him appear the funniest in this. It was also an odd choice for a purple background, but it worked out fine.

What a Christmasy feeling!

I really like this game because it has all the basic things a minature golf game should have, but adds all the cuteness of Christmas. I think it is not detailed that much, but definitley more so than a standard golf game. It is fun just to hear the nice music everywhere. I like the little white arrow outline that appears when you are about to golf. It is especially funny to see the little Christmas decorations everywhere. While Christmas is a far way off now, you certainly entertained people with this.

Your most popular stuff

The really weird thing about this is that these games have actually had a lot more views than the flashes you are really known for here (your TN series). This game really works because it is just so dang fun. It has really everything that you could want in a Javanoid/Araknoid game. The game itself was known for being simple and creative at the same time, which you guys displayed perfectly. I love the cybernatic sounds the ball makes by just bouncing. It's also cool to have a basketball themed level with infinite balls.

Quite authentic

I never got into bowling in real life, but it is different with a game like this. The graphics in this are really impressive, especially with how the sprites work so well together. I had no idea CarrotClock made this submission, as I thought it was originally Tom Fulp. Anyway, it is not that of a frustrating game. You really have to make sure you really hit the "A" button when it is in the very middle if you want to go right down it. It is such a long runway it is so easy to go to either sides for a gutterball.

I am glad I am not this kid

Seriously, if you have three people in your room you need to hide, you probably deserve to get in trouble. I thought at first it was just a few things for every level, but those were the things that were "added". I have never heard of a bong being referred to as a "hookah" before. At least it was not an actual dead hooker. It was quite fun just to see that little gloved hand appeared to tell you where to put the stuff. This game is fast-paced and also manages to be funny with how ridiculous it is.

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